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Gods within the body

Gods within the body, Different parts of body with different gods, Which powers are resides in different parts of body, Miracle within the body.
Gods within the body, Different parts of body with different gods, Which powers are resides in different parts of body, Miracle within the body.
Gods within the body
When supreme power has created this world then that power also entered in every creatures and thus with different gods also entered in the body. That's why it is said that 'yat pinde tat brahmande' means whatever is present in this body the same things are present in the world too. It is also said that this body is a temple so worship this body but we are all engage in worshipping god out side the body. 
The lord brahma also became happy after making the human being because human is the only being which is able to know the supreme power. This is the quality of human being, no other creaturs has this quality. The human life is also known as karma yoni. Because of this very one try to take birth in this earth as a human being because human has the power to get tremendous power with his efforts. It is possible to become god as well as demon as per the work.

Now let's Have a Look On Important Gods Present within the Body:

There are 3.5 crore nerves are present in this body and so as the gods  too. But 14 gods are important among all them which can be felt easily. Here in this article i am going to reveal the gods which are present in this body in different parts.
  1. God Present In Eyes: God sun present in the eyes so he governs the eyes. That's why it is possible to view the world. If someone suffers from eyes problems then it is suggested to do the surya shanti or to do the processs as per the 'chakshushopnishad' or 'suryopnishad'. so by doing the surya aradhna the eyes problems gets minimized. 
  2. God Of Nose: Ashwini kumar is the god of nose. Smell is got by nose. So if any one have good smelling power then he has good blessings of ashwini kumar. By worshipping this power a person is able to get rid of from the nose related problems.
  3. God of Ear: Ear is the medium of hearing words. One is able to understand the words, language becaus of ears. The god which resides or govern the ear is 'Dik'. 
  4. God In Tongue: Varun God governs the tongue present in mouth. It is the medium to experience the juices of different types. If any one is facing problem in tongue then be ready to worship god varun.
  5. God In Skin: It is medium to feel the touch of something or some one. The god which is present in skin is 'Vayu dev'. 
  6. God In Hands: Indra dev is present in hands. It is the medium to perform the day to day activities. Due to god indra a person is able to perform different tasks.
  7. God of Feet: Lord Vishnu is present in the feet. That's why people do the tirth yatra(Visiting spiritual places) to accumulate virtue(punya).
  8. God of Words: This is a little bit confusing that god of words but yes in tounge there are 2 gods one governs the juices and other governs the words. The words are governed by Goddess Saraswati. So if any one wants to active the power of words then it is good to worship goddess saraswati. 
  9. God In The Sex Organs: This is known as 'guptendriya'. The god who governs this area is 'Prajapati'. This organ is responsible to give birth to new human beings.
  10. The God of Guda Place(The place of excretion): This is place is used to excrete the unwanted materials from the body. The god known as 'Mitra' rsides here. The above are the 10 senses which can be felt physically.But th nxt 4 are internal senses which are known as Buddhi, Ahankaar, Man and Chitta.
  11. The God o Buddhi:Brahma is the god of Duddhi. If any one want subtle knowledge or world then subtle buddhi is needed. The pure buddhi is the core key to enter in the spiritual world.
  12. The God of Conceit(Ahankaar):Rudra is the god of conceit because of this conceit person gives importance to his own body. The feeling of 'I' is known as conceit.
  13. The God of Mind(Man):Mind is responsible for the person upliftment and fall. It is said that mind if think positive can make a person king and if it thinks negative then it can make a person beggar. Moon is the god of Mind. Every yoga practice is to control the mind. If a person controls his or her mind then he or she becomes the yogi. Mind can make you a slave and also capable to give the ultimate aim of life salvation. 
  14. The God of Chitta: This chitta is alive. The vibration which we feel in body is due to this chitta. The whole world moves by chitta shakti. The natural power chitshakti itself is the god of this.
Thus we have seen that the supreme power is present in this body with all the gods and is the witness of every work done by the human being. So it is the duty of every
on to worship the body and to give honour to him self or her self. Because the real gods are present in our own body.

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Gods within the body, Different parts of body with different gods, Which powers are resides in different parts of body, Miracle within the body.


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