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Lyrics of Shivashtakam With Meaning and Benefits

Lyrics of Shivashtakam With Meaning and significance, शिवाष्टक स्तोत्रं, how to please Mahadev, Meaning of Shivahtak shloks.

The recitation of Shivashtakam is one of the best way to please lord shiva. This helps to attain success in this life and life after death.

Shivashtakam is written in praise of Lord Shiva and reciting it bestows the blessings of Lord Shiva. Those who chant this prayer every morning with devotion to Shiva having the Trishul, get all the happiness in this life and attain salvation after death.  Shivashtakam

Lord Shiva is one of the most important deities in Hinduism. He is among 3 gods i.e. Brahma, vishnu and Mahesh. Shiva is known as the Destroyer, but he is also the creator and transformer. He is associated with many things, including fertility, destruction, death, regeneration, meditation, and yoga.

He has crescent moon on his head, a snake around his neck, and a trident in his hand.

He is the creator of Tandav dance. He is a popular god and his temples can be found all over India and in many countries in the world. Shivashtakam

Lyrics of Shivashtakam With Meaning and significance, शिवाष्टक स्तोत्रं, how to please Mahadev, Meaning of Shivahtak shloks.
Lyrics of Shivashtakam With Meaning and Benefits

Shivashtakam is a Sanskrit stotra (hymn) in praise of the Hindu god Shiva. It is composed of 8 verses (ashtakam). The stotra extols the many attributes of Shiva, including his power, wisdom, compassion, and grace. It is said that reciting Shivashtakam with devotion can bring about a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased spiritual awareness
  • Improved mental clarity
  • Enhanced physical health
  • Protection from harm
  • Attainment of moksha (liberation)

The eight verses of Shivashtakam are a beautiful and powerful expression of devotion to Shiva. They are a source of inspiration and guidance for many Hindus, and they can be recited by anyone who seeks to connect with the divine. Shivashtakam

हिंदी में पढ़िए शिवाष्टक के बोल और फायदे 

The benefits of reciting SHIVASHTAKAM are:

  1. Peace and prosperity: Reciting Shivashtakam is said to bring peace and prosperity to the reciter's life.
  2. Blessings of Lord Shiva: Reciting Shivashtakam is said to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva.
  3. Fulfillment of desires: Reciting Shivashtakam is said to help fulfill the reciter's desires.
  4. Liberation from sins: Reciting Shivashtakam is said to help the reciter attain liberation from sins.
  5. Moksha: Reciting Shivashtakam is said to help the reciter attain moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
  6. Increase the reciter's will power and strength.
  7. Help the reciter overcome obstacles and challenges.
  8. Provide the reciter with guidance and protection from negativity.
  9. Enlighten the reciter's mind and soul.

If you are a devotee of lord shiva and are looking for peace, prosperity, and blessings in your life, then you may want to consider reciting Shivashtakam. It is a powerful prayer that can have a positive impact on your life. Shivashtakam

Read about 108 Names of Lord Shiva

Here are some tips for reciting Shivashtakam:

  • Recite Shivashtakam in a clean and quiet place.
  • Recite Shivashtakam with a pure heart and mind.
  • Recite Shivashtakam with devotion and concentration.
  • Recite Shivashtakam regularly for the best results.
  • The month of Sawan is very auspicious for the recitation of Shivashtakam.
  • By the way, you can recite Shivashtakam on any day and in any month.
  • Morning and evening time is best for reciting Shivashtakam.
  • First of all purify yourself by taking bath etc.
  • Then after that sit on a good posture and meditate on Mahadev Shiva.
  • If you recite Shivashtakam stotra while sitting near an idol of Shivathen is best.
  •  While reciting, keep your attention only on Mahadev Shiva.
  • Do not let the mind wander in any way.
  • Have deep faith on Shiva.
  • Offer Ganges water, Belpatra etc. on Shiva Linga.
  • Before starting do offer a Deepak or lamp before lord shiva. 

|| Lyrics of Shivashtak in Sanskrit:

प्रभुं प्राणनाथंम् विभुं विश्वनाथंम्
जगन्नाथनाथं सदानन्दभाजाम् ।
भवद्भव्यभूतेश्वरं भूतनाथं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ १ ॥

गले रुण्डमालं तनौ सर्पजालं
महाकालकालं गणेशादिपालम् ।
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ २ ॥ Shivashtakam

मुदामाकरं मण्डनं मण्डयन्तं
महामण्डलं भस्मभूषाधरं तम् ।
अनादिं ह्यपारं महामोहमारं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ३ ॥

