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Health and Chakras

Health and Chakras, How chakras helps in getting health, how to get-rid off from complicated diseases, how to get power, how to get success , how to get spiritual power.

Chakras are very subtle part of our body which cannot be seen with the naked eyes nor can we feel easily but it is truth that if we active our chakras in body then we will become healthy and wealthy person of the world. 
The great saints have already proved this thought and wrote many epics on these concepts. A famous scientist of Japan Dr. Hiroshi motoyama has invented a device which can record the variations takes place in the body of a yogi i.e. persons who practices yog kriya or meditation. By experimenting with this device it is proved that by activating the 7 chakras in the body one can get Healthy Mind , Body and Peace too. 
The main problem of diseases is not only the body but mind too. There are 72000 veins are present in a body. The problem in any vein causes the unhealthy mind and body. By using Special type of Breathing also known as Pranayam, Meditation also known as Dhyan, yog Nidra, mudra we can control and make these veins healthy.
Among the 72000 veins or Nadis 14 are important and among the 14 nadis only 3 are important. The names of these Nadis are IDA- it is present in the left nose side. Its nature is cool. 2nd is Pingla – It is present in right nose side. This is warm in nature. 3rd is Sushumna It is present in the middle of the nose. 
During meditation if we take our mind to the 7 chakras then they become active and we get the power of these chakras.
Let’s see the power of these 7 Chakras:
Activating the chakras gives many benefits like focusing of mind, peace of mind, power of mind and body etc. The all chakras are present between the base of the spine and the top of the spine.
1) Muladhaar Chakra : 
This Chakra present at the base of spinal cord. This is the home of kundalini shakti i.e. the spiritual power present in the body. This chakra is very important. By activating this chakra we can get a healthy body and also we can awake our kundalini to get spiritual powers.

2) Swadhisthaan Chakra :
This chakra is present just behind our sex organ. This chakra provides power to our sex organs like testis and reproductive systems. It also keeps away our sex organ from diseases. This chakra when activated given many types of internal power.

3) Manipurak Chakra :
This chakra is present just behind the navel. On meditating on this chakra person get rid off from fear,  mental tension, Intestines problems like colitis etc. Digestion power also increases.

4) Anahat Chakra :
This chakra is present just behind the heart. This chakra related with Lungs, Heart and breathing organs. This chakra if healthy keeps our these organs healthy.This Chakra is activated easily with the sound of OM.

5) Vishudh Chakra :
This chakra is present just behind the neck. Thyroid gland is controlled by this chakra. This chakra keeps our eyes, nose, neck, ear, thyroid healthy by transmitting pranurjaa on these organs. Mental diseases are the reason of problem in this chakra.

6) Aagyaa Chakra :
This chakra is present between the eyebrows i.e. the place of head where we put dot just above the nose.  This chakra controls the smells, intelligency, 6th sense, mind and conceit. This chakra is a bridge among physical body, mental body and the spiritual body. Many types of spiritual power can be obtained by activating this chakra.

7) Bindu Visarga or sashradhaar :
This is present on the top of the head and is capable of giving spiritual power and Samadhi. When Kundalini shakti comes to this place person get the samaadhi and become knower of everything. Nothing is concealed from him. He become the seer, He become free from every illusions.
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Spiritual Healer
It is good to start regular practice to activate the chakras within the body to experience the subtle world within. This spiritual practice to activate the chakras will help you to lead a successful life.

Don't For Get To Read About:
Secrets of Breathing
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Kundlini shakti, the spiritual Energy
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Health and Chakras, How chakras helps in getting health, how to getrid off from complicated diseases, how to get power, how to get success , how to get spiritual power.


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