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Shani Jayanti Significance

When is SHANI JAYANTI in 2024?,  how to worship shani easily, benefits of shani pooja on shani jayanti, Planetary Positions on 6th Of June.

Shani Jayanti 2024: In Vedic astrology, Shani Dev has been considered the god of justice and action. Shani Dev gives auspicious or inauspicious results to a person according to good and bad deeds. Saturn Sade sati, Dhaiya and Mahadasha are very effective. Saturn is the slowest moving planet among all the planets.

Shani Jayanti date 2024: In this Year Shani Jayanti Is on 6th of June, Thursday.

It is such a belief that the oblique vision of Shani Dev is very painful. Worship of Shani Dev has special importance to avoid the oblique vision of Shani. Shani Dev is pleased by taking measures on Shani Jayanti. There is special importance of worshiping Shani Dev on Shani Jayanti to get the special grace of Lord Shani and to get rid of all the troubles.

On this day, offer mustard oil, black sesame seeds, urad dal, blue flowers and blue clothes and light an oil lamp and keep chanting the mantra 'Om Sham Shanaishcharaya Namah'.

Shani Jayanti is on 06 June 2024 Thursday Watch Video Watch Video 

According to scriptures, Shani Dev was born on the Amavasya day of Jyestha monthAmavasya day of Jyestha month as per hindu calendar, Surya Dev and Chhaya Devi are his Parents, Yamraj and Yamuna are his siblings. Shani Jayanti 2024

When is SHANI JAYANTI in 2024?,  how to worship shani easily, benefits of shani pooja on shani jayanti, Planetary Positions on 6th Of June.
Shani Jayanti Significance

In english shani is known as Saturn and is a hard planet. It is related with property, internal body parts, metals, oil, black color, iron etc. It is believed that shani is the son of lord sun and his wife goddess Chaya.
On the auspicious day of shani jayanti we can see mob in shani temples whole the day. As per astrology if Saturn is malefic in horoscope then person suffers from many problems and so it is good to perform special worship on shani jayanti.
As per beleif shani dev was born on amavasya of Jyestha month as per hindu panchang and so every year on this day devotees celebrate the birthday of shani deva with great joy. Shani Jayanti 2024

Read about shani gayatri mantra benefits

Shani Jayanti In Year 2024:

This year shani jayanti is falling on 6th Of June Thursday and tithi is amavasya, Nakshatra will be Rohini and shani will be positive in Gochar kundli so the day is very important for the people who want to please shani deva.
  • If saturn is malefic or debilitated in horoscope then don't miss this day to perform rituals.
  • If any one is affected by evil eye effects then also on this day rituals are possible to get rid of black magic and evil eye effects.
  • If any one want to attract blessing of shani then also shani jayanti is a good day.
  • If there is PITRU DOSHA in kundli then also don't miss this day because amavasya is there.
Good yogas are there which can enhance the power of pooja on this day. Shani Jayanti 2024

Let us know how will be the position of the planets on Shani Jayanti?

  • Sun will remain in its enemy sign.
  • Moon will remain in its exalted sign Taurus.
  • Mars will remain in its own sign Aries.
  • Mercury will remain in its friendly sign Taurus.
  • Jupiter will remain in its enemy sign Taurus.
  • Venus will remain in its own sign Taurus.
  • Saturn will remain in its own sign Aquarius.
  • Rahu and Ketu will remain in their friendly signs.
  • On this day there will be conjunction of 5 planets in Taurus. Shani Jayanti 2024

Easy Way To Please shani Deva For Successful Life:

shani jayanti significance, how to worship shani easily, benefits of shani pooja on shani jayanti, astrology of shani.
  1. Get up early in the morning and free from daily routines.
  2. If health is ok then take a vow to keep fast whole the day.
  3. Keep an idol of shani deva in front of you and Offer deepak, dhoop, bhoga, dakshina as per capacity.
  4. Do the abhishek with panchamrit.
  5. We can also perform oil abhishek by chanting any shani mantra.
  6. Recite shani chalisa or shani strotram etc.
  7. Pray for hurdle free life.
  8. Donate necessary things to needy.
  9. Feed if you find any hungry person or animal.
  10. Try to chant shani mantra whole the day. Shani Jayanti 2024
  11. On the occasion of Shani Jayanti, offering sweet water mixed with raw milk in the root of Peepal tree and lighting a lamp of sesame or mustard oil can cure many kinds of troubles.
  12. If Shani Sade Sati or Dhayya is going on you, then worship Peepal tree and revolve around it.
  13. By chanting the divine mantra of Lord Shani "Om Pram Prim Praum Sah Shanaishcharaya Namah" on this day, we remains free from fear.
  14. Along with worship of Shani Dev, Abhishek should be performed on Lord Shiva with water mixed with black sesame while pronouncing "Om Namah Shivay" is also very good
Jay shani Deva
Shani jayanti is very important in India and no doubt devotees get the results of there devoted prayers and so for decades rituals are going on.

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When is SHANI JAYANTI in 2024?,  how to worship shani easily, benefits of shani pooja on shani jayanti, Planetary Positions on 6th Of June.


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