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Foreign Travel Astrology

Foreign travel astrology, how to find that there is a foreign travel yoga or not in horoscope, What to do to remove the obstacles of foreign travel, planets responsible for foreign travel.

Do you have the dream to travel abroad, do you want to make your career in foreign, do you want to visit the other countries for knowledge, do you want to study abroad. Then this is not impossible and you can also predict it by horoscope reading. Planets are very responsible for every happening in life so by reading horoscope it is possible to know whether there is a yoga of foreign travel or not, is it possible to get foreign residency, is it possible to get name, fame, money, power in foreign countries or not.
astrologer for tips about foreign settlement
Foreign Travel Astrology

In this article I am going to focus on this important part of life, foreign travel when and how.

हिंदी में पढ़िए विदेश यात्रा योग के बारे 

Some Important Points Related To Foreign Travel As Per Astrology:

  1. 7th, 9th, 10th and 12th house are very associated with foreign travel, Some how 4th house also puts impact in foreign travel. So to study about 'videsh yatra' or foreign travel, minute analysis of these houses are necessary.
  2. If the above houses are in impact of very movable zodiac or planets then the person will make foreign visit.
  3. It must be kept in mind that all the foreign travel yogaa are not good for native, there are many people who have videsh yatra yoga but they are not successful in making stable career there. To understand this lets take an example - Suppose there is a good foreign travel yoga in kundli but the 12th house is affected by malefic planet and coincidentally the person go in the mahadasha or antardasha of malefic planet then it is very possible that the person will face problem in foreign. I have got many cases of this type who are facing problems in foreign country like health problems, job problems, business problems, residency problems etc. So before taking step to go abroad for any broad purpose it is good to know about the planetary powers and the good time to leave for foreign.
  4. It is also observed during analysis of Horoscope that kundli having kaalsarp yoga help person to go abroad. 
  5. Presence of Sun or Moon in 4th or tenth house in birth chart also shows that person may make the career in foreign country and near by water sources.
  6. It is also observed that during sade sati of shani also some people get chance to fly abroad.
  7. When Jupiter puts impact in 9th house, 10th house or 12th house then also chances become high to travel abroad.
  8. When the 9th and 11th house zodiac master exchange houses then it is very possible that the person may earn in foreign. If the power is good then it is definite that the person has good power to make huge profit from abroad.
  9. Similarly if 9th and 12th house masters exchange houses then also person have foreign travel yoga. 
  10. Rahu also indicates the foreign journey so if rahu is good and strong and is present in any of the above house then it opens the way to foreign during its mahadasha or antardasha.
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Now let's see some Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) Related to Foreign Travelling Astrology:

Which planet indicates foreign travel?

As per my experience, I want to clear that actually not any specific planet is related with foreign travel. The calculation and analysis of foreign travel depends upon the houses in horoscope and planets present there.

Is there foreign travel yoga in my kundali?

The presence of movable sign like aries, cancer, libra and Capricorn in 4th, 9th, 10th and 12th house helps to travel abroad but this is not only the factor. Power of planets, combination of planets in different houses also helps to travel foreign, with this if the related planet enter in mahadasha or antardasha then also help the native to travel foreign. 

For example one of my client travelled to abroad in venus transit because venus is present in his 12th house, another one settled in abroad in moon mahadasha as moon is present in his 4th house and during its transit it made the yoga to move outside the  country, one of my client has Budhaditya yoga in horoscope and he moved abroad when in transit sun and budh comes together. So there is no fix rule then when anyone travel to foreign, it totally depends upon the power of houses, yoga forming in horoscope and transit of related planets. 

Will I get a chance to go abroad as per astrology?

Yes it is quite possible  to predict the foreign travelling and foreign settlement by analyzing horoscope/birth chart. Minute analysis of horoscope is necessary for this.

Which house represents foreign settlement?

Basically 12th house is studied for foreign settlement but this is not enough, we have to check the 4th house, destiny house, career house to confirm that whether the person is able to settle in foreign or not. For example if the person has strong yoga to earn from birth place and if native want to settle in foreign then expected return will not come and native also get disturbed.

Foreign travel astrology, how to find that there is a foreign travel yoga or not in horoscope, What to do to remove the obstacles of foreign travel, planets responsible for foreign travel, foreign travel astrology calculator, foreign travel astrology by date of birth, when will i travel abroad predict, foreign travel astrology by date of birth in hindi, foreign settlement yoga calculator, foreign settlement after marriage.

There are many more permutation and combination of planets which gives information about foreign travel. But the main points have been put by me. But it is not enough.

It is good to consult experienced astrologer to know how to become success in foreign countries, what to do to make life better in foreign countries.

What To Do To Remove Obstacles Of Foreign Travel?

This is another important question asked by respected blog readers, here I want to say that to find the best remedies it is necessary to analyze the horoscope but here some important tips I am providing which will help you to open way to foreign -
  • Worship to your ancestors on amavasya and pray to open way to foreign.
  • Worship your kuldevi or kuldevta too.
  • Use the right gem stone of planet which is supporting for your foreign travel.
  • Worship of lord sun is also beneficial for foreign travel.
  • If any planet is arising hurdles in settling in abroad then it is good to proceed for grah shanti pooja regularly by consulting #astrologer.
So make your foreign life successful through astrology, make your foreign life powerful through astrology.

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Foreign travel astrology, how to find that there is a foreign travel yoga or not in horoscope, What to do to remove the obstacles of foreign travel, planets responsible for foreign travel, foreign travel astrology calculator, foreign travel astrology by date of birth, when will i travel abroad predict, foreign travel astrology by date of birth in hindi, foreign settlement yoga calculator, foreign settlement after marriage, foreign settlement calculator, when will i go abroad numerology.


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