Shree Ganesh Ashtkam with Sanskrit Lyrics, गणेश अष्टकम, गणेशाष्टकम्, Ganeshashtakam in Sanskrit.
A divine OCTAT of shree ganesha in which Praise of lord is present. There are 8 versus in this Ashtak.
Shree ganesh is worshipped first as per hindu mythology and so the mantras of shree ganesh are very powerful to attract success in life. Ganesh Ashtakam is very popular among Hindus. This Ganapati Ashtakam is a powerful way to invoke the blessings of Lord Ganesha.
It has eight verses that extol the greatness of Lord Ganesha and his unique supremacy among all the gods. It is used by devotees for ritual worship and prayer to Ganapati. Shree Ganesh Ashtkam with Sanskrit Lyrics
Sri Ganesha Ashtakam contains divine and powerful mantras of Lord Ganesha(vighnvinashak) which removes the obstacles in life. Those who sing Shree Ganesha Ashtakam with full faith and devotion will definitely get the grand success in life.
Shree Ganesh is the lord of mind power, knowledge, cleverness and so is able to remove the hindrances of life easily. Chanting or recitation of ganesh ashtakam daily help to removes obstacles of life easily.
This is a powerful way to invoke the powerful and divine energy i.e. Lord Ganesha to remove every obstacles in personal, professional and spiritual life. The worship of VIGHNHARTA i.e. shree ganesh easily attract wealth, wisdom, good luck, prosperity and success in life.
One can recite this divine and powerful mantra without any hesitation. Shree Ganesh Ashtkam with Sanskrit Lyrics
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Shree Ganesh Ashtkam with Sanskrit Lyrics |
What are the benefits of Ganesha Ashtakam (गणेश अष्टकम):
- If anyone is facing problems in job or business then do recite this daily and pray to lord to remove hurdles.
- If you are starting any new business or work then do perform ganesh pooja and recite Shree ganesh ashtkam.
- If any student is facing problems in education then it is good to recite this powerful and divine SHREE GANESH ASHTAK.
- If anyone is passing through delay in marriage problem then before doing other pooja do ganesh pooja first and then recite ganesh ashtak.
- This is also very good to remove obstacles in spiritual practices.
- If anyone is suffering from fear problem then also recite this daily. It will give you tremendous benefit.
Reciting Shri Ganesh Ashtakam with a calm mind, dedicating oneself to the feet of the Lord, surely brings health, wealth, fame In life. Be a part of virtue by sharing this post as much as possible and also give a chance to others to take advantage of it.
Read 108 Names of lord ganesha
What are the best days to recite Ganesh Ashtak?
- Ganesh chaturthi, Vinayak chaturthi are the best days to start practicing this divine versus.
- It is good to recite this 3 times a day i.e. morning, noon and in the evening.
Lyrics of GANESH ASHTAK in english:
॥ अथ श्री गणेशाष्टकम् / Ganesha Ashtakam ॥
श्री गणेशाय नमः।
सर्वे उचुः।
यतोऽनन्तशक्तेमरनन्ताश्च जीवायतो निर्गुणादप्रमेया गुणास्ते।
यतो भाति सर्वं त्रिधा भेदभिन्नंसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥१॥
Shree ganesh ashtak
यतश्चाविरासीज्जगत्सर्वमेतत्तथाऽब्जासनोविश्वगो विश्वगोप्ता।
तथेन्द्रादयो देवसङ्घा मनुष्याःसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥२॥
यतो वह्निभानू भवो भूर्जलं च यतः सागराश्चन्द्रमा व्योम वायुः।
यतः स्थावरा जङ्गमा वृक्षसङ्घा सदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥३॥
Shree ganesh ashtakam
यतो दानवाः किन्नरा यक्षसङ्घायतश्चारणा वारणाः श्वापदाश्च।
यतः पक्षिकीटा यतो वीरूधश्चसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥४॥
यतो बुद्धिरज्ञाननाशो मुमुक्षोर्यतःसम्पदो भक्तभसन्तोषिकाः स्युः।
यतो विघ्ननाशो यतः कार्यसिद्धिःसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥५॥
Shree ganesh ashtak
यतः पुत्रसम्पद्यतो वाञ्छितार्थोयतोऽभक्तेविघ्नास्तथाऽनेकरूपाः।
यतः शोकमोहौ यतः काम एवसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥६॥
यतोऽनन्तशक्तिःः स शेषो बभूवधराधारणेऽनेकरूपे च शक्तःा।
यतोऽनेकधा स्वर्गलोका हि नानासदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥७॥
Shree ganesh ashtakam
यतो वेदवाचो विकुण्ठा मनोभिःसदा नेति नेतीति यत्ता गृणन्ति।
परब्रह्मरूपं चिदानन्दभूतंसदा तं गणेशं नमामो भजामः॥८॥
॥ फल श्रुति ॥
श्रीगणेश उवाच।
पुनरूचे गणाधीशःस्तोत्रमेतत्पठेन्नरः।
त्रिसन्ध्यं त्रिदिनं तस्यसर्वं कार्यं भविष्यति॥९॥
यो जपेदष्टदिवसंश्लोकाष्टकमिदं शुभम्।
अष्टवारं चतुर्थ्यां तुसोऽष्टसिद्धिरवानप्नुयात्॥१०॥
यः पठेन्मासमात्रं तुदशवारं दिने दिने।
स मोचयेद्वन्धगतंराजवध्यं न संशयः॥११॥
विद्याकामो लभेद्विद्यांपुत्रार्थी पुत्रमाप्नुयात्।
यो जपेत्परया भक्त्यागजाननपरो नरः।
एवमुक्त्वा ततोदेवश्चान्तर्धानं गतः प्रभुः॥१३॥
॥ इति श्रीगणेशपुराणे उपासनाखण्डे श्रीगणेशाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
Meaning of Shree Ganesh Ashtakam In English:
- All the devotees said - from whom infinite beings have appeared, from whom infinite beings have appeared, from whom innumerable qualities have arisen, sattvik, rajas and tamas - this whole world with these three distinctions is manifesting and manifesting, those We bow and worship Ganesha.
- From whom the whole world has originated, from whom Kamalasan Brahma, the universal world protector Vishnu, Indra etc. God-community and human beings have appeared, we always bow and worship those Ganesha.
- From whom the fire and the sun appeared, the earth, the water, the sea, the moon, the sky and the air, and from whom the immovable-movable and tree-groups have arisen, we bow and worship that Ganesha.
- We always bow and worship Ganesha, from whom the groups of demons, eunuchs and yakshas appeared, from whom elephants and predatory creatures were born and from whom birds, insects and creepers were born.
- We always bow and worship Ganesha, from whom Mumukshu attains wisdom and destroys ignorance;
- We always bow and worship Lord Ganesha, from whom the son-property is accessible, from whom the desired meaning is proved, from whom the non-devotees get many kinds of obstacles and from whom they get sorrow, attachment and lust.
- From whom the famous Sheshnag full of infinite power appeared, who is capable of holding this earth and taking many forms, from whom many types of heaven have appeared, we always bow and worship that Ganesha.
- About whom the Vedas are frustrated, where even the mind has no access and the Shruti is always careful, neti-neti' - Whom describes by these words, who is the Supreme Brahman in the form of Sachchidananda, we always bow and worship Ganesha. .
- The person who recites this stotra during all the three evenings for three days, all his works will be accomplished.
- One who recites these eight shlokas once for eight days and recites this stotra eight times on Chaturthi Tithi, he will attain all the eight siddhis.
- One who recites this stotra ten times a day for a month, he will be able to free a prisoner who is imprisoned and sentenced to death by the king, there is no doubt about it.
- By reciting this stotra twenty-one times, the student attains learning, the son of the son and the worker attains all the desired desires.
- The person who chants this stotra with great devotion, becomes a great devotee of Gajanan – saying this, Lord Ganesha disappeared there.
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Shree Ganesh Ashtkam with Sanskrit Lyrics, गणेश अष्टकम, गणेशाष्टकम्, Ganeshashtakam with english lyrics.
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