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Houses in kundli or horoscope

Direction of planets, taste and planets, relation of season with planets, names of houses. Understand Houses Of Kundli Or Horoscope, free lesson of astrology on line on 12 houses of horoscope.

Now it's time to know more about horoscope in free astrology lesson. In this article we will see about number of houses in kundli, there meaning, how they affect our life, what to predict from houses as per astrology and many more things.
about predictions based on 12 houses in kundli by best astrologer in india
Houses in kundli or horoscope

If you have horoscope then you can find a box in which numbers are written and planets are present in different places. The number represents zodiacs and planets are present in different houses. 
There are 12 houses present in any horoscope which represent different segments of life. An astrologer study the houses to predict life.

The numbers are related with different zodiacs like as 1 for aries, 2 for taurus, 3 for gemini, 4 for cancer, 5 for leo, 6 for virgo, 7 for libra, 8 for scorpio, 9 for sagittarius, 10 for capricorn, 11 for aquarius, 12 for pisces. 

The Houses Present in Horoscope/Kundli:

The twelve houses in kundli are very important and it is necessary to know about them, the malefic house is responsible for related problems in life and in the same way good and powerful house of kundli is responsible for happiness, success in life. 
Ist house is related with mind, personality etc so if this house is generating malefic then person face the problem of in-stable mind.

4th house is related with mother, happiness in life etc and if it is good and powerful then person live a happy life with luxuries.

Tenth house is related with work, career and so if this house is powerful then person make good career and become successful easily on the other hand any problem in this house lead to obstacles in making career.

In this way every house is related with different segments like, love life, studies, progeny, destiny, health, income, expenses and so on.

Understand Houses Of Kundli Or Horoscope, free lesson of astrology on line on 12 houses of horoscope.

When a horoscope is made then we find the 12 houses in it. These houses are also called "bhaav" of kundli. All the 12 houses are related with special segment of our life and in vedic astrology we study the houses and the relations between them to know about the life of any person.
All the planets are present in 12 houses of horoscope. Zodiac signs are also present in every house. It is necessary to know something about houses of kundli.

Let's Read About 12 Houses Of Horoscope:

Ist House Of Kundli:

The first house shows the personality of person , it tells about the physical fitness, skin color, health, height, mental power, name, fame, etc. So to know about the related things it is necessary to study the first house of kundli/horoscope in-depth.

2. 2nd House Of Horoscope:

The second house of kundli is known as the money house, profit house, family house. Ancestral property is also known by studying this house. Details about life partner family can also be predicted by studying this house. To know about savings, eyes, communication skill, nails, responsibilities etc also this house is studied.

3. 3rd House Of Birth Chart:

This house is also known as the house of valour, ability, power. Details related to younger brother and sister can also be known from this house. State just before death can also be predicted through this house.

4. 4th House of Kundli:

This is the house of happiness, luxury in life, worldly happiness. Property, vehicles, mother etc subject is also related with fourth house of kundli. So to know about happiness and grief in life we must study this house of kundli.

5th House of Horoscope:

The study of fifth house is very important because it is directly related with progeny/children/baby, study, knowledge. Tantra-Mantra success can also be predicted from this house. Success in speculation can also be predicted, whom to worship is also predicted from fifth house.

6th House of Birth chart:

The six house is also called house of enemy. Impacts of enemy in life, diseases, rog, problems can be predicted by studying this house of kundli. If we want to study about step mother, maternal uncle, then also this house is studied. Problems in life can also be predicted from here.

7th House Of Kundli:

This seventh house of horoscope is called partner house. Prediction related to married life, relation with partner, health of partner etc can be studied from this house. Partnership in business can also be studied from this house. We can also get knowledge about love life.

8th House Of Horoscope:

This house is called the age house, health house. From this house we can know about death reason, death place etc. We can also know about accidents, venereal diseases/gupt rog, etc by studying this house in-depth.

9th House of Birth Chart:

This house is called the destiny house, religious house, virtue house. Faith in religion, sudden benefits, lottery etc can be predicted by studying ninth house./div>
How the luck will favor a person can be predicted from this house.

10th House of Kundli:

This house is the house of working i.e. information related to work can be known from this house.
This house also tells about the father, his age. nature of the person can also be known by some extent.

11th House of Horoscope:

This is the income place. We can know about the income source, profit etc from this house. Type of earning source can also be predicted, how smooth a person will earn can also be predicted.

12th House of Birth Chart:

This house is called expense house. Type of expense, poverty etc can be predicted. Foreign tour can also be predicted, eye problems can also be studied, types of dreams, salvation after death can also be studied from twelth house.

So here in this free lesson of astrology we have read about 12 houses, related segments of life with bhaav of horoscope. Hope this will help "" blog reader to understand kundli.

Now Let's Know Some more about Direction of planets, taste and planets, relation of season with planets, names of houses.

We have read about many things till now in previous free lessons of astrology now we will move further and see some important information and know what we call houses of kundli, relations of seasons with planets, relations of planets with taste, characteristics of planets, Organs and related planet. direction and related planet etc.

There are 12 houses in every horoscope/kundli, some houses are called center houses, some are called trikon houses, some are called panfar houses, some houses are called trik places. It is necessary to know about these so that we can understand the official language in books.

1. First, Forth, Seventh and Tenth Houses are called CENTER HOUSES of kundli/horoscope.

kendra places in horoscope, center houses of horsocope
Center Houses in Horsocope

2. First, Fifth and Ninth houses are called TRIKON HOUSES of kundli/houses.

trikon houses of horoscope
trikon houses of horoscope

3. Sixth, Eight and Twelth houses of kundli/houses are called TRIK HOUSES.

trik sthaan in kundli
trik sthaan in kundli

4. Second, fifth, Eight and eleventh houses are called PANFAR HOUSES.

panfr houses in kundli
panfar houses

Relation Of Planets With Seasons:

As per vedic astrology seasons are also affected by planets and so it is necessary to know about which planet is related with which season.

  1. Spring season has relation with Venus and ketu as per astrology.
  2. Summer season has relation with Sun, Mars and Rahu.
  3. Rainy season has relation with Moon. 
  4. Autumn season has relation with Mercury.
  5. Hemant season has relation with Jupiter.
  6. Winter season has relation with Saturn.

Relation Of Taste With Planets:

  1. Every planet has related with different taste and as per this different people like different taste.
  2. sun is related with bitter taste. 
  3. Moon is related with salty taste.
  4. Mars is related with spicy taste. 
  5. Mercury is related with mixed taste. 
  6. Jupiter is related with sweet taste. 
  7. Venus is related with sour or tart taste. 
  8. Saturn is related with bitter taste.
  9. Rahu is related with spicy.
  10. Ketu is related with tasteless.

Now Let's See The Directions Of Planets:

  • The direction of sun is East.
  • The direction of Moon is North-West
  • The direction of Mars is South.
  • The direction of  Mercury is North.
  • The direction of Jupiter is North-East.
  • The direction of Venus is South-East.
  • The direction of Saturn is West.
  • The direction of Rahu is South-West.
  • The direction of Ketu is North-West.
So above we have read about direction of planets, taste and planets, relation of season with planets, names of houses.

Direction of planets, taste and planets, relation of season with planets, names of houses. Understand Houses Of Kundli Or Horoscope, free lesson of astrology on line on 12 houses of horoscope.


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