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Mangalmurty Shree Ganesh

Importance of lord ganesha, Important things about ganesha, Mangalmurty Shree Ganesh, spells or mantra of ganpati, Special day to worship gajanan, How to make modak for Ganesha, Ganesh Astrology, Astrologer for perfect and easy solutions of problems.
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Ganesha Importance

वक्र तुंड महाकाय सूर्य कोटि समप्रभ 
निर्विघ्नं कुरु में देव , सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा ॥ 

Lord Ganesha is very famous all over the world because of the miraculous power of removing the obstacles in any auspicious work. As per Indian epics and astrology Ganesha is worshiped first before starting any auspicious or good work. It is said that his prayer make the way hurdle free.
Ganesha is also called mangal moorthy means who always do good for every one. In India specially in Maharashtra ganesh utsav is also celebrated with joy once in a year.
In Ganpati Atarvashirsh it is said that Ganesha is doer or performer, Ganesha is omnipotent, ganesha is omniscient, gaensha is omnipresent.

Some Important Things To Know About Lord Ganesha:

  1. Ganesha is the master of Intelligence.
  2. He likes Modak very much.
  3. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.
  4. He has the head of Elephant. 
  5. Ganesha rides on Mouse.
  6. Durva grass is specially used in worship of ganesha.
  7. Person who worship lord ganesha with the the ganesh ararvasheersh is able to get any thing in this life.
Worship of ganesha is very important as per Indian culture and generally every hindu never forget to take the blessings of lord ganesha.
There are different types of spells are available to worship lord ganesha like as vedic mantra, tantrik mantra, beej mantra etc. 
As per the knowledge and need person is advised to use the special mantra of ganesha. 

Simple Ganesha Spell:

Shree Ganeshay Namah (श्री गणेशाय नमः)

Om gam ganpataye namah (ॐ गं गणपतये नमः )

Special Day For Ganesha Worship:

Ganesh chaturthi is the special day on which if a person keep fast and perform ganesh pooja or ganesh aradhna then many hurdles are go away from persons life. 
Chaturthi comes twice a month and it is good to perform panchopchar pooja and of lord ganesha and offer modak on this auspicious day and then recite ganesh atarvasheersh or 108 names of lord ganesha to get health, wealth and prosperity.

Simple Way To Make MODAK for Ganpatiji:

Ingredients- 3 cup of maida, 3 cup of rawa, sugar syrup 7 to 8 spoon, coconut powder 1 cup, 1 spoon cardamom powder, 1 spoon ghee, oil to fry, 5 gram Saffron. 

Method To Make Modak for Ganesha-

Take a spoon milk in a bowl and put saffron on it and keep it for 15 minute atleast. Now mix the rawa and maida and use water with the milk having saffron to make the paste.
Now take frying pan and grease it with ghee and then put it on gas, now put sugar syrup and coconut powder, cardamom powder and then mix it for about 5 minute and then put a spoon ghee and then put off the pan from gas and let it cool.
Now take the plaid i.e. loi of paste already made and then make a ball after filling the mixture of coconut powder and syrup. 
Now fry this ball in frying pan untill it become golden brown.
And Modak is ready to offer to ganesha.
So here i have tried to clear some important aspects related to lord ganesha. Hope my readers will get benefit from this article. 

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Read More On:
Importance of lord ganesha, Important things about ganesha, Mangalmurty Shree Ganesh, spells or mantra of ganpati, Special day to worship gajanan, How to make modak for Ganesha, Ganesh Astrology, Astrologer for perfect and easy solutions of problems.


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