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When will sun transit in Libra sign Tula sankranti

When is Tula sanktranti in 2024, when will the sun enter Libra, what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs, what happens on tula sankranti, Is the Sun weak in Libra?, How long will sun stay in in the libra zodiac?. Sun transit in libra october 2024:  Sun changes the zodiac every month, whose effect is visible on the country and the world, as well as there are big changes in the lives of 12 zodiac signs. The planet Sun represents leadership ability, father, authority, travel, name, fame etc. In 2024, at around 7:27 AM on October 17, the Sun will move out of Virgo and transit into Libra, where Mercury is already present, due to which Budhaditya Yoga will be formed. We have to keep in mind that the Sun is debilitated in Libra. But it is not that only its harmful effects will be seen, some will benefit and the struggle will increase in the life of some. The entry of Sun into Libra is called Tula Sankranti. When will sun transit in Libra sign Tula sankranti हिन्दीमे पढ़िए  सूर्य तुला राश
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Bhagwadgeeta chapter 13 verses with meaning

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