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Venus Impacts on 12 Houses in Horoscope

Venus Impacts on 12 Houses in Horoscope,  know the auspicious and inauspicious effects of Venus in different houses in the horoscope, शुक्र ग्रह का 12 भावो में प्रभाव |

In Vedic astrology, Sun is considered as the king, Mars as the commander, Mercury as the crown prince, Jupiter as Guru and Venus as the factor of happiness, wealth and prosperity.

Venus is the lord of Taurus and Libra in the birth chart. In the horoscope, Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. It takes about 225 days to revolve around the Sun.

The auspicious and inauspicious state of Venus in any horoscope brings big changes in life. Auspicious and powerful Venus in the birth chart gives all the happiness to the native, makes him successful in love life, gives attractive personality, gives success, whereas due to inauspicious Venus, the native faces problems in relationships, face problems in getting name and fame in the society. There is trouble in life, there is a struggle to enjoy worldly pleasures.

Venus Impacts on 12 Houses in Horoscope,  know the auspicious and inauspicious effects of Venus in different houses in the horoscope, venus prediction
Venus Impacts on 12 Houses in Horoscope

Venus in Vedic Astrology:

Venus is called SHUKRA/शुक्र in Hindi. According to Vedic astrology, Venus in the horoscope is associated with love, romance, beauty, attractive personality, friends, life partner, art, relationship with opposite sex, happiness, wealth , money, luxury, and creativity etc. The placement of Venus in different houses in the birth chart can have a significant impact on many areas of life like  Love and relationships, Marriage, Finances, Career, etc. For example, Venus in the 5th house indicates a love of creativity and self-expression, while Venus in the 7th house indicates a love of relationships and partnerships.

The aspects that Venus makes to other planets can indicate the challenges and opportunities that you'll face in your relationships and your pursuit of pleasure. For example, a Venus-Saturn aspect can indicate challenges in expressing your love freely, while a Venus-Jupiter aspect can indicate opportunities for abundance and growth in your relationships.

According to numerology, the number of Venus is 6.

हिंदी में पढ़िए शुक्र ग्रह का 12 भावो में प्रभाव क्या है ?

Venus can reveal a lot about your values, relationships, and sense of style.

Here are some of the key things that Venus can indicate in your birth chart:

  • Your values: Venus represents your values, including your relationship with finances and material possessions. It also shows what you find attractive in others and yourself.
  • Your relationships: Venus rules over love and relationships, so its placement in your birth chart can reveal a lot about your romantic tendencies and your ideal partner. It can also indicate how you relate to other people in general.
  • Your sense of style: Venus is also associated with beauty and aesthetics, so its placement can indicate your personal style and your taste in art, music, and other forms of beauty.
  • Your creativity: Venus is also associated with creativity, so its placement can indicate your artistic abilities and your appreciation for the arts.

The placement of Venus in your birth chart can also have a significant impact on your career path. If Venus is in a strong position in your chart, you may be drawn to careers that involve beauty, creativity, or finance.

Overall, Venus is a powerful planet that can reveal a lot about your personality and your life path. 

Read about Venus and Mars Conjunction Impacts

Which diseases are related to Venus? (Venus Related Diseases):

Defective or weak Venus can cause many diseases such as semen defects, gonorrhea, Diabetes, urine defects, venereal diseases, wet dreams, skin diseases, thumb problems, nose related problems, lack of libido, intestinal diseases. Kidney diseases, etc.

Let us now know what is the effect of Venus in the 12 houses of the horoscope.

What is the effect of Venus in the FIRST house of the horoscope?

According to Vedic astrology, the presence of auspicious and powerful Shukra in the first house of the horoscope makes the person neat and clean, beauty lover, Native has hypnotic personality, there is no shortage of money, such people are art lovers. and the speech is also very sweet.

Due to inauspicious or weak Venus in the first house of the horoscope, the native has to face many types of problems, the native may yearn for happiness and convenience, there may be difficulty in making relations in the society, due to wrong decisions many trouble arise in life.

What is the effect of Venus in the SECOND house of the horoscope?

Due to the presence of auspicious and powerful Shukra in the second house of the horoscope, the person becomes prosperous, can earn by joining the art field, can get name and fame, the life partner of the person is also intelligent. The person is clever in the art of speaking.

If there is inauspicious or weak Venus in the second house of the birth chart, the person may lose money due to his decisions. There can be a lot of expenditure on the health of the spouse. Lack of patience and restraint is seen in such people, due to which they have to face a lot of trouble in life.

What is the effect of Venus in the THIRD house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the third house of the horoscope, then the person gets family happiness, the person is fond of traveling, makes a different name in the society due to his cheerful personality. With the cooperation of brothers and sisters, many things are done in life. Such people have been seen to be successful in call center work, have been seen to be successful in online work. After marriage, such people progress a lot due to the luck of the life partner.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the third house of the horoscope increases the struggle in the life of the native, the native is not able to use his ability properly, due to which the problem of depression arises. There is a decrease in family happiness, the person gets very upset due to unnecessary travels. Relations with the in-laws can be bad.

