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Planets And Astrology- The Venus

Planet venus in vedic astrology, things related and what to do to enhance power of venus.

shukra astrology in indian jyotish
planet venus in astrology

Venus is a female planet and it represent water element, semen, marriage, sexual work, aromatic substances, etc. A good Venus provides the luxury in life where as a negative Venus creates a yoga of defamation. read about Impacts Of Venus In Life As Per 12 Houses of Kundli>>.

Some Important Things To Know About Venus or Shukra As Per Astrology:

  1. It represent the water element. 
  2. If Venus is present in lagna then it makes a person luxuriant, handsome, beautiful, sensualist. The person is able to enjoy the sexual life as much as possible. 
  3. If Venus is present in 5th place, it makes a person specialist of spells and other spiritual healing lores. Also the 5th place Venus makes a person dear of music, actor, artist, gambler etc. 
  4. 11th house Venus makes a person businessman of gems stones.
  5. With Cancer and Scorpio Venus makes a person adulterous.
  6. Saturn and Venus combination generate negative mentality.
  7. combination of Venus and Jupiter makes a person intelligent.
Good and strong Venus is able to provide all the luxury in life and a negative Venus can makes a person deprived of the luxury.
If any one is facing problems due to Venus then it is good to consult a good astrologer who will tell you how to get the power Venus.
Don't read your own kundli. It is better to reach at any decision only after taking advice from an experienced astrologer because there are many other rules which must be kept in mind while analyzing any horoscope. 

Simple Mantra or spell of Venus or Shukra :

'Om Shukraay Namah'
Things of Venus or Shukra To offer or Daan:
Rice, Diamond, colorful cloths, white flowers, aromatic substances, curd, silver, bed, white cloths. read about Diamond Gems stone secrets in english>>

Day of Venus or Shukra:

Friday is the day of Venus or Shukra  So if any remedies or rituals are done on Friday to cool down the malefic Venus or Shukra then it is very beneficial.

Subjects related with Shukra:

Venus or Shukra is related with many important subjects like as female, art, music, beauty, love, aromatic substances, independent business, jewelry, family, luxury, bedroom, prostitution, devotion toward goddess etc. Read about How to reduce ill effects of venus?>>.
Use the occult sciences to get rid of problems of Venus. If you are facing any type of problems related to Venus then don't worry consul now and get the best remedies to protect your life from evil Venus.

Planet venus in vedic astrology, things related and what to do to enhance power of venus.


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