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Steps To Wear Gems Stones

Steps to wear gems stones, how to wear gems stones for best results, procedure to wear gems stones for good results. 

We have read many things about gems stones in previous articles like how they works, importance of certified gems, quality gems stones etc. Now a very important topic and that is how to wear any gems stones for best results. There are many ways available in our scriptures to wear gems stones, some are complicated, some required the guidance of expert and some ways are easy which can be adopted by any one who don't want to take assistance from any astrologer or scholar.
how to wear gems stone as per astrology
Steps To Wear Gems Stones
Every gems stone is related with a specific planet and there is a specific day for every planet, so before proceeding it is necessary to know about the days associated with planets and gems stones.
  • Sunday is related with Sun and the related gem is Ruby.
  • Monday is associated with Moon and the related gem is Pearl.
  • Tuesday is associated with Mars and the related gem is Coral.
  • Wednesday is associated with Mercury and Emerald is the gem of this planet.
  • Thursday is related with Jupiter and Yellow sapphire is the gem of this planet.
  • Friday is related with Venus and related gem is Diamond.
  • Saturday is associated with Saturn and related gem is Blue Sapphire.
  • For gem stones Hessonite and cat's eye, Saturday is used. 

Which Finger Is Used For Which Gems Stone?

Now a very important question is which is the best finger for gems stones. So here I want to clear that it is not good to wear gems stones in any fingers, there are specific finger associated with planets too. here are details of fingers and related planets.
  • Index finger is associated with Jupiter so it is good to wear the gems stone of Jupiter i.e. yellow sapphire in this finger.
  • Middle finger is the finger of planet Saturn so it is good to wear blue sapphire gem in this finger. 
  • Ring finger is related with planet Sun so it is good to wear Ruby in this finger.
  • Little finger is associated with planet Mercury and so it is good to wear Emerald in this finger. 
  • Thumb is associated with planet Venus and so it is good to wear diamond in this finger. 
  • For coral, ring finger is suitable.
  • For Hessonite and cat's eye, middle finger is good. 

Some Tips To Keep In Mind While Wearing Gems Stones:

Steps to wear gems stones, how to wear gems stones for best results, procedure to wear gems stones for good results.
  1. Always take care while making ring, the gems stone must touch the skin.
  2. Purify the gems stones ring before wearing, by this it will get-rid of negativity.
  3. It is also good to energize it with related Spells for good results.
  4. If one is capable then it is good to consult astrologer or scholar who know the process to energize gems stones.
  5. Always wear gems stones ring in Auspicious time i.e. in good mahurat.
  6. Also keep the related day in mind to wear gems stone ring, for example ruby should be wear on Sunday, Pearl should be wear on Monday, Coral on Tuesday, Emerald should be wear on Wednesday, Yellow sapphire on thursday,
  7. Diamond on Friday, Blue sapphire on Saturday and so on.
  8. If after wearing any unwanted things happen then it is good to consult astrologer.
So use gems stone in a good way for best results. Live a healthy life, live a prosperous life, live a successful life. 
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process to wear gems stones, how to wear gems stones for best results, procedure to wear gems stones for good results. 


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