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2021 Transit of sun in Aries rashifal

 Transit of sun in Aries rashifal, 2021, Sun in Aries Prediction as per Vedic Astrology.

Sun has entered in aries on 13th of april2021 and remain there till 14th of may 2021. As per vedic astrology sun is exalted in aries zodiac and so is good for everyone. This will definitely change the life positively.  The transit of sun in aries is called MESH SANKRANTI.

Sun is related with soul, name, fame, travelling, father, administration etc and so we can find major changes in related fields.


2021 Transit of sun in Aries rashifal in eglish, mesh sankranti prediction by astrologer.
2021 Transit of sun in Aries rashifal

Lets know the impacts of transit of sun in ARIES on 12 zodiacs as per vedic astrology:

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What changes may happen in life of ARIES people due to transit of sun in Aries:

Sun has entered in aries zodiac and  will remain till next 1 month, this transit is very good for you and will definitely enhance your will power, strength, your stopped work will be done, travelling may increase. 

You will try to learn new things with zeal and your network will also increase. 

Jobbers may get promotion, businessmen may get opportunities to increase their business. 

Aries people must take precaution while dealing with life parther, there is a chance of ego clash. 

You may get good news from progeny side.

If you are in a search of lover then there is good chance to get now and you will be able to present your feelings now. 

For auspiciousness, aries people should perform abhishek of shivling with sugarcane juice. 

What changes may happen in life of TARUS people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 12th house from Taurus sign and due to this there is possibility of expenses in travelling, you may buy new vehicle. With the support of mother, there is a good chance of getting important works done. 

This is necessary to control on your temper and avoid taking decision in hurry. 

If you are in job then you will do very hard work now and also get return too which will enhance your confidence. 

If you are a businessmen then you will be able to take your business to a new height. 

Regarding love life of Taurus people, misconceptions may increase with your lover so be careful. 

Health will be general so not to worry. 

For auspiciousness, Taurus people should perform shiv pooja, chant Om Namah shivay Mantra and distribute sweets. 

What changes may happen in life of GEMINI people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 11th house from Gemini  due to which sources of income may open, opportunities will come to get growth, your network will also increase greatly and this will also help you to grow your work.

There is good chance get support from children or good news from progeny side may make you feel better.  You may travel because of your work.

It is better to take precaution related to your health, there may be pain in your body. 

For auspiciousness, Gemini people should do abhishek of shivling with sweet water. 

What changes may happen in life of CANCER people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 10th house from cancer sign due to which major changes may come in your life. There is good chance of getting name and fame, you may find new ways to increase your work, you will be able to use your talking power in a better way, you can become a good consultant.

New responsibilities are waiting for you due to which you may be busy. Energy will increase in your mind and body which will force you to do something new in a different way. 

You may take care of your life partner. 

Obstacles and success, both will be part of your life, so don’t worry and move ahead confidently. 

What changes may happen in life of LEO people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 9th house from Leo sign due to which destiny will support you and your stopped work will get complete. You will get support of your father. 

There is good chance of making relations with higher officials which will help you in future. 

Leo people must be careful form jealous people, they will arise obstacles in your life. 

For auspiciousness, leo people should wear pendent of sun. 

What changes may happen in life of VIRGO people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 8TH  house from virgo sign due to which you will get success in research work, if you are trying to find something from long time then now you will get success. 

If you are suffering from disease for long then you will get relief. You should keep in mind that sudden health changes may harass you now , so do maintain proper hygiene. 

You have to move ahead with struggle and don’t take any decision in hurry otherwise you may enter in trouble. 

Conflicts and misconception may increase with life partner and you may worry related to health of your life partner, so do take care. 

For auspiciousness, virgo people should start bird feeding and also feed green grass to cows. 

What changes may happen in life of LIBRA people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 7th house from libra due to which your network will increase and this will help you in growing your work.

You will be able to make best strategy to make your life wonderful. 

If you want to marry then now destiny will support you and you will be able to get a good partner. 

There is great chance of ego clash with life partner, so be careful. 

You must be careful while doing any investment as there is chances of getting cheated by someone, don’t take any decision in hurry. 

For auspiciousness, do give gift to  your life partner. 

What changes may happen in life of SCORPIO people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 6th  house from SCORPIO and due to this your wishes will increase and you will be harassed by your own thinking. 

If you are suffering from anykind of debt then you will get chance to getrid of it and also you will be able to get stopped money. 

If you are passing through any kind of health issue then now you will be able to getrid of it. 

You may also face problems due to progeny and if you are doing any work related to share market then be careful. 

If anyone is passing through legal issues then now the time has come to come-out of it.

For auspiciousness, scorpio  people should worship lord ganesha. 

What changes may happen in life of SAGITTARIUS people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 5TH  house from SAGITTARIUS  due to which chances of getting sudden benefits are getting strong, you will be use your knowledge at best level. 

If you are doing work related to share market, speculation then you may get special benefits. 

If you are in a search of lover then you may get it, children will also give you joy. 

You may invest in land or property. 

Do take care of your life partner, there is great chance of misconception with life partner and you may also worry about health. 

For auspiciiousness, Sagittarius people should care and feed cow. 

What changes may happen in life of CAPRICORN people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 4th  house from CAPRICORN due to which you may buy new vehicles and enjoy with your family and friends. 

If your mother is suffering from any health issue then now she will get relief, your stopped work may also complete by blessings of mother. 

If you are a businessman then you may busy in work and you will give less time to family. 

Jobbers may get new responsibilities. 

You may also feel great changes in your love life, suddenly a partner will enter in your life, you may face ups and down in relationship. 

For auspiciousness Capricorn people should worship shani dev. 

What changes may happen in life of AQUARIUS people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 3rd  house from AQUARIUS due to which your potential will increase to perform your duties. 

You may travel to increase your work. 

There is great possibility of clash with brother and sister, so do take care. 

If anyone want to marry then now destiny will help you to find life partner. 

Time is not good for lovers, misconception and conflicts may harass you. 

For auspiciousness, do distribute chocolates and sweets. 

What changes may happen in life of PISCES people due to transit of sun in ARIES:

The transit of Sun took place in 2nd  house from Pisces due to which your profits may increase, you can achieve a special place by using your talking power. 

Now this is the time to get best return of your investment. 

If you are suffering from any disease for long time then now you will get relief, income sources will open. 

If your work is related with marketing then you will get special benefits.

You may also spend time in religious work.

Relation with life partner may also harass you, if you are doing any work in partnership then also you must take care. 

So we have seen that what changes may occur in life of 12 zodiacs people because of transit of sun in Aries. 

If you want to show your own horoscope and want to know the future then do contact for TRUE ASTROLOGY SERVICES.

Transit of sun in Aries rashifal, 2021, सूर्य का मेष राशी में गोचर का प्रभाव क्या होगा 12 राशियों पे, Sun in Aries Prediction as per Vedic Astrology.


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