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What is Kemdrum Yoga In Indian Astrology ? Effects And Remedies

What is Kemdrum Yoga?, How It Is Form In Horoscope or Kundli, Effect of This yoga, Remedies of kemdrum yoga, Perfect solution of kemdrum yoga for smooth life.

In Indian astrology yogas are very important as it affects the whole life of a person.Astrology horoscope reveals the whole life of a person. In this article we will find what is kemdrum yoga in indian astrology horoscope or kundli, what are it's effect and remedies of this yoga.
kemdrum yoga formation and solution by astrologer
Kemdrum Yoga

What is Kemdrum yoga ?

Kemdrum yoga is very important in indian astrology horoscope or kundli. So knowledge of this yoga will reveal many aspects of life. When there is no Planet in 2nd and 12th place from moon in indian astrology horoscope or kundli then Kemdrum yoga form , This is the general definition of kemdrum yoga. But there are many other conditions when this yoga forms let's study it point by point :

Kemdrum Yoga In Indian Astrology | Effects | Remedies
  1. When moon is placed in lagna or Ist place or 7th place and is not viewd by Jupiter and all the positive planets are weak then kemdrum yoga becomes strong in that horoscope or Kundli.
  2. When chandra sits with sun and and is viewed by the planet of neech then kemdrum yoga forms.
  3. When a person born in the night and has weak moon in the 8th place of horoscope or Kundli and is viewed by Negative planets then kemdrum yoga form.
  4. When chandra is viewed by the planet which are negative in horoscope or Kundli or sits with the negative planets in the horoscope then this yoga forms.
  5. If Malefic planets are present in the 4th, 7th, 10th place from the moon or all the center places are affected by the negative planets in the horoscope or Kundli then kemdrum yoga forms.
  6. When Rahu or dragon's head is present in Lagna or Ist place of horoscope or Kundli and the moon is viewed by the weak positive planets then this yoga forms.
  7. If chandra of neech is placed in any centre place of horoscope or Kundli and the Jupiter sits in any trik place i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th place then this yoga forms.
  8. If birth takes place in the night and moon is of neech in the horoscope or Kundli then this yoga forms.

What is Kemdrum Yoga?, How It Is Form In Horoscope or Kundli, Effect of This yoga, Remedies of kemdrum yoga, Perfect solution of kemdrum yoga for smooth life.

Result or Effect of kemdrum Yoga ?

if Kemdrum yoga is strong in the horoscope or Kundli then person become struggler and poor, even after doing lots of work he or she don't get success in life.
In Indian astrology Moon keeps the same importance as the lagna in horoscope or Kundli. Moon represent the happiness, prosperity and hence if moon is affected badly in the horoscope or Kundli then person become unfortunate, Prosperity goes from his or her life and life become full of struggle.
Now I am giving you the following conditions in which Kemdrum yoga breakdown and thus person become safe from the malefic effect of this yoga :
  • When Moon or Venus sits in any center place and is views by jupiter then kemdrum yoga breaks down or become weak.
  • If full chandrama or positive moon placed in the horoscope or Kundli with it's own zodiac sign or is of Uchh.
  • If Moon is surrounded by Positive Planets.
  • If chandra is of positive planets sits with Virgo (kanyaa raashi) and is viewed by jupiter then also kemdrum yoga breaks down.
These are some of the conditions when kemdrum yoga becomes weak and person becomes safe from the malefic effects of Moon in the horoscope or Kundli. Read about Important Yogas of Moon In Horoscope.

How To Overcome from the malefic effect of Kemdrum Yoga ? or Remedies of Kemdrum Yoga :

If Kemdrum yoga is present in any horoscope or Kundli then it's remedies are very important but before going for any anusthaan or ritual it is good to consult a good consultant for the better result. Because it is not always happens that only one yoga is responsible for any problem many other problems may also present in the horoscope due to which person face problems in life. Read about one of the best pooja to remove doshas of kundli here.

What is Kemdrum Yoga?, How It Is Form In Horoscope or Kundli, Effect of This yoga, Remedies of kemdrum yoga, Perfect solution of kemdrum yoga for smooth life.


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