What is kendradhipati dosha, How does kendradhipati dosh form, How does Kendradhipati dosha get Cancelled?, Remedies
According to Vedic astrology, there are 12 houses in a person's horoscope, in which the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are called center houses. When we want to talk about Kendradhipati Dosh, then we have to study these 4 houses minutely.
Kendradhipati Dosh:
Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are natural auspicious planets and when they are related to Center Houses in birth chart in a specific state, then Kendradhipati Dosh is formed.
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What is Kendradhipati Dosha In Astrology |
हिंदी में पढ़िए केन्द्रधिपति दोष क्या होता है ?
Let us know in detail about this topic, how and when it affects our lives?
Kendradhipati Dosh is formed in the horoscope when Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon sits in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house.
Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have no relation with this Yoga.
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Important Points Related To Kendradhipati Dosha:
- If Center houses are having the zodiac signs 4, 2, 7, 3, 6, 9, 12 then only Kendradhipati Dosha is possible.
- If the planet Mercury sits in any center house in its own sign, then Bhadra Yoga will be formed in such a situation there will be no Kendradhipati Dosha.
- If the Jupiter sits in any center house in its own sign or if it sits in Cancer sign, then Hans Yoga will form and there will be no effect of Kendradhipati Dosha.
- If Venus sits in any center house in its own sign or if it sits in Pisces, then Malavya Yoga will form, due to which Kendradhipati Dosh will not give result.
- If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon are sitting in the center houses, but if their relationship is being made with trikona houses (1, 5, 9), then also the bad results of Kendradhipati dosha will not be there.
- The native feels the result most of this dosha during the transit of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon.
Let us now understand the principles of Kendradhipati dosh with examples:
Jupiter And Kendradhipati Dosha:
Venus and Kendradhipati Dosha –
Mercury and Kendradhipati Dosha –
Moon and Kendradhipati Dosh –
Now let us know what measures can be taken to avoid Kendradhipati Dosh ?
- If this dosha is formed due to the planet Jupiter, then do fast on Thursday, donate bananas, distribute gram and jaggery on Thursday.
- If Kendradhipati Dosh is being created due to Venus in the birth chart, then worshiping the small girls is the best solution. Along with this, gift the ingredients of Suhag to the married women on Friday.
- If Kendradhipati Dosh is being created due to Mercury, then feed green grass to the cow on Wednesday.
- If Kendradhipati Dosha is arising due to the Moon, then worship Lord Shiva regularly.
- Apart from this, grah shanti pooja is also beneficial.
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