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Astrology Remedies For Jewelry Business

Astrology Remedies For Jewelry Business, What to do to increase the jewelry business, How to attract customers, Pooja to increase the jewelry business, Totkay to increase jewelry market.

Jewelry is a business for ever. This is a business which is thriving for the years. People of different castes uses different types of jewelry to decorate their body, house, god etc.
Although it seems that jewelers are very rich but it is not true for every one. Depends upon the stars Jewelers are also of different types. Some are very rich in business, some are not having new clients, they are just engage in serving the traditional clients, some are new in this business and want to set up market.
jewelry business and astrology
Astrology Remedies For Jewelry Business

Successful jeweler is that who is having clients on regular basis and is able to deals with the new clients as per the changing trends or fashion.

Jewelry business is also very much close with gambling as the rate of gold and silver is changing in every minute so no one knows what will happened in next few hours.

So it is very much important for the Jewelers to have the analysis of their birth chart time to time and do the proper remedies timely.

Many times i heard about different types of problems with the jewelers like as-

  1. Many times it happens that suddenly business start crashing without having any logical reasons.
  2. Some times i heard that due to black magic problem the master of the jewelry show room is getting ill.
  3. Some times due to evil eye effect business is not thriving as per the market.
  4. Some times it happens that the sales executive is unable to satisfy the customers.
  5. Some times in spite of every efforts employees are not giving the proper result.
  6. Some times due to funds problem jeweler comes in tremendous mental pressure.
So there are various types of problems present with the jewelers. First of all it is necessary to know some important thing about jewelry business before going for any remedies-
  • Jewelry business is related with the glamour industry.
  • Jewelry business is related with the luxury industry.
  • People buy jewelry for status.
  • People buy jewelry so that it will help in the recession time.
  • Trust is the main core principle of this business.
  • Venus planet is the controller of this business.

Some Important Astrology Points To Remember For the Jewelry Owners:

  1. If Venus or shukra is supporting you then no body can stop you to make place in the glamour industry.
  2. If the power of shukra is positive then it is possible to increase the power with different ways.
  3. In case if venus or shukra is negative in birth char, kundli or horoscope then it is necessary to make proper remedies to enter in jewelry business.
  4. If Rahu is generating any negative impacts in kundli or birth chart then proper action must be taken.
  5. If Venus is present with any opponent planets in horoscope it will definitely affect your business so you must take proper remedies.
  6. Don't give any space to any type of pollution in your business place other wise heavy loss will be possible. 

Some Tips For success in Jewelry Business:

  • Always keep your business place and house clean.
  • You can keep the Goddess laxmi or Kuber in a very systematic manner.
  • Installation of siddha shree yantra of gold or silver will be very beneficial.
  • Owner must do tarpan process on amavasya to get the grace of ancestors.
  • It is also good to do the hawan or special tantra in every couple of month to increase business which will minimizes any negativity.
  • If you find any negativity any time i.e. if you feel smell or if you find any type of negative shakun do utara with Lemon on Tuesday or Saturday.
In case if the problem is not diagnosed then Consult any experience astrologer to get rid off the problems.
Astrology provide the best remedies to increase the jewelry business. Don't worry if you are having problem in jewelry business, don't worry if you are unable to find the right solution to increase your business.

Astrology Remedies For Jewelry Business, What to do to increase the jewelry business, How to attract customers, Pooja to increase the jewelry business, Totkay to increase jewelry market.


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