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Progeny Problems and Solutions Through Astrology and Occult Science

Progeny problem and solutions through astrology and occult science, Reasons of progeny problems or baby problems or kids problems, Solutions of black magic on Womb through tantra, astrology solutions of not having child, What to do to stop miscarriage, Tips to get a healthy and wealthy child, How to protect womb from any black magic, How to protect womb from evil eye effects, Remedies of Sterile, Astrologer for children problems solutions.

Progeny problem is a very big problems with the married couples. There are many cases in which in spite of having good physical power and having all the capabilities couples are not having kids which is necessary to make a complete family.

Because of this many types of feeling arises in mind. Some females also go in depression due to not having kids. Woman is said to be incomplete without having kid. Many types of humiliating words are heard by a woman if not having baby in proper time.

Couples do every possible thing to get a baby. But some times every effort gets failed. They spend even lakhs of funds just to get a good child. In that case many cases has been solved by using the occult science like astrology, vastu, tantra etc.
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Progeny Problems and Solutions Through Astrology

Now the question is that what are the reasons of progeny problem or kids problem:

Here i am clearing all the astrology reasons and other reasons of not having child in proper time. Hope this will clear your doubts and help you a lot to over come from your progeny problems.
  1. If in horoscope the progeny place is affected badly then it is very possible that the couple will face the problems of not having child.
  2. If the child place is affected by malefic planets in both husband and wife horoscope, kundli or birth chart then it is very difficult for the couple to have a kid. 
  3. Some times due to grahan dosha it is also possible that couple faces problem in having good child. 
  4. some times due to the planetary problem handicap child take birth and the parents suffers life long. 
  5. If the progeny place is viewed by malefic planets than also it is possible that the couple face this type of problem. 
  6. Many times due to destructive minded person also it is found that the Womb is tied by using tantra due to which even a healthy female not able to give birth. 
  7. Read about childless problem in astrology
  8. Sometimes due to weak planetary power female is unable to conceive properly. 
  9. Evil eye effects also put impacts in persons life and create problem in having a kid. 
  10. Sometimes it is possible that progeny place is ok. But Due to present planetary movements the progeny place is affected. 
  11. Some times heavy pitra dosha creates obstacles to have a good child. 
  12. Some times special type of kaalsarpa dosha also create impacts in progeny place. 
  13. Negative energies in vastu also create problems in having child. 
So there are many reasons of progeny problems. But the main thing is that which is the main reasons in your life can be said only after proper analysis.

Progeny problem and solutions through astrology and occult science, Reasons of progeny problems or baby problems or kids problems, Solutions of black magic on Womb through tantra, astrology solutions of not having child, What to do to stop miscarriage, Tips to get a healthy and wealthy child, How to protect womb from any black magic, How to protect womb from evil eye effects, Remedies of Sterile.
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Effects on Couples Of Not Having Child In Proper Time:

  • Family members, neighbours and close relatives always ask about the kid to the couples which is some times creates different types of impacts in mind.
  • Some times family members and close relative use humiliating words for the female generally.
  • some times the couple enter in depression due to not having kid in proper time.
  • some times due to mental pressure male or female suffering from diseases.
  • Some times divorce is also seen due to not having child in proper time.
  • Couples may enter in adverse situation due to not having a kid in time.
  • Couple feel awkward  while entering in any social gathering.
So there are many problems faces by the couples by not having child in proper time.
But remember that Nothing is impossible in this world. So don't worry if you are facing problem in having kid, don't worry if you are having miscarriage problem, don't worry if you think that your womb is affected by any type of black magic or evil eye effect. 
There is a solution of every problem in this world. The only thing is that you should consult good astrologer and follow the every instruction given to you.

Remedies of Progeny Problems:

Solutions of progeny problem is possible after proper analysis of horoscope, kundli or birth chart. The solutions depend upon the type of problem detected. Here for knowledge i am providing you some ways through which it is possible to sort out the progeny problems.

Some Precaution To Be Taken By Pregnant Lady To Protect Their Womb From Black Magic:

If any one is facing miscarriage problem then she must take the following precaution in daily life like as-Please don't discuss about your pregnancy every where. 
  • Don't go out side during amavas or no moon day, in death. 
  • Don't cross from any chouraha i.e. the place where the intersection point of 4 cross road. 
  • Always wear a kawach of hanumanji to protect your womb. 
  • Eat healthy, read healthy books.
  • Avoid horror films or serials. 
If you want analysis of your Horoscope for any progeny problems then do contact Astrologer. Get the best analysis of horoscope/birth chart/kundli from Astrologer.

Progeny problem and solutions through astrology and occult science, Reasons of progeny problems or baby problems or kids problems, Solutions of black magic on Womb through tantra, astrology solutions of not having child, What to do to stop miscarriage, Tips to get a healthy and wealthy child, How to protect womb from any black magic, How to protect womb from evil eye effects, Remedies of Sterile, Astrologer for children problems solutions.


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