What is the effect of Venus in the FORTH house of the horoscope?

The auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the fourth house of the birth chart gives all kinds of comforts to the native, such people get a different recognition at the work place. There are also chances of earning by joining the art world.

Due to inauspicious or weak Venus in the fourth house of the birth chart, the native may have to face family disputes, the child may indulge in immoral activities, relations with the life partner may deteriorate.

What is the result of Venus in the FIFTH house of the horoscope?

If auspicious and powerful SHUKRA sits in the fifth house of the horoscope, then the person is generous, successful in love affairs, the person gets happiness from children, the person can earn a lot of money by joining the art world. Such people can earn very good name and money even by doing event management work.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the fifth house of the birth chart gives rise to many kinds of troubles in the life of the native, the native remains unlucky in the matters of love, suffers a lot in life due to the opposite sex, the native has to work hard to fulfill desires. 

What is the result of Venus in the SIXTH house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the sixth house of the horoscope, then the person gets benefits from the maternal uncle's family, the person spends a lot on his hobbies. Children are sweet-spoken. Spouse is very spendthrift.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the sixth house of the birth chart pushes the person towards immoral activities, can get trapped in debt, can suffer from venereal diseases.

What is the result of Venus in the SEVENTH house of the horoscope?

If auspicious and powerful SHUKRA is present in the seventh house of the horoscope, then the person has many contacts in the country and the world, such people earn good profits in business, get a good life partner, there is no shortage of money.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the seventh house of the horoscope makes the person befriend wrong people due to which money, time and respect are wasted. The person has a disease related to the stomach. Have to bear loss in business.

What is the result of Venus in the EIGHT house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the eighth house of the horoscope, then the person gets name and fame due to his amazing talent, there are chances of traveling abroad, such people mysteriously relate to different people in the society  and they get benefits from them.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the eighth house of the birth chart can give a person venereal diseases, there can be lack of semen, the person can be lazy, money is wasted in traveling and immoral activities.

What is the effect of Venus in the NINTH house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the ninth house of the birth chart, then the person remains full of positive energy, is lucky, such people have high ambitions. Very passionate about their goal. They are experts in the art of speaking. It is their habit to keep learning something or the other.

Due to the presence of inauspicious or weak Venus in the ninth house of the horoscope, the person does not get the support of luck, relations with the sister-in-law can get spoiled, the person tries to get name and fame by using his knowledge in a wrong way.

What is the result of Venus in the TENTH house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the tenth house of the birth chart, then the person gets happiness by the grace of his mother, the personality of the person is attractive, native is expert in making strategies, such people are also loved in the family.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the 10th house of the birth chart traps the native in unnecessary responsibilities, there is a lack of family happiness of the native, such people keep working hard throughout their life to fulfill their and their family's needs.

What is the result of Venus in the ELEVENTH house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the eleventh house of the birth chart, then the person is versatile, has more than one source of income, is fond of art, gets happiness from children, there is no shortage of money in life. If you have an elder sister, you can make a lot of progress in life with her help.

Inauspicious or weak Venus in the twelfth house of the birth chart does not allow the native to use knowledge properly. The native may remain in depression due to his failures. There are more expenses than income. Such people can suffer a lot from the stock market or speculative market.

What is the result of Venus in the TWELFTH house of the horoscope?

If there is auspicious and powerful SHUKRA in the twelfth house of the birth chart, then the person enjoys life, has a lot of fun with friends, life partner.  Native likes to travel and also go abroad. The person is very fond of and spends a lot of money in fulfilling wishes.

Due to inauspicious or weak Venus in the twelfth house of the horoscope, the person remains tense, a lot of money is wasted due to the opposite sex, a lot of money is also wasted due to the relationship with unethical people. Due to inauspicious Venus, the person also gets angry very quickly, one or the other health problem keeps troubling him.

So in this way we have come to know that what can be the result of SHUKRA in 12 houses. If you want to know about your future from your horoscope then get astrology service online.

Know when the marriage will happen, how will be the life partner, what to do for progress in work, how to get success in love life, which is the lucky stone, whom to worship etc.

Now let us know what are the remedies for bad Venus?

  1. Shukra Graha Shanti Puja should be done from time to time.
  2. Start fasting on Fridays and donate white things like pearls, milk, curd, sugar etc.
  3. Never let the south-east direction of the house remain dirty.
  4. Donate makeup items on Friday in a goddess temple.
  5. Chant Shukra Gayatri Mantra daily.
  6. Chant the mantra Om Shoom Shukray Namah or Om Dram Drim Draum Sah Shukray Namah and donate any Venus thing on Friday.
  7. If Venus is auspicious but weak in the horoscope, then diamond, Crystal rosary or silver should be worn after consulting astrologer.

Venus Impacts on 12 Houses in Horoscope,  know the auspicious and inauspicious effects of Venus in different houses in the horoscope, शुक्र ग्रह का 12 भावो में प्रभाव |


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