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Kamdev Saadhna For Success In Life

Kamdev Saadhna For Success In Life, Who is kamdeva, Love Relationship, healthy relationship, Practices to increase intimate power through mantra saadhna, sadhna to increase hypnotic power for success.

Many times questions asked related to how to attract love in life, how to increase physical and internal power to enjoy the love life, married life or very personal life. So in this case Kamdev saadhna is very beneficial. In our scriptures matters are available related to perform kamdev sadhna to make life loveful.

God Kamdeva is the god who is responsible for the feelings related to love, attraction, lust in mind and heart. "Rati" is the wife of Kamdeva. As per mythology when any person do tapasya then kamdeva and rati take examination by increasing the lust in his or her mind and if anyone controls it then achieve the culmination of saadhna or spiritual practices.

This is the basic wish in every mind to become beautiful, smart, attractive so as people give attention. Beauty is the core basis of attraction. And here "kamdev rati saadhna" is useful. Miraculous results are seen of this saadhna.

Life without love is impossible and to enjoy healthy love life, married it is necessary to have good energy in mind and body otherwise it is not possible to enjoy the fruits of love life or married life.
In the above regard Kamdeva mantra is very useful, It is a fact that continuous recitation of this mantra generate a magnetic aura around the person which is able to attract the surroundings. By the use of spells it is possible to activate the subtle energies within the body which helps to attain pure mind, powerful mind and body, attractive personality.

Amazing experiences felt by the practitioners of kamdeva mantra. If you are ignored by society, if you have fear of people due to your personality, if you have shy of every one, if you want to attract partner in a positive way then 'kamdeva saadhna' is very good for you.

Read about Kamdev gayatri mantra benefits

Because of this Kamdev Rati Sadhna person feel the following positive changes in life:

  1. Person comes out of unwanted worries and mind become free.
  2. Happiness start entering in life and person also feel the happiness within.
  3. Confidence arises which makes the life wonderful.
  4. Positive aura helps to attract persons in life due to which social relations becomes good.
  5. A person is able to find true love in life.
  6. Mating power also increases by doing this kam dev rati saadhna for long time.

Some Other Benefits Also Experienced By Doing This sadhna like as -

  • Person is able to marry with the person who he or she like. 
  • Person is able to make special place in group, society.
  • You can also able to increase your vigour(strength, power).

There Are Many Types of mantra Of Kam dev and Rati which are used to fulfill different types of wishes like as -

"Om Namo Bhagwate kaamdevaay,
yashya yashya Drushyo Bhavaami |
yasch yasch mum sukham pashyati 
tam tam mohyatu swaha ||"

2) "Om Kam devaay namah"

3) "Om Kam Ratye Namah"

Before using any mantra or tantra it is good to take proper consultation from astrologer or any scholar for best results. There are yantra, amulet which is also used in this saadhna.

Points To Remember While Doing Kaamdev and Rati Saadhna:

  1. Do start this sadhna in auspicious day and time as per your horoscope.
  2. Do keep the place of practice clean and pure.
  3. Do the panchopchar puja and offer pure itar and flowers.
  4. Make the environment decent to welcome the Kamdev and Rati.
  5. Keep your mind and heart open to feel the presence of god and goddes.
  6. Keep Brahmcharya during the sadhna period i.e. don't make physical relation within the saadhna period.
  7. Don't fight and jealous with anyone during the practice period.
  8. Be happy and think positive about your success.
  9. Give respect to every one and talk sweetly.
By doing this kamdev rati sadhna person(male or female) is able to get good partner in life. Husband or wife is able to reform the relationships, Weak person is able to increase power in mind and body.

So make your life better through the blessings of kaam deva and rati. Make your love life better, make your married life better, make your very personal life hurdle free.

For any type of astrology services to make your love life better, to solve any family problems, to solve any married life problems do consult Astrologer and get Easy solutions.

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Kamdev Saadhna For Success In Life, Who is kamdeva, Love Relationship, healthy relationship, Practices to increase physical power through mantra saadhna, sadhna to increase hypnotic power for success.


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