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Acne And Mouth Problems Reasons And Remedies

Acne And Teeth Problems Reasons And Remedies through Astrology, Solutions of Blood disorders through astrology, Mouth Problems-Gums and Teeth problems Reasons and Remedies, Disease and astrology, Accident and Sprain, Astrologer for Reasons and Remedies of chronic diseases.
Acne And Teeth Problems Reasons And Remedies through Astrology, Solutions of Blood disorders through astrology, Mouth Problems-Gums and Teeth problems Reasons and Remedies, Disease and astrology, Accident and Sprain, Astrologer for Reasons and Remedies of chronic diseases.
Acne And Mouth Problems Reasons And Remedies

Acne problems and Remedies:

This acne problems or pimples problems generally happens in youth time. At this time vast chemical changes takes place in body due to which acne and pimples takes place. The substance known as sebum which come out from white gland is the main cause of this disease. Due to over substance the face become more greasy and thus dust, soil and other pollutant gets stick with the grease and cause acne, pimples etc.

Astrology Reasons of Acne or pimples:

The persons with zodiac sign Aries and Scorpio are mainly affected by acne or pimples. If affected Venus and ketu enters in Aries, Libra and Capricorn then also this type of problems arises.

  1. Some times silver ring is good to minimize the effects of pimples and acne.
  2. other gems stones and rituals are also used but only after proper analysis of birth chart or kundli or horoscope we can decide what to do best for this.
  3. It is better to not eat oily food, fast food.
  4. Protection from sunlight is also necessary at this time.
  5. It is good to wash face 3 to 5 times in a day with good face wash.
Acne And Teeth Problems Reasons And Remedies through Astrology, Solutions of Blood disorders through astrology, Mouth Problems-Gums and Teeth problems Reasons and Remedies, Disease and astrology, Accident and Sprain, Astrology Reasons and Remedies.

Mouth Problems-Gums and Teeth problems Reasons and Remedies:

Due to pyria swelling come in gums and teeth become weak. Burning sensation or irritation is felt by the sufferer, the root of teeth become weak and it becomes the reasons of teeth fall.
The main reason of teeth problem is not taking care of them properly. Due to this plack form and thus bacteria starts their work. During brush time some times blood comes out as the gums become weak and swelling is there.

Astrology reasons of Mouth problems:

If the Venus or mars is descendant or malefic then person suffers from many types of teeth problems. Virgo ascendant and malefic Jupiter, moon or mars in lagna also cause mouth problems.
Remedies of Mouth problems:
In this some times moon stones is preferred, sometimes offering of some planets is preferred etc. Depend upon conditions of planets in kundli or birth chart remedies varies.

Accident and Sprain, Astrology Reasons and Remedies:

Hardly there may be any person who has not hurt any time. But there are many person and children who often fall down with out any reason during playing, during walking, during work etc. So it is necessary to take proper remedy for these types of persons.

Astrology reasons of sprain and accidents:

This happens with generally char lagna persons. Another yoga known as angarak yoga if it is in horoscope or birth chart then also persons faces accidents in life oftentimes The combination of rahu and mangal i.e. rahu and mars arise circumstances of accidents. 
If there is Saturn in lagna it may cause falling yoga from height and if Mars is there and malefic it may make a yoga of head hurt. 
If Saturn and sun present in 5th place or Saturn and Mars is there then also hurt due to fight is possible.

Remedies :
Some times special process to cool down the mars will be recommended, some times offering of moon stone is recommended, some times special kawach will be recommended to minimize the malefic effects of sprain and accidents. 

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Acne And Teeth Problems Reasons And Remedies through Astrology, Solutions of Blood disorders through astrology, Mouth Problems-Gums and Teeth problems Reasons and Remedies, Disease and astrology, Accident and Sprain, Astrology Reasons and Remedies, Astrologer for Reasons and Remedies of chronic diseases.


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