Types of Panchang, learn astrology free, about calendar, ephemeris
In previous lesson we have read about qualities of person through zodiac or rashi. months in vedic astrology, zodiac details etc. in this lesson we will know something about PANCHANG, CALENDER.
In previous lesson we have read about qualities of person through zodiac or rashi. months in vedic astrology, zodiac details etc. in this lesson we will know something about PANCHANG, CALENDER.
Panchang in Astrology |
Panchang are very important about every one who want to perform works in order to get success, calenders gives us very important information related to date, tithi, nakshatra, auspicious and inauspicious yogas, mahurat etc.
So it is very necessary to know about panchang, actually there are different types of concepts related to dates, some use moon movements and some use sun movements and so panchag are also available as per different concepts.
- Hindu uses different concepts,
- English men uses different concepts
- Muslims uses different concepts
There are different types of names of months are availalbe as per culture and caste. In this lesson we will also read about them too.
It must be kept in mind that there are different names but vedic astrology depends upon a specific science and so is accepted mostly by every one and is being used for decades.
If any one is not believing in astrology, it doesn't means that there is no existence of it, believe it, use it and gradually you can know about the power of astrology.
In astrology identification of time for different purpose is very necessary. The ephemeris or panchang or calender is made on the basis of movement of Sun, Moon, Planets, Earth. On the basis of this different types of panchangs are made.
Mainly Panchang Are Of 4 Types:
- Calendar/Panchang depends upon Movements of Moon.
- Calendar/Panchang depends upon Movements of Sun
- Calendar of panchang depends upon Constellation.
- Calendar of panchang depends Movements of Earth.
Let's see the details Of these Months:
1. Lunar Months:
It is of two types-
A) First from no moon night to full moon night.
B) Full moon night to no moon night.
2. Solar Months:
In a year Sun passes from 12 zodiacs signs. the time of sun in 1 zodiac is called 1 solar month.
3. Constellation Month:
Zodiac is divided into 27 constellation. Moon crosses 1 constellation in about 1 day. So in 27 days Moon passes from 27 constellation. This 27 days are called constellation month.
Types of panchang or calender, free astrology lesson 4, Know about moon panchang, solar panchang, constellation calender, western months, Islamic Months.
4. Western Month:
Earth moves around the the sun in about 365 & 1/4 days. This time is called 1 year. 12 months are present in 1 year. Western Calendar is made on this basis.
Name of western months are January, February, March, April, May , June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Now Let's Know The Names Of Islamic Months For Knowledge:
- Moharram
- Safar
- Raviul Awwal
- Raviul Akhat
- Jamadi ul Awwal
- Jamadi ul Akhat
- Rajjan
- Saa waan
- Ram Jaan
- Sawaal
- Jikaad
- Jil Hizz
Types of panchang or calender, free astrology lesson, Know about moon panchang, solar panchang, constellation calender, western months, Islamic Months.
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