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Sarp Suktam recitation benefits

Sarp suktam benefits, powerful remedy of kalsarp dosha, spell to please snakes god, save from poisonous impacts, best way to remove hurdles of life.

Sarp sukt is one of the best prayer which is used to overcome from the malefic impacts of kalsarp yoga in horoscope/birthchart. 

If you are facing following type of problems then do start reciting SARP SUKT and see the changes in life:

  • Regularly having dream of snakes. 
  • Dream of ancestors. 
  • Obstacles in every work without any genuine reason.
  • Failure in every segment of life. 
  • Unwanted fear every time. 
  • Snake biting dream.
  • Enemy problems 
  • Delay in marriage due to kalsrp yoga in horoscope. 
  • Quarrel in family. 
Sarp suktam benefits, powerful remedy of kalsarp dosha, spell to please snakes god, save from poisonous impacts, best way to remove hurdles of life.
Sarp Suktam recitation benefits

So sarp suktam is the remedy of many problems in life. If anyone devotedly recite this divine mantras and worship snake then no doubt life will transform magically.

When and how to perform recitation of sarp sukt?

  1. In nagpanchmi, it is good to recite this divine mantras to overcome from sarp dosha or kalsarp dosha. 
  2. Must recite this on every Panchmi tithi as per hindu calendar.
  3. If you are facing too many problems then recite this in the morning and before going to bed 12 times and pray for hurdle free life. 
  4. If debt is increasing day by day then also this SARP SUKTAM is very beneficial. 
  5. This is very beneficial if any one is having malefic rahu and ketu in birth chart. 
  6. If anyone recite this sarpsuktam daily in saawan month then no doubt by the blessings of lord shiva life will become smooth. 

।। श्री सर्प सूक्त ।।

ब्रह्मलोकेषु ये सर्पा शेषनाग परोगमा: ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा

इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: वासु‍कि प्रमुखाद्य: ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||1||

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

2- कद्रवेयश्च ये सर्पा: मातृभक्ति परायणा ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ।।

इन्द्रलोकेषु ये सर्पा: तक्षका प्रमुखाद्य:   ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||2||

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

3- सत्यलोकेषु ये सर्पा: वासुकिना च रक्षिता ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ।।

मलये चैव ये सर्पा: कर्कोटक प्रमुखाद्य:  ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||3||

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

4- पृथिव्यां चैव ये सर्पा: ये साकेत वासिता ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ।।

सर्वग्रामेषु ये सर्पा: वसंतिषु संच्छिता ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||4||

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

5- ग्रामे वा यदि वारण्ये ये सर्पप्रचरन्ति ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ।।

समुद्रतीरे ये सर्पाये सर्पा जंलवासिन: ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||5||

ॐ नमः शिवाय 

6- रसातलेषु ये सर्पा: अनन्तादि महाबला: ।

नमोस्तुतेभ्य: सर्पेभ्य: सुप्रीतो मम सर्वदा ||6||

|| इति श्री सर्प सूक्तं स्तोत्र ||

Sarp suktam benefits, powerful remedy of kalsarp dosha, spell to please snakes god, save from poisonous impacts, best way to remove hurdles of life.

Sarp suktam benefits, powerful remedy of kalsarp dosha, spell to please snakes god, save from poisonous impacts, best way to remove hurdles of life.

Read about NAVNAAG STROT benefits

Sarp suktam in English:

Brahm lokeshu ye sarpa sheshnag parogamaah|

Namostutebhyah sarpebhya suprito mam sarwada ||

Indrlokeshu ye sarpah wasuki pramukhadyah 

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mum sarwada ||1||

Kadrveyasch ye sarpah maatrubhakti paraaynaa |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mum sarwada ||

Indrlokeshu ye sarpah takshaka pramukhadyah |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||2||

Satyalokeshu ye sarpah waasukina ch rakshita |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||

Malye chaiw ye sarpaah karkotak pramukhadyah |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||3||

Pritbhivyam chaiv ye sarpah ye saaket vaasita |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||

Sarwgraameshu ye sarpah vasantishu sanchita |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||4||

Graame wa yadi vaaranye ye sarppracharanti |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada||

Samudrteere ye sarpaaye sarpaa njalwaasinah |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||5||

Rasataleshu ye sarpah anantadi mahabalaah |

Namostutebhyah sarpebhyah suprito mam sarwada ||6||

|| Iti shree sarp suktam stotr ||

Sarp suktam benefits, powerful remedy of kalsarp dosha, spell to please snakes god, save from poisonous impacts, best way to remove hurdles of life.


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