9 harmful yogas that create obstacles in life, know how these yogas are formed in the horoscope. Chandala Yoga, Surya grahan Yoga, Chandra graham Yoga, Pitra Dosha, Nag Dosha, Angaraka Yoga, Pishcha Yoga, Kemdrum Yoga, Vish Yoga, जानिए ज्योतिष में 9 हानिकारक योगो के बारे में |
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9 Harmful Yoga In Horoscope |
In Vedic astrology, when the horoscope is studied, then auspicious and inauspicious yogas are also seen. Where auspicious yoga gives a good life to the native, due to inauspicious yoga, the person has to face a lot of trouble, obstacles in love life, career, in family, business, social status etc. Native live in fear due to harmful yogas in birth chart.
Let us know about 9 such yogas according to Vedic astrology which create struggle in the life:
Chandala Yoga:
When Rahu or Ketu sits with Jupiter in any house in the horoscope, then Chandal Yoga is form. This yoga is very harmful for the person and due to this the debt increases, the financial loss increases, there is loss in business.
The result of this yoga depends upon in which house it is formed and how much power, it is generating. For example, if it is present in business house, then the person face too much problems in making profit from business, if chandal yoga form in marriage house, it ruin the marriage life, person gets cheated again and again. If Chandala Yoga form in progeny house then the person suffer in life due to children, the child may remain sick, if Chandala Yoga is form in career house, then the person's work does not remain stable, he has to change his work again and again, some may face problem in getting permanent job and if you get it, you have to leave for some reasons.
Therefore, if there is a lot of trouble in life due to Chandal Yoga, then its remedy should be done by consulting astrologer. Here it is also necessary to know that there is no common remedy, so only an experienced astrologer is able to provide you the best way to overcome from harmful yoga impacts.
Surya Grahan Yoga:
This yoga is formed when Sun is sitting with Rahu and Ketu in any house in the horoscope. Due to the effect of surya grahan yoga , there is a lot of trouble in getting respect in society, person face problem in enjoying the ancestral property, Health of father creates obstacles in life, legal problems may arise and person face problem in maintaining relationships with higher officials.
The intensity of problem depends upon the power of yoga and the house in which it is formed.
It is also necessary to know here that there is no common remedy to reduce the ill-effects of solar eclipse yoga in birth chart, only and experienced astrologer can show you the right remedy after anaysing the horoscope minutely.
Pitru Dosha:
Whenever Rahu or Ketu of enemy sign present in 9th house in a horoscope, it creates Pitra Dosh or if Sun is of enemy in the horoscope, then Pitra Dosh is form or if Saturn is afflicted then it also gives birth to Pitra Dosh.
Some scholars believe that if Rahu, Ketu or Shani sit in the second, fifth or ninth house in the horoscope, then Pitra Dosh form.
Due to this dosha, there is a hindrance in every work in the life of the person, no happiness is achieved without struggle, the work made also gets spoiled, the child may remain sick, the debt can increase, serious disease can arise, There may be delay in marriage etc.
Therefore, its remedy should be done as soon as possible by showing the horoscope to a good astrologer.
Naag Dosha In Hroscope:
If Rahu is present in the fifth house in the horoscope of the native, then a strong Nag Dosh is formed.
Due to Nag Dosha, the person suffers from child loss, difficulty in attaining education, enemy obstruction, and incurable diseases.
Some people have the fear of being bitten by a snake even in their dreams. nightmares can disturb etc.
The simplest solution for this is to worship Shiva and other remedies depends upon the power of yoga in horoscope. An experienced astrologer can show the better way to overcome from naag dosha after analyzing the horoscope.
Angarak Dosha in Kundli:
If Rahu or Ketu sit with Mars in any house in the horoscope, then it gives rise to Angarak Dosha. This yoga gives rise to accidents. If this yoga form in the 8th house in the horoscope, then definitely the person loses a lot in accidents. If Angarak Yoga is formed in the Ascendant, it will make the native very short tempered.
One must keep resolving this yoga, otherwise the person also goes in the wrong path, can become addicted to drugs, can become a victim of serious disease etc. So do consult astrologer, if you are facing a lot due to angark yoga in birth chart.
Pisach Yoga:
If Rahu or Ketu sits with Saturn in the horoscope, then a strong pisach yoga form, due to this the person sometimes has to go through a serious problem, Ghost attack may disturb life, the person face to much problems due to evil eye effects, scary dreams come, enemy increases, the native may also become victim of black magic.
If there is a pisach yoga in the horoscope then it is good to take suitable measures by consulting astrologer as soon as possible.
Kemdrum Yoga:
This yoga is related to the moon, so if the moon is alone in the horoscope or if there is no planet in the previous and next house or if it is not seen by any planet , then the person suffers from Kemdrum Yoga. Due to this yoga, the person has to work very hard, there is a hindrance in every work, marriage is delayed, life is not formed with partner, person don’t get proper return of hard work etc.
So if Kemdrum Yoga is being formed in your horoscope, then you should take the right measures after consulting astrologer.
Vish Yoga:
If Saturn and Moon sits together in the horoscope or if they see each other then Vish Yoga form.
Due to this yoga, the person has to go through mental troubles, there is a lot of trouble in love relations, health keeps on deteriorating etc.
In such a situation, it is necessary that after getting a complete analysis of the horoscope, right measures should be taken.
Chandra Grahan Yoga:
If Rahu or Ketu sit in any house with the Moon in the horoscope, then in such a situation Chandra Grahan Yoga is formed. Due to this yoga, the person has to suffer a lot, the health of the mother is affected, the person becomes mentally weak, eyes also face problem, fear affect the life etc.
So in this way we have seen which 9 types of harmful yogas can disturb the life as per vedic astrology and what harms can be done by them. It must be kept in mind that the impacts depends upon the power of yoga and in which house it is forming.
If you also want to show your horoscope and want to know about the powerful planets present in your horoscope, about weak planets, about harmful yogas, then contact for reliable astrology services .
9 harmful yogas that create obstacles in life, know how these yogas are formed in the horoscope, जानिए ज्योतिष में 9 हानिकारक योगो के बारे में, Chandala Yoga, Surya grahan Yoga, Chandra graham Yoga, Pitra Dosha, Nag Dosha, Angaraka Yoga, Pishcha Yoga, Kemdrum Yoga, Vish Yoga.
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