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Sharad Poornima- What To Do ? | Importance

When is Sharad Poornima in 2024, What To Do to attract success in life?, Some facts related to Shard Poornima and importance, Whom To Worship as per Astrology. Sharad purnima 2024:  The most powerful full moon night of the year is sharad purnima and it is believed that if anyone is facing financial problem and health issues then it is good to worship in the night of sharad poornima. This night is also related with blessings of goddess mahalaxmi.  As per vedic astrology, if moon is powerful in birth chart then person live a prosperous life on the other hand debilitated or weak moon leads to dissatisfied life and weak mind power. So moon is very powerful from the point of view of vedic astrology.  In 2024, Sharad Purnima will be on the night of the 16th. The Purnima Tithi will begin at around 8:43 pm on the 16th and end at around 4:57 pm on the 17th of October. As per the Hindu calender there are 12 full moon days i.e. poornima in 12 month. Among them the SHARAD POORNIMA is the
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October Full Moon Influence On 12 Zodiacs

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Bhagwadgeeta chapter 12 verses with meaning

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Venus Transit in Scorpio date time predictions

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