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Weight Loss By Acupressure

Weight loss by acupressure, Easy method for weight loss, Acupressure points to control Obesity, Reduce and control Fat.

Over weight is the cause of many problems in life, due to over weight person is unable to work and enjoy freely. So it is very necessary to control obesity. Now a days there are many programs started by dietitians, slimming centres, doctors, naturopathiest and people are taking benefit of them.

But here in this article I am going to reveal a very simple technique of acupressure which will help the over weight people to control there obesity and every one can do this practice by himself or herself easily.
acupressure  for weight loss
Weight Loss By Acupressure

Before moving further let's understand some particular terms which will help you to act better. Read about these points to know the root cause of living healthy.

What is Spleen?

Spleen is a very important organ which is present just above the stomach under ribs on left side and between the liver and kidney. It is a part of lymphatic system which fights with germs to keep us healthy. Spleen keeps the circulatory system fit  and thus help in digestion too, also filter the blood and thus is very important for immune system.

Acupressure works on Meridian system means there are meridians in our body in which there are pressure points which when pressed in a specific way then chemical reactions takes place which help to control many problems in body. Spleen meridian starts from the toe and move towards heart.

Now Let's Know some Important Reasons of Obesity:

  1. Over eating due to not control on taste and hunger.
  2. Not proper working of digestive system i.e weak digestive system.
  3. Use of fast food due to which organs become weak.
  4. Not doing proper physical work or exercise due to which fat starts accumulating in body.

Easy Fat Loss Techniques:

Now if we know about the reasons of obesity then definitely we will be able to over come from this problem easily. So here are some easy tips to loose weight or to control weight.
  • First of all make your will power strong to definitely do the things to loose weight.
  • Avoid the unhealthy foods like fast foods, soda drinks which affects our internal organs.
  • Try to do physical work as much as possible.
  • Do exercises properly or yoga to burn fat.
  • Also don't eat after sun set.
  • Also make a habit to walk for sometime before sleeping and after getting up.
  • There are many weight loss rings available in market but Ring of Ranga has shown very good results in maintaining the weight and as per experience, One can also use this Ranga ring to control weight.
  • Also it is used in ring finger middle finger and specially in right toe where it helps to make the nerves stronger.
  • Use Acupressure techniques which I am giving below -
Actually there are too many points available in our body which help in losing weight but here I am going to clear only few which any one can easily use. It is very necessary to make every organs strong and so it is better to press the points in hand and feet to make the heart, lungs, kidney and intestines strong.
  1. First of all start by pressing hunger controlling point which is present just nearby ear where the lobes meet each other or we can say that it is the area just in front of ear canal. check out the Image attach with this article to know. about this. Press this point for about 3 minute.
  2. Use magic massager to press both palm by which we will be able to stimulate the heart, kidney, lungs point.
  3. Now press the spleen meridian points which starts from the toe below nail and from outer corner.
  4. Just below the toe in the feet there is a area which control tonsil, fat and hormones so it is also good to press this point for about three minutes also time to time.
  5. Know it is also good to press the spleen points from 1 to 6 for 3 minutes at-least each.
  6. Also use the roller massager below feet to massage the whole feet and also use it in both palm.
Remember fast is not the solution of obesity or fat loss but to adopt a balance and healthy routine life is the root cause of living a healthy and successful life. Hope this article will definitely help my blog readers to have a healthy life through acupressure and simple natural ways.

Know the stars responsible for your weight and solutions from astrologer>>

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Weight loss by acupressure, Easy method for weight loss, Acupressure points to control Obesity, Reduce and control Fat.


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