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Gajkesari Yoga In Astrology

what is gajkesari yoga in astrology, benefits of this yoga, power of Gajkesari yoga, Impacts of this yoga in life, When this yoga don't show effects?.

In astrology when we talk about raj yoga then Gajesari yoga is one of the important yoga which comes in mind. This yoga is definitely if forms properly in kundli/horoscope/birth chart then the person gets success in life. Health, wealth, prosperity will come in life and person lives life happily. But there are many people who have this yoga and are not able to earn satisfactorily and live life comfortably. Here in this article I am going to put focus on many aspects of this gajkesari yoga, how it forms and when it is powerful, when it is weak and what to do to live a successful life?.
how gajkesari yoga form in kundli
Power of gajkesari yoga in birth chart

What Is Gajkesari Yoga In Astrology?

In this yoga Moon and Moon lagna gets power from powerful planets. Because of this person become intelligent, healthy, wealthy, prosperous. Jupiter present in centre house from Moon and due to this moon gets power. Moon is also called Chandra in Hindi and this also represent water element and is very fickle in nature. But due to getting power it gives the person patience, power, stability in life, money, good health etc.

As per the astrology gajekesari yoga forms in following ways:

  1. when Guru/Jupiter present in centre/kendra place from Moon and it is exalted, powerful or positive.
  2. When Moon is seen by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury etc.
But the main thing here is to understand is the Drishti of Planets must be good and positive, the planets must be in power, the planets must be in good degree. There are many cases which came before me and I have found that at first sight the gajkesari yoga is forming but the person is not living the life successfully and there are various reasons of not having good life in spite of having this raj yoga.

what is gajkesari yoga in astrology, benefits of this yoga, power of Gajkesari yoga, Impacts of this yoga in life, When this yoga don't show effects?.

Watch video here on gajkesari yoga:

Reasons Of Failure of Gajkesari Yoga:

  • When the Jupiter is weak or malefic then it is possible that the person may not get the proper benefit.
  • When Moon itself is affected by malefic planets and is weak then also person not get the proper benefit of Gajkesari yoga.
  • When Moon and Jupiter are not powerful i.e. there degree is too less to generate proper power in life.

Is this is only yoga which makes a person successful?

Here I want to say that don't misguide yourself, this is not only the one case, there are many other yoga which also makes person successful. So if anyone don't have this yoga that doesn't mean that the life will be full of struggle or there will not growth. It is possible that some one have any other powerful planets and that will help that person to make life healthy, wealthy and super.

Advantage of Gajkesari Yoga In Life:

  1. This person makes special image in society because of his knowledge, work, mind, heart etc.
  2. People try to follow this person.
  3. Success enter in life from all directions.
  4. Luxury of all type, health, Wealth enter in life and these are very helpful for the society also.
  5. They become ideal of many ones and people learn from them.
  6. It is also good for successful love life.

Important Thing To Keep In Mind:

Don't depend upon this yoga or any other yoga, there are many person who doesn't have any yoga in kundli but they are living a very-very successful life because of there planetary positions. So it is good to consult astrologer to know the power points of our kundli/horoscope/birth chart and then take proper ways to make life successful.
Are you blessed with this yoga or not, If you want to know the weaknesses of your kundli, if you want to know the power points of your horoscope, if you want to know your lucky pooja, lucky gems stone then do consult Astrologer Now.

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Gajkesari yoga encyclopedia, what is gajkesari yoga in astrology, benefits of this yoga, power of Gajkesari yoga, Impacts of this yoga in life, When this yoga don't show effects?.


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