When is Hariyali amavasya in 2024, what rituals are important on this day for hurdle-free life, Shravan Amavasya for bright life as per vedic jyotish, planetary positions.
In the year 2024, Hariyali Amavasya is on 4th of August, Sunday. Ravi Pushya Yoga will also present on this day.
Amavasya tithi will start at approx 3:50 PM on 3rd of august and will end at approx 4:42 PM on 4th of August.
Shravan month is very auspicious as per hindus and the no moon day which comes in savan month is said to be the "HARIYALI AMAVASAYA". This day is related with the importance of monsoon and so is dedicated to greenery everywhere. On this day specially in hindu community, many important rituals are done. Devotees of lord shiva celebrate this day with great joy and devotion.
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hariyali amavasya 2024 |
Let's know the Different Names Of This Hariyali Amavasya In Different Region:
- In Andrapradesh people call this "Chukkala Amavasya"
- In Maharashtra people call it "Gatari amavasya".
- In Orissa people call it "Chitalagi Amavasya".
- In Gujarat people call it "Divaso".
- In Karnataka people call it "Bheemana Amavasya".
Significance of Hariyali Amavasya:
Actually as per ASTROLOGY, Amavasya is dedicated to ancestors/forefathers and so people generally pray for the peace of ancestors and seek blessings from them on this day of no moon day. There are many places in India where huge fair is held to celebrate this amavasya.
Some people believe that worship of lord shiva on hariyali amavasya minimizes the impact of kalsrp yoga, grahan yoga, pitru dosha etc.
On hariyali amavasya also people perform rituals, pitru Tarpanam, Daan for the upliftment of ancestors.
Not only this there are many other poojas which are possible on this day of Hariyali Amavasya:
- Black magic removal poojas can be done on this day.
- Grahan shanti pooja is also possible on this day.
- If any couple is facing problems in marriage then one can start pooja on this day.
- Grah Shanti Pooja is also done as per planets in Horoscope and as per the day on which amavasya is falling.
- Many types of utara are also done on this day to overcome from negativity.
- Some also perform vashikaran saadhna on this day.
- Some tantrik perform mantra and tantra siddhi process on this day and night.
- Devotees perform shiv pooja for health, wealth and prosperity.
- There is also a tradition to worship Peepal tree on this day in some area.
Let's Know the planetary positions on Haryali Amavasya as per vedic astrology:
- Sun will be in it's neutral sign cancer.
- Moon will be in its own sign cancer.
- Mars will be in it's neutral sign taurus.
- Mercury will be in it's friendly sign Leo.
- Jupiter will be in it's enemy sign taurus.
- Venus will be in it's enemy sign leo.
- Saturn will be in own sign aquarius.
- Rahu and ketu will be auspicious.
What To Do For Success On Hariyali Amavasya?
Hariyali amavasya is one of the greatest celebration of shravan month, we can use this amavasya to remove hurdles of life by doing different rituals.
- Do light Akhand deepak for 48 hours for peace and success.
- It is also good to offer deepak in holy rivers to attract blessings of ancestors and divine energies.
- Perform pitru tarpanam for the peace of souls.
- Do abhishek in shiv temple with rudram for peace and prosperity.
- Do proper utara of home and victim of negative energy.
- One can hire astrologer for different pooja for success.
contact Astrologer for Horoscope reading and solutions of problems through astrology
When is Hariyali amavasya in 2024, what rituals are important on this day for hurdle-free life, Shravan Amavasya for bright life as per vedic jyotish, planetary positions.
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