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Impacts Of Mercury In 12 Houses Of Horoscope

Impacts of Mercury/Budh in 12 houses of kundli, Learn About Budh or Mercury, know about the effects of Mercury/Budh in 12 houses of horoscope, how Mercury puts impacts in our life, astrologer for horoscope reading and astrology tips for successful life.

When we want to know about the mind power, communication skill, business tricks, intelligence, dynamic personality etc then Budh is considered.  Mercury makes a person good orator, writer, entertainer etc.

Malefic budh gives rise to skin problem, voice problems, lack of intelligence etc. So it is necessary to understand the state of Mercury in horoscope and then to take the right measures to live a successful life.
impact of mercury in 12 houses of kundli

Person having the power of this planet is able to adjust in any situation and also able to get the work done any how by using different types of tricks. But on the other hand person is fearful and have in stable mind.

It makes the person witty, clever and expert in talking. Budh when sits with sun then special yoga known as budhaditya yoga forms in kundli which is a very good yoga and bless the person with name, fame, money etc.

Weak Budh affects the sex power, smelling capability, decision making power etc. Mercury become exalted in virgo and debilitated in Pisces.

Now let's see the impacts of MERCURY in 12 houses of kunldi:

1. Ist House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here the budh makes the person clever, flatterer, manager, mischievous but due to malefic effects person also suffers from defame, sluggishness, unwanted activities.

2. 2nd House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here the budh makes the person hard worker and person is blessed with female childs. Here the malefic budh affects the income sources and decisive skills too. 

3. 3rd House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

This is the house of brothers, uncle and so good mercury helps the person to make good relations with them and also it supports the person to use the power at the level best. 
Whereas the malefic budh creates problems in making good relationships, physical power etc. 

4. 4th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here the budh helps the person to get the support and love of mother and also have a good business mind, luck is enhanced and person is able to live a luxurious life.

5. 5th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

This house blessed the person with progeny, education, luck. This budh also arise interest in astrology, vastu and other occult sciences and person may become a good and famous consultant.

6. 6th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here some mysterious results seen in life, person is able to handle the enemies and with that person is able to live a comfortable life as per the wish without caring of anyone. 

7. 7th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

This house budh makes the person very good in making relations, person knows the ways to make relations with opposite sex, positive Mercury makes the person good in business, planning etc. If Mercury is malefic here then chances of defame is there due to making relations with opposite sex. 

8. 8th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Person faces struggle in life and diseases of any type disturb the life. Person also faces problems in life due to unwanted problems. Relationships with sister , buaa, mausi also gets affected. 

9. 9th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

In case good budh person becomes orator, famous and lucky while due to negative impacts person deprive of everything. 

10. 10th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Person is able to make relations with higher authorities and is a well consultant, person is able to make a successful career due to it's dynamic nature. Person also gets benefits from govt. department.

11. 11th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here Mercury helps in increasing earning sources and also makes the progeny intelligent and successful. In case of malefic or negative budh person faces problems in having smooth earning sources. 

12. 12th House Of Horoscope and Effects of Mercury in Life:

Here person faces problems in life and also faces saving problems due to increase in unwanted expenses. Debilitated budh makes the person addicted to something in which expenses takes place. 
So Mercury is a very important planet and helps every one to live a successful life. If it is creating problems in life then it is good to take proper remedies from astrologer.

Impacts of Mercury/Budh in 12 houses of kundli, Learn About Budh or Mercury, know about the effects of Mercury/Budh in 12 houses of horoscope, Free Astrology tutorial, how Mercury puts impacts in our life, astrologer for horoscope reading and astrology tips for successful life. 


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