Know Personality By Birth Day, how days affect any one nature as per astrology by astrologer
By using astrology we can know many secrets of life like nature of person, life of person, good and bad time etc.
There are 7 days in a week and every one take birth in one of the day. Every day is related with a specific planet and so when any one take birth on a specific day then his or her personality has impact of that planet. That's why we find change in every one personality.
In our earlier lessons, we have learnt many things about vedic astrology and now we are moving further to know more about predictions. In this lesson of astrology We will read about how birth day change the personality or how to know about the personality of a person by knowing the birth day. Although we cannot know every thing but some knowledge can be revealed by knowing the birth day.
By using astrology we can know many secrets of life like nature of person, life of person, good and bad time etc.
There are 7 days in a week and every one take birth in one of the day. Every day is related with a specific planet and so when any one take birth on a specific day then his or her personality has impact of that planet. That's why we find change in every one personality.
Predictions by day of birth |
There are 7 days in a week and are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. All the days has specific master planet and so affect the personality as per. Every person has different nature and for this day of birth is also responsible, so let's know in detail about which day is responsible for which type of personality.
Sunday and Nature Of Person:
If sunday is the birth-day of any one then the person has impact of Sun in his personality and so is sacred, knowledgeable, clever, wandering in nature, charitable. Person is also enthusiastic. If the person maintain his or her sacredness then no doubt name and fame will enter in life gradually.
Monday and Nature Of Person:
If Monday is the birth-day of any one then Moon keep the impact on person and due to this person is intelligent but in-stable mind, Person is good in communication, peaceful, rich. He or she like to wander and so get success in travelling.
Tuesday And Life Of Person:
If Tuesday is the birth-day of person then impact of Mars is seen in the personality and due to this person may become aggressive, short tempered, obstinate, good physique, get success in power work like defence services, also engage with property.
Wednesday And Life Of Person:
If wednesday is the birth-day of any person then impact of Mercury will be seen, person will be intelligent, orator, wealthy, and have good writing skill. This type of person may earn by using there mind and pen.
Thursday and Life of Person:
Know Personality By Birth Day , how days affect any one nature as per astrology by astrologer
If thursday is the birth-day of any person then no doubt due to the impact of Jupiter person will become intelligent, rational minded, having good presentation skill. It is not possible to dominate him or her easily. Because of his or her intelligence and cooperative behaviour people take advice from them.
If thursday is the birth-day of any person then no doubt due to the impact of Jupiter person will become intelligent, rational minded, having good presentation skill. It is not possible to dominate him or her easily. Because of his or her intelligence and cooperative behaviour people take advice from them.
Friday and Personality Of Person:
If friday is the birth-day of any one then Venus impact will be seen in the personality of person. Due to this person become fickle, rich, intelligent, beautiful, smart and attracted towards opposite sex.
These people easily attracted towards glamour industries.
Saturday And Personality Of Person:
If Saturday is the birth-day of any one then person is committed, stable minded but may be brutal. These people don't like injustice and are disciplined if shani is good in horoscope. These are hard worker and known for there honesty and hard working.
So as per day people have different characteristics as per vedic astrology but don't reach at any decision because there are too many other topics which must be kept in mind while predicting any one.
Enjoy reading and enhance your astrology knowledge regularly.
Do contact astrologer for horoscope reading, kundli analysis, birth chart predictions, gem stone suggestions, rashifal.
Know Personality By Birth Day, जन्म दिन से जानिए किसी व्यक्ति को , how days affect any one nature as per astrology by astrologer
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