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Rudrashtakam lyrics with meaning

Shri Rudrashtakam Lyrics with meaning, श्री रुद्राष्टकम के बोल अर्थ के साथ, रुद्राष्टकम पढ़ने के क्या लाभ हैं।  what are the benefits of reciting rudrashtakam.

Rudrashtakam: Rudra which is a form of Shiva and is very powerful. When trouble is coming from all sides, failure is constantly troubling you, negative thoughts are not allowing to move forward, then the recitation of Rudrashtakam is very powerful and effective.

Shree rudrashtak should be recited daily to get the divine grace of Shiva immediately. This is a very good remedy to remove the problems of life as per astrology.

If something has been done by the enemy due to which life has become confused, then in such a situation, Rudrashtakam should be recited daily in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Rudrashtak should be recited every morning before leaving for work in order to remove the obstacles in the work of daily life. Rudrashtakam

Shri Rudrashtakam Lyrics with meaning, श्री रुद्राष्टकम के बोल अर्थ के साथ, रुद्राष्टकम पढ़ने के क्या लाभ हैं।  what are the benefits of rudrashtak
Rudrashtakam lyrics with meaning

Rudrashtakam Lyrics in English

Namami Shamishan Nirvan Roopam

Vibhum Vyapakam Brahma Veda Swaroopam |

Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham

Chidakaash Maakash Vaasam Bhajeham || 1 ||

Nirakaar Omkar Moolam Turiyam

Giragyaan Goteet Meesham Girisham |

Karaalam Mahakaal Kaalam Kripalam

Gunagaar Sansaar Paaram Naatoham|| 2 || Rudrashtakam

Tusharaadri Sankaash Gauram Gabheeram

Manobhoot Koti Prabha Shi Shareeram |

Sfooranmauli Kallolini Charu Ganga

Lasadbhaal Baalendu Kanthe Bhujanga|| 3 ||

Chalatkundalam Bhru Sunethram Vishaalam

Prasannananam Neelkantham Dayalam |

Mrigadheesh Charmaambaram Mundamaalam

Priyam Shankaram Sarvanaatham Bhajaami || 4 || Rudrashtakam

Prachandam Prakrishtam Pragalbham Paresham

Akhandam Ajambhaanukoti Prakaasham |

Trayahshool Nirmoolanam Shoolpaanim

Bhajeham Bhawani Patim Bhaav Gamyam || 5 ||

Kalateet Kalyaan Kalpantkaari

Sada Sajjanaanand Daata Purari |

Chidaanand Sandoh Mohapahari

Praseed Praseed Prabho Manmathari || 6 || Rudrashtakam

Nayaavad Umanath Paadaravindam

Bhajanteeha Lokey Parewa Naraanaam |

Na Tawatsukham Shaantisantapnaasham

Praseed Prabho Sarvabhootadhivaasam || 7 ||

Na Jaanaami Yogam Japam Naiva Poojaam

Na Toham Sada Sarvada Shambhu Tubhhyam |

Jarajanm Dukhhaudya Taapatyamaanam

Prabho Paahi Aapan Namaami Shri Shambho || 8 || Rudrashtakam

Rudrashtakamidam Proktam Vipren Hartoshaye |

Ye Pathanti Naraa Bhaktaya Teyshaam Shambhu Praseedati ||

Ithi Shri Goswami Tulasidaasa krutam Sri Rudrashtakam Sampoornam ||

Rudrashtak lyrics in Sanskrit || श्री शिव रूद्राष्टकम:

नमामीशमीशान निर्वाण रूपं, विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेदः स्वरूपम् ।

निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं, चिदाकाश माकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥


निराकार मोंकार मूलं तुरीयं, गिराज्ञान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् ।

करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालुं, गुणागार संसार पारं नतोऽहम् ॥Rudrashtakam


तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं, मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरम् ।

स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारू गंगा, लसद्भाल बालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजंगा॥


चलत्कुण्डलं शुभ्र नेत्रं विशालं, प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् ।

मृगाधीश चर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं, प्रिय शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥Rudrashtakam


प्रचण्डं प्रकष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं, अखण्डं अजं भानु कोटि प्रकाशम् ।

त्रयशूल निर्मूलनं शूल पाणिं, भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भाव गम्यम् ॥


कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी, सदा सच्चिनान्द दाता पुरारी।

चिदानन्द सन्दोह मोहापहारी, प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥


न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं, भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् ।

न तावद् सुखं शांति सन्ताप नाशं, प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वं भूताधि वासं ॥Rudrashtakam


न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजा, न तोऽहम् सदा सर्वदा शम्भू तुभ्यम् ।

जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं, प्रभोपाहि आपन्नामामीश शम्भो ॥


रूद्राष्टकं इदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हर्षोतये

ये पठन्ति नरा भक्तयां तेषां शंभो प्रसीदति।। 


॥  इति श्रीगोस्वामितुलसीदासकृतं श्रीरुद्राष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Meaning of Rudrashtak in English:

I bow to the formless, the origin of Omkar, beyond the sound of speech, beyond the knowledge and the senses, king of kailash mountain, horrible, Kaal of Mahakal, the merciful, the abode of virtues, the Supreme Lord  I salute you. 

Who is as white and serious as Himachal, Whose body has the light and splendor of crores of Cupid, on whose head has the beautiful river Ganga, whose forehead is adorned with the moon of Dwitiya and whose neck is  adorned with snake.Rudrashtakam

Whose ears are adorned with Kundals/coils. Who has a beautiful brow and huge eyes, who is happy face, blue-neck and kind. Who is wearing lion skin and wearing a hood, I worship Shri Shankarji, the beloved of all and the Nath of all.

I worship Lord Shiva, who is supremely brilliant, unborn, light like millions of suns, remover of all the three types of shool, holding a trident in his hand, who is attained through emotion, Bhavani's husband.
Beyond the arts, the form of welfare, the destroyer, the one who always gives pleasure to the gentlemen, the enemy of Tripurasura, the Satchidanandghan, the destroyer of delusion, the one who churns the mind, O Lord, be pleased, be pleased.Rudrashtakam

Unless human beings worship the lotus feet of Shri Parvatiji's husband, they neither get happiness and peace in this world, nor in the hereafter, and their sufferings are also not destroyed. Therefore, O Lord who resides in the heart of all living beings, be pleased.

I know neither yoga, nor chanting nor worship. O Shambho, I always salute you only. Oh, Lord! Protect me from sorrows, burning from the sorrows of old age and birth. O Shambho, I salute you.Rudrashtakam

Bholenath is especially pleased with those who read this stotra with devotion.

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Shri Rudrashtakam Lyrics with meaning, श्री रुद्राष्टकम के बोल अर्थ के साथ, रुद्राष्टकम पढ़ने के क्या लाभ हैं।  what are the benefits of reciting rudrashtakam.


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