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Rinmochak Mangal Strotram To Solve Debt Problem

Rinmochak Mangal strotram to come out of debts, Special spell fore financial problem, Rinmochak Prayog with meaning.

A very common problem in this expensive age is problem of saving money genuinely and so maximum people are working hard to fulfill there financial need. Money is the god of this physical world and so it is very necessary to have it to fulfill our needs and to make our-self successful. Making money and to save it is very difficult in this age because of competition, dearness, unwanted expenses.

how to over come from debt problem in astrology
Rinmochak Mangal Strotram 

Some have more than enough and some are struggling even to fulfill there basic needs, this is a tragedy seen everywhere. Here in this article of "", I am going to tell about a very special strotram which is given in skand puran.

What is Rinmochan Mangal Strotram?
Rinmochan Mangal strotram is a special way to pray to god Mangal/Mars who keep control on power, property, prosperity, courage, anger and success. It is a belief that by reciting this strot daily devotedly can open the way of success. 

Benefits of rinmochak Strotram:

  1. One can come out of debt by performing mangal pooja daily by using this strotram.
  2. Blockage in earning can be root out easily by the blessings of lord Mangal. 
  3. One can develop power to work and earn successfully.
  4. One can live a successful life by having satisfactory monetary power by reciting this rinmochak strotram daily.
  5. It can help to minimize kuja dosha or manglik dosha.
  6. It also helps to overcome from the malefic effects of Mars/mangal.

Things Required To Peroform Rinmochak Sadhna:

  • You need a siddha Mangal Yantra
  • One Red Woolen Asan i.e. red woolen cloth to sit.
  • Rinmochak strotram.
  • Positive passion to overcome from debt anyway.
  • Coral rosary or rudraksh rosary.
If anyone want to live a debt-free life then this strotra is helpful, If all the ways are seems to be bloked of getting money then this rinmochak strotra is very helpful.

Process To Perform Rinmochan Sadhna:

First of all fix your time and then do the prayers at fix time, do offer dhoop , deep , naivaidya, flowers in front of siddha mangal yantra, now take a vow that why you are reciting this strotram, then meditate on Mangal  god then do chant spell of mantra for 108 times atleast and then read the strotram,  then read the 21 names of Mangal and pray to help you. 


|| विनियोगः ||
ॐ अस्य श्री भौम स्त्रोत्रस्य श्री गर्ग ऋषिः | त्रिष्टुप छन्दः |
मंगलो देवता | ऋण हरणे  धन प्राप्तयर्थे च विनियोगः ||

|| ऋषियादी न्यासः ||
ॐ श्री गर्ग ऋषये नमः शिरसी | त्रिष्टुप छन्दसे नमः मुखे | 
मंगल देवताये नमःहृदि | ऋण हरणे  धन प्राप्तयर्थे च विनियोगाय नमः अन्जलौ ||

||ध्यानं ||
रक्ताम्बरो रक्तवपुह किरीटी चतुर्भुजो मेषगदो  गदाभृत |
धरसुतः शक्तिधरस्च शूली सदा मम स्यादवरदः प्रशान्तः ||

मन्त्र :
“ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः मंगलाय नमः |”

॥ऋणमोचन मंगल स्तोत्र॥
मंगलो भूमिपुत्रश्च ऋणहर्ता धनप्रद:।
स्थिरासनो महाकाय: सर्वकामविरोधक: ॥१॥

लोहितो लोहिताक्षश्च सामगानां कृपाकर:।
धरात्मज: कुजो भौमो भूतिदो भूमिनन्दन: ॥२॥

अङ्गारको यमश्चैव सर्वरोगापहारक:।
वृष्टि कर्ताऽपहर्ता च सर्वकामफलप्रद: ॥३॥

एतानि कुजनामानि नित्यं य: श्रद्धया पठेत्।
ऋणं न जायते तस्य धनं शीघ्रमवाप्नुयात् ॥४॥

धरणीगर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्कान्तिसमप्रभम्।
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।5||

स्तोत्रमङ्गारकस्यैतत्पठनीयं सदा नृभिः।
न तेषां भौमजा पीडा स्वल्पाऽपि भवति क्वचित्।।6||

अङ्गारक महाभाग भगवन्भक्तवत्सल।
त्वां नमामि ममाशेषमृणमाशु विनाशय।।7||

ऋणरोगादिदारिद्रयं ये चान्ये ह्यपमृत्यवः।
भयक्लेशमनस्तापा नश्यन्तु मम सर्वदा।।8||

अतिवक्त्र दुरारार्ध्य भोगमुक्त जितात्मनः।
तुष्टो ददासि साम्राज्यं रुश्टो हरसि तत्ख्शणात्।।9||

विरिंचिशक्रविष्णूनां मनुष्याणां तु का कथा।
तेन त्वं सर्वसत्त्वेन ग्रहराजो महाबलः।।10||

पुत्रान्देहि धनं देहि त्वामस्मि शरणं गतः।
ऋणदारिद्रयदुःखेन शत्रूणां च भयात्ततः।।11||

एभिर्द्वादशभिः श्लोकैर्यः स्तौति च धरासुतम्।
महतिं श्रियमाप्नोति ह्यपरो धनदो युवा।।12||

॥इति श्रीस्कन्दपुराणे भार्गवप्रोक्तं ऋणमोचन मंगल स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम्॥

  • Mangal is the son of goddess Earth and is able to make a person debt-free. He has a stable seat and has a powerful physique and is also able to root out all the obstacles falling in completing duties.
  • His color is red and eyes are also red and nature is to bless devotees.
  • He is the son of earth and gives happiness to everyone in earth.
  • He controls the disease and death and give a healthy life, 
  • He controls the rains and give fruits of every work.
  • Person who read this strotram daily keep himself from debt and money enters in life. 
Take the help of ASTROLOGER to know the real astrology reasons of debt in life and know the astrology ways to overcome from the financial problems.

21 Names Of Mangal Sanskrit/21 Mangal Mantra:

  1. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः मंगलाय नमः |
  2. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः भूमिपुत्राय नमः |
  3. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः ऋण हर्त्रे नमः |
  4. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः धन प्रदाय नमः |
  5. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः स्थिरासनाय नमः |
  6. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः महाकायाय नमः |
  7. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः सर्व कर्मावरोधाय नमः |
  8. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः लोहिताय नमः |
  9. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः लोहिताक्षाय नमः |
  10. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः सामगानांकृपाकराय नमः |
  11. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः धरात्मजाय नमः |
  12. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः कुजाय नमः |
  13. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः |
  14. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः भूतदाय नमः |
  15. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः भूमिनन्दनाय नमः |
  16. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः अंगारकाय नमः |
  17. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः यमाय नमः |
  18. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः सर्व रोगापहारकाय नमः |
  19. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः वृष्टि कर्त्रे नमः |
  20. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः आपद्धर्त्रे नमः |
  21. ॐ क्रां क्री क्रौं सः सर्व काम फलप्रदाय नमः |

Rinmochak Mangal strotram to come out of debts,ऋण मोचक प्रयोग hindi में,Special spell fore financial problem, Rinmochak Prayog with meaning.


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