वटाधोनिवासं महाट्‍टाट्‍टहासं
महापापनाशं सदासुप्रकाशम् ।
गिरीशं गणेशं सुरेशं महेशं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ४ ॥ Shivashtakam

गिरौसंस्थितं सर्वदा पन्नगेहम् ।
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ५ ॥

कपालं त्रिशूलं कराभ्यां दधानं
पदाम्भोजनम्राय कामं ददानम् ।
बलीवर्दयानं सुराणां प्रधानं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ६ ॥ Shivashtakam

शरच्चन्द्रगात्रं गणानन्दपात्रं
त्रिनेत्रं पवित्रं धनेशस्य मित्रम् ।
अपर्णाकलत्रं सदासच्चरित्रं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ७ ॥

हरं सर्पहारं चिताभूविहारं
भवं वेदसारं सदा निर्विकारम् ।
श्मशाने वसन्तं मनोजं दहन्तं
शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ८ ॥ Shivashtakam

स्तवं यः प्रभाते नरश्शूलपाणेः
पठेत् स्तोत्ररत्नं त्विहप्राप्यरत्नम् ।
सुपुत्रं सुधान्यं सुमित्रं कलत्रं
विचित्रैस्समाराध्य मोक्षं प्रयाति ॥ ९ ॥

|| इति श्री शिवाष्टकम् ||

|| Lyrics of Shivashtak in English|| शिवाष्टक || ||Shiva Stuti:

prabhuṁ prāṇanāthaṁ vibhuṁ viśvanāthaṁ

jagannāthanāthaṁ sadānandabhājām |

bhavadbhavyabhūtēśvaraṁ bhūtanāthaṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 1 ||

Listen Shivashtak On YouTube

galē ruṇḍamālaṁ tanau sarpajālaṁ

mahākālakālaṁ gaṇēśādipālam |


śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 2 || Shivashtakam

Lyrics of shivashtak

mudāmākaraṁ maṇḍanaṁ maṇḍayantaṁ

mahāmaṇḍalaṁ bhasmabhūṣādharaṁ tam |

anādiṁ hyapāraṁ mahāmōhamāraṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 3 ||

vaṭādhōnivāsaṁ mahāṭ-ṭāṭ-ṭahāsaṁ

mahāpāpanāśaṁ sadāsuprakāśam |

girīśaṁ gaṇēśaṁ surēśaṁ mahēśaṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 4 || Shivashtakam

Lyrics of shivashtakam


girausaṁsthitaṁ sarvadā pannagēham |


śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 5 ||

kapālaṁ triśūlaṁ karābhyāṁ dadhānaṁ

padāmbhōjanamrāya kāmaṁ dadānam |

balīvardayānaṁ surāṇāṁ pradhānaṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 6 ||

Lyrics of shivashtak

śaraccandragātraṁ gaṇānandapātraṁ

trinētraṁ pavitraṁ dhanēśasya mitram |

aparṇākalatraṁ sadāsaccaritraṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 7 ||

haraṁ sarpahāraṁ citābhūvihāraṁ

bhavaṁ vēdasāraṁ sadā nirvikāram |

śmaśānē vasantaṁ manōjaṁ dahantaṁ

śivaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śambhumīśānamīḍē || 8 || Shivashtakam

Lyrics of shivashtakam

stavaṁ yaḥ prabhātē naraśśūlapāṇēḥ

paṭhēt stōtraratnaṁ tvihaprāpyaratnam |

suputraṁ sudhānyaṁ sumitraṁ kalatraṁ

vicitraissamārādhya mōkṣaṁ prayāti || 9 ||

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Meaning of Shivashtakam in English:

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, who is the Lord of our life, who is Vibhu, who is the Lord of the world, who is the Lord of Vishnu (Jagannath), who always resides in happiness, One who gives light or shine to everything, One who is Lord of living beings, One who is Lord of ghosts, and One who is Lord of all. 

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankaracharya, Shambhu, who has a garland of skulls around his neck, who has a web of snakes around his body, who is the destroyer of the immense destroyer of time, who is the lord of the ganas, whose hair Sakshat is the abode of Ganga ji, and who is everyone's God. 

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankar, Shambhu, the one who spreads happiness in the world, the one whose universe is orbiting, the one who is the vast universe itself, the possessor of the adornment of ashes, the one without beginning, the one who measures, One who removes the greatest of attachments, and who is the Lord of all.

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankar, Shambhu, who lives under a Vata (banyan) tree, who has an immense laughter, who destroys the greatest of sins, who is ever-resplendent, who is the most beautiful of the Himalayas. There is the Lord, who is the Lord of the various ganas and asuris.

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, who shares half of his body with the daughter of Himalaya, