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Navratri ! Importance and Special Prayog

Importance of Navratris, Astrology significance of 9 days of goddess, types of practices for Siddhi are done in Navratris.

Navratri - The days to worship goddess of power, Navratri Nights - the nights to get power, the day to do saadhna to get success in our physical and spiritual life, Very powerful days for the spiritual practitioners, Tantriks etc. As per the Indian astrology if some one do saadhna on the navratri then he or she will definitely get success. So every Devotee wait for these 9 days. 
tantra prayog for navratris in navratris
Navratri ! Importance and Special Prayog

Do You Know?

  1. Without power we are nothing.
  2. Sufferings like poverty, starvation, Disputes in family, office etc exists only when there is very weak positive powers, in other word we can say that when any family not get the grace of kul devi i.e. goddess shakti then problems start there.

Importance of Navratri:

Did you ever notice that-There are many persons around you who do follow hard discipline in navratris and do saadhna of Navdurga powers and enjoy the rest of the year freely. It shows that these 9 nights are divine and fulfill wishes of person. Any one can enjoy the whole life by doing the right practice on these days. 

Power Points Related with Navratri:

  1. These 9 nights are the greatest gift of creator to human life. 
  2. On these 9 nights any one can make connection with the Goddess of power.
  3. Navratri comes 4 times in a year. We enjoy the 2 but 2 are known as gupt navratris. 
  4. It is easy to active the Yantra , mantra, tantra and totkays on these 9 days of Navratri. 
  5. You can get 'Physical Power, Monetary Power and Knowledge Power' on navratri easily. 
  6. It is easy to get rid off from the hurdles of life in Navratri.

Some Important Problems of Life:

Life is full of sufferings and not a single person is deprived of problems. 
  1. Some are facing upliftment problems in life in job, personal life, social life etc. 
  2. Some are facing black magic problems in life.
  3. Some are facing evils problems in life.
  4. Some are facing respect problems in life. 
  5. Some are facing prosperity problems.
  6. Some are suffering from chronic diseases.

Some astrology problems in life:

  • Kaalsarp dosha in horoscope or kundli.
  • Pitra dosha in horoscope or kundli.
  • Pret Dosha horoscope or kundli.
  • Vastu Dosha in premises.
  • Mangal Dosha in horoscope or kundli etc.

Astrology importance of Navratri:

As we know that we are suffering from many types of problems in life and we wonder here and there in search of remedies. But in navratris if you do saadhna in proper guidance i must say that you can easily get rid off from many personal, official and social problems.

Navratris are the best days in which any one can easily do saadhna for success in phycial and spiritual life.

Many types of practices for Siddhi are done in Navratris:

  1. Yantra Siddhi like Makhakali yantra, durga yantra, Business success yantra, debt free yantra etc are easily prepared in the navratris. 
  2. Many types of utara are also easily done successfully in navratris.
  3. Many types of anusthaan are possible only in navratri.
  4. Vastu dosha nivaran yantra can also be easily prepared and install in navratri successfully. 
  5. If any one is suffering from chronic diseases then also many types of prayog or process are done in navratri which helps to get rid off from chronic diseases.
  6. Some also practice vashikaran Practices on these 9 days.
So If you are suffering from any problem, If you want to do spiritual practice, if you want to do result oriented saadhna then do consult your consultant and get the way of success Now.
Human Life is very precious and it is our duty and it is our right too to live a successful life with dharm, arth, kama and moksha.

Note: It is good to enter in any remedy after consulting an experienced astrologer.

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Importance of Navratris, Astrology significance of 9 days of goddess, types of practices for Siddhi are done in Navratris.


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