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What is Vastu?

What is Vastu?, Direction and their lord, Importance of Vastu Science

Sthapatya veda is the source of Vastu Shashtra and Sthatya veda is a brancha of Atharva veda. Vastu shashtra is a science of place where a person live, work, play etc. Every place is surrounded with 5 important elements i.e. air, water, sky, Fire and Earth. These 5 elements has a tremendous effect on every thing in this universe. Without these 5 elements we can't imagine a single thing in this universe. The principles given in the vastushastra reveals the mystery to make harmony among these 5 elements in any vastu or place so that to live a successful life. 
what is vastu by astrologer
What is Vastu?

If your office, home, factory playground etc is made as per the rules of vastu then it will definitely open prospects for the bright future. But if the vastu is not as per the rules then it will generate negative energy and make the life hell.

There in many places you have found that member of family are frequently falling ill, in some factory labor stability is not as per the need, in some industries production is not as per the capacity, in some family you may see that children are not growing well, marriage is not going on time, strife in family. This may be due to the vastu energy imbalance.

Vastu science creates balance environment in your home, office, factory etc. Vastu science harmonize the 5 elements in your home, office, factory etc. Vastu principles makes it possible for you to live a successful life. Vastu science makes your personal life successful, vastu science makes your professional life successful, Rules of vastu makes your social life powerful, it makes your business life successful. So this is not a dream many are using the vastu to live healthy and wealthy life then why not we.

Vastu Shastra reveal a truth that in every direction there is a divine energy and we call them diety of that direction. For the knowledge I am giving here the list-
  1. North- East Direction: Lord Shiva
  2. East Direction: Sun or Aditya
  3. South-East Direction:Agni(Lord of Fire)
  4. South Direction:Yam(Lord of Death)
  5. South-West Direction :Pitr, Nairatya(Lord of Ancestors)
  6. West Direction :Varun(Lord of Water)
  7. North-West:Vayu(Lord of Wind)
  8. North:Kuber(Lord of Wealth)
  9. Center:Brahma(The creator of universe)


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