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Pratyangira Goddess Kawach Power

Pratyangira Goddess Kawach Power, tara pratyangira kawach for protection and success in life, Who is goddess pratyangira, Advantages of tara pratyangira saadhna.

An incarnation of goddess shakti and is very powerful to destroy the evils. As per mythology when Narsingh god became destructive because of anger then goddess pratyangira calmed him and save the world. Because of this she is also knowns as "Narasimhika".
tara pratyangira kawach for protection and success
Pratyangira Goddess Kawach Power

When evils effects became uncontrollable, when black magic reach at culmination, when enemies are not listening in any case, when there is a danger of life, when there is an attack of ghosts, negative energies then worship of goddess pratyangira is said to be very good.

She is lion headed incarnation of goddess Durga and ready to create fear in the heart of devils.

Pratyangira saadhna is also very protective in case of witchcraft attack. Some says that her worship only fulfil materialistic wishes but it is not true, since she is the avtar of goddess durga and so is capable to fill the life with prosperity and success. 

Tara Pratyangira Kawach:

There is a special kawach which is given in Rudraymal Tantra of goddess pratyangira and is very sure way to get rid of any problems which is causes due to negative energies of any kind.

For our blog reader below I am providing the "pratyangira Kawacham":
When any victim or devotee recite the kawach then goddess bless him or her and keep away the negative energies away. When enemies create too much trouble in life then also to dominate them pratyangira saadhna is very good. 
best kawach for enemies problems, black magic problems, witchcraft effects
pratyangira kawach for protectin and success
To getrid of any type of doshas in kundli, it is good to pray to pratyangira.
To over come from the bad phase of life it is good to devote ourself to maa pratyangira.
If diseases are not leaving any one then also worship of goddess is beneficial. 
To get rid of obstacles, black magic, witchcraft effects, curses of any kind, it is good to worship lion headed goddess pratyangira and pray to bless.

Simple Spell To Worship Maa Pratyangira is :

"Om pratyangiraaye Namah"

Easy Way To Worship Goddess Pratyangira:

Place a photo or statue of goddess and do the panchopchaar puja also do offer dates, pomegranate and other bhog as per capacity and availability, chant the mantra as much as possible and pray for success in life. 
Also do recite the Pratyangira Kawacham.

Pratyangira Goddess Kawach Power, tara pratyangira kawach for protection and success in life, Who is goddess pratyangira, Advantages of tara pratyangira saadhna.


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