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Symptoms Of Depression

Symptoms of depression, Reasons of decay, Why faintness without any reason?, Bipolar disorder,  How to over come from depression, astrology tips.

As per survey it is found that 36% people In India falls in life due to great depression. It is also found that emotional people easily gets in depression. Expectations in life also creates depression.

Depression is a very dangerous type of disease which generally put impacts in every part of body. Due to this person(male, female, child) enter in negative thinking zone. It also causes many different types of other diseases and problems in life.

Symptoms Of Depression and solutions in astrology by astrologer
Symptoms Of Depression

Let's see some important symptoms of DEPRESSION:

  1. If a person is living in sad environment then it may be due to depression.
  2. Detachment from the daily routine life and daily normal activities.
  3. Irritability in nature, short tempered also happen in depression.
  4. Feeling of guilt reside in mind during depression.
  5. Disappointment also harass a person.
  6. Either the person sleep too much or don't sleep for long time.
  7. Some person eats too much and some not during depression.
  8. Thinking of death.
  9. Problem in focusing the mind also seen during depression.
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Some reasons of Depression In Females:

  • During menstruation periods female sometimes enter in depression due to some changes in body. 
  • During delivery time also some females affected by negative thinking.
  • Due to the feeling of insecurity depression arises.
  • Due to not getting support from partner or family members also female enter in depression.
  • Due to some very personal problems also some females enter in negative zone. 
During the depression time person enters in a very different world created by him self or her self and because of this person is not able to take part in any type of personal and official work fully. So every where lack of concentration is seen, imperfection is seen, problems in relations seen.

Astrology Reasons Responsible For Depression:

  1. It is found that person enter in depression during the antardasha or mahadasha of any malefic planet. 
  2. Some times due to grahan yoga also this state of mind forms. 
  3. During shani sadesati period generally person gets frustrated and enter in depression. 
So whenever negative thinking starts just consult an experienced astrologer to know the exact reasons of that and do follow the tips to not make the problem serious.

You can consult to over come from depression problem, you can take advice to over come from negative thinking, you can consult to make your life powerful, smooth and successful. 

Do You Know What is Bipolar Disorder?

bipolar disorder and astrology solution in medical astrology
what is bipolar disorder 
Bipolar disorder is a unique form of depression in which patient feel the state of excitement and depression both. Due to this sometimes mind become disturb too much and patient become harmful for himself or herself.

This type of persons suffers from mania due to facing both type of mental state and thus it is also called manic disorder.

This type of state remains sometimes for week, month or for some days. Some persons feels this type of positions in very short period of time i.e. in an hours also.

Unfortunately many are suffering from this bipolar disorder but they are unknown of this. Due to over expectation, over pressure in this competitive age this disorder is becoming a common. So we must careful about this.
Let's see some symptoms of bipolar disorder:
As it is very relative to depression so it's symptoms are also very related to depression symptoms such as -
  • In case of EXCITEMENT- Person shows energetic performance in working, taking, confidence etc. Person also spend too much in entertainment also.
  • In case of DEPRESSION- Person shows aggressiveness, detachment from friends, family, colleagues, work, cry in trifles etc.
This type of mental state reached when malefic planets or debilitated planets start affecting the life so it is very necessary to take both type of treatment i.e. medical treatment and astrology treatment from an experienced astrologer.

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