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Remedies And Solutions Of Kalsarp Yoga

Remedies of kalsarp yoga

, kalsarp dosh nivaran remedies, how to over come from kaal sarp yoga in horoscope?.
Remedies of kalsarp yoga, kalsarp dosh nivaran remedies, how to over come from kaal sarp yoga in horoscope?.
Remedies of kalsarp yoga
Kalsarp yoga is also a very important yoga found in horoscope and there are many different views of astrologers in this subject. Kalsarp is also known as naga dosha, sarp dosha.

If there is kalsarp yoga in kundli then it is necessary to adopt some steps to minimise the impacts of kalsarp dosha otherwise many problems arises in life.

Kalsarp yoga form when all planets comes in between Rahu and Ketu. It is a belief tha if this arrangement form then person faces struggle to get success in life. Person don't get the results as per the hard work.

But it is a wrong thinking that kalsarp yoga is harmful always. Some people are very successful in spite of having kalsarp in horoscope. As per the arrangements of planets kalsarp is of different types like as anant kalsarp yoga, kulik kalsarp yoga, vasuki kalsarp yoga, shankhpaal kaalsarp yoga, padam kalsarp yoga, takshak kaalsarp yoga, karkotak kaalsarp yoga, shankhchud kaalsarp yoga, ghaatak kalsarp yoga, vishdhar kaalsarp yoga, sheshnaag kalsarp yoga, mahapadam kaalsarp yoga.

Importance Of Remedies Of Kalsarp Yoga:
It is seen that due to the impact of kalsarp yoga person faces struggle, delay in getting results, delay in getting name, fame in society, etc. So it is very important to know the reasons of failure in life and if there is kalsarp yoga then to adopt right remedy to make life successful.
First of all consult astrologer to know about that if there is kaalsarp yoga or not in horoscope and then follow remedies.
  • If you are facing status problem in society due to kalsarp yoga then remedies are necessary.
  • If you are facing marital problem due to kaalsarp yoga then it is necessary to take solution as soon as possible.
  • If you are facing health problem due to kaalsarp yoga in horoscope then it is necessary to adopt remedies of it.
  • If you are facing mental problems like stress, tension, instable mind due to this yog then adopt remedies of kalsarp yoga.
  • If you are having confidence problem due to kalsarp yoga then do use the free tips to minimize impacts of kalsarp yoga.
  • If business is not giving the right return due to kalsarp yoga then do perform the totkay or poojas related to miminize the ill effects.
  • If love life is not successful due to this yoga then do take guidance from astrologer and follow the remedies.

Free Remedies Of Kaalsarp Yoga:

  1. The panchmi tithi is important for the people who are suffering in life due to kalsarp yoga. So try to perform poojas after consulting ASTROLOGER on panchmi tithi to minimize the impacts of kaalsarp yoga.
  2. After reading horoscope combination of Gomed and Lahsuniya is suggested to wear in middle finger to overcome from ill effects of kaalsarp yoga.
  3. Reciting sarp sukta daily is also very helpful. 
  4. Reciting the 108 names of sarp daily is also helpful to minimize impacts of kalsarp yoga. 
  5. To install CHARGED KALSARP NIVARAN YANTRA and daily pray in front of yantra is very helpful to make every day successful. 
  6. Kalsarp shanti pooja is also beneficial which is done on special mahurat like on shiv ratri, amavasya, panchmi tithi etc. 
  7. Regular shiv pooja is also very helpful. 
  8. To recite the lessons of bhagwad geeta daily is also a good way. 
  9. To donate a pair of Nag and nagin of silver after worshipping in any shiv temple is also a good way to minimize impacts of kaalsarp yoga.
  10. Not using any drugs is also very good.
  11. Keep your house, shop, office clean and regularly give dhoop of gugal to maintain positive energy to minimize the impacts of kal sarp yoga.
  12. On panchmi tithi do worship in any snake temple and offer a coconut there , distribute the prasad of coconut on panchmi tithi. 
To know about the Kalsarp Yoga in horoscope do consult ASTROLOGER here.
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Remedies of kalsarp yoga, kalsarp dosh nivaran remedies, how to over come from kaal sarp yoga in horoscope?.


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