Benefits of Navgrah Kavach Stotra. Benefits of Navagraha Kavach. lyrics of navagrah kawach|
Navagraha means Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Depending on the position of these 9 planets, they have a deep impact on a person's life, which can be seen in the horoscope. Navagraha Kavach Strotram is a powerful recitation of which daily recitation can remove or reduce the inauspicious effects of planets.
Nothing is impossible for a person who recites Navagraha Kavach. Navagraha's effect is on every particle, that's why it is possible to achieve success by the grace of Navagraha.
Many measures have been given in Vedic and Tantra Shastra for the happiness of Navagrahas, such as donations, chanting mantras, reciting hymns, armor etc.
The recitation of Navagraha Kavach Strotra removes the biggest problems and obstacles. By worshiping it regularly, the miraculous benefits in life begin to appear. Navagraha Kavach can remove all kinds of troubles, enemy obstacles and health.
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Navagrah Kavach Lyrics and benefits |
हिंदी में पढ़िए नवग्रह कवच पाठ के फायदे क्या हैं ?
Benefits of Navagraha Kavach:
- Regular chanting of this Navagraha Kavach brings longevity and wealth.
- Navagraha Kavach gives healthy children.
- Navagraha Kavach makes you victorious by defeating all the enemies.
- Navagraha Kavach provides protection everywhere.
- Those who are not getting married get a good life partner.
- Poverty is removed by its regular recitation.
- Disasters are destroyed and all happiness is attained.
Who should recite Navagraha Kavach?
Individuals who are suffering due to inauspicious effects of planets, and are facing repeated failure due to sme reason should recite Navagraha Kavach regularly.
Recite Navagraha Kavach for Navagraha Shanti.
People who are not able to get the Karma Kand done and want to free themselves from problems should recite Navagraha Kavach Strotram.
Lyrics of Navgrah Kavach Stotra – नवग्रह कवच स्त्रोत्र
शिरो मे पातु मार्ताण्डो कपालं रोहिणीपतिः ।
मुखमङ्गारकः पातु कण्ठश्च शशिनन्दनः ॥ १ ॥
बुद्धिं जीवः सदा पातु हृदयं भृगुनन्दनः ।
जठरं च शनिः पातु जिह्वां मे दितिनन्दनः ॥ २ ॥
पादौ केतुः सदा पातु वाराः सर्वाङ्गमेव च ।
तिथयोऽष्टौ दिशः पान्तु नक्षत्राणि वपुः सदा ॥ ३ ॥
अंसौ राशिः सदा पातु योगाश्च स्थैर्यमेव च ।
गुह्यं लिङ्गं सदा पान्तु सर्वे ग्रहाः शुभप्रदाः ॥ ४ ॥
अणिमादीनि सर्वाणि लभते यः पठेद् धृवम् ।
एतां रक्षां पठेद् यस्तु भक्त्या स प्रयतः सुधीः ॥ ५ ॥
स चिरायुः सुखी पुत्री रणे च विजयी भवेत् ।
अपुत्रो लभते पुत्रं धनार्थी धनमाप्नुयात् ॥ ६ ॥
दारार्थी लभते भार्यां सुरूपां सुमनोहराम् ।
रोगी रोगात्प्रमुच्येत बद्धो मुच्येत बन्धनात् ॥ ७ ॥
जले स्थले चान्तरिक्षे कारागारे विशेषतः ।
यः करे धारयेन्नित्यं भयं तस्य न विद्यते ॥ ८ ॥
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः ।
सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्येत कवचस्य च धारणात् ॥ ९ ॥
नारी वामभुजे धृत्वा सुखैश्वर्यसमन्विता ।
काकवन्ध्या जन्मवन्ध्या मृतवत्सा च या भवेत् ।
बह्वपत्या जीववत्सा कवचस्य प्रसादतः ॥ १० ॥
|इति ग्रहयामले उत्तरखण्डे नवग्रह कवचम संपूर्णम् ।
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