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Special Poojas For Success

Special Poojas For Success and astrology guidance to make life better.

Vedic astrology science is the only science which not only give the way to know the problems of life but also shows the remedies to get rid off from the malefic effects of different things. In horoscope there are many types of problems presents and due to that a person suffers whole the life until a good person tells him or her about the problems and remedies.

So here i am going to tell you about very important different types of pooja which will help you to find the right way to move for your success.

best poojas for success in life
Special Poojas For Success

Astroshree is the trusted place and serving around the world for the years. Our mission is not to earn and earn from the spiritual science but to keep them alive so that people may take the benefits from this science for their upliftment. 
Here i am providing the different types of poojas and their importance. It is not necessary that every one needs to go for every poojas but the main thing is that only and experienced consultant can tell you about the right pooja for you to get success in life. 

Here in this article we will learn about the following Shanti:

Nakshatra Shanti Pooja:

A very important pooja which is some times becomes very necessary for the person who is passing from difficult situations of life and for the betterment it is good to perform this pooja every year.  

Some important things to know about Nakshatra Shanti Pooja:

  • It is done every year on the birth Nakshatra to make the whole year bright for the person. 
  • This is done for the longevity, Good Health, to minimize the navagrah malefic effects. 
  • There are 27 nakshatra are present and every person takes birth in particular nakshatra. 
  • At time of birth Moon is present in a particular Nakshatra and that is called the Birth Nakshatra of a person. 
  • Janm Nakshatra has impact on our appearance, nature, attitude, future.
  • There are specific mantra for specific nakshatra. 

List of 27 Nakshatras with their related Rashi:

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Aries or Mesh
Related Nakshatra- Ashwini, Bharani, Kritika

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Taurus or Vrishabh
Related Nakshatra- Kritika, rohini, Mrigsira

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Gemini or Mithun
Related Nakshatra- Mrigsira, Ardra, Punarvasu

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Cancer or karka
Related Nakshatra- Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Leo or Singh
Related Nakshatra- Megha, Purva phalguni, Uttara phalguni

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Virgo or kanya
Related Nakshatra- Ittara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Libra or Tula
Related Nakshatra- Chitra, Swati, Vishakha

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Scorpio or vrischika
Related Nakshatra- Vishakha, anuradha, Jyeshta

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Saggittarius or Dhanu
Related Nakshatra- Mool, Poorvashada, Uttarashada

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Capricorn or Makar
Related Nakshatra- Uttarashada, Shravan, Dhanishta

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Aquarius or Kumbh
Related Nakshatra- Dhanishta, Shatbhisha, Poorvabhadrapad

Zodiac Sign/ Rashi- Pisces or Meen
Related Nakshatra- Poorvabhadrapad, uttarabhadrapad and Revati

Astroshree(Om Prakash Bhatnagar) is with you for your every problem. You can contact for this Nakshatra shanti online. You need to send the Name, Gotra, Father's and Mother's name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth, The latest Photograph and complete address.

We maintain the confidentiality of every pooja and do it on the auspicious time honestly for the good result.

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Best Poojas For Success
Don't Forget Read on -
Nakshatra Shanti Pooja
Mangal Dosha Impact and Remedies
Mool Shanti Pooja
Shani Sade Sati Shanti Pooja
Chandal Yog shanti Pooja
Grahan Dosha Shanit Pooja
What is Panchopchara Puja?

Special Poojas For Success, Nakshatra Shanti Pooja, 27 Nakshatra list,  How Nakshatra puts impacts in our life, What to do to get success in life, Some important things to know about Nakshatra Shanti Pooja, One of the best astrologer for Problem solutions Online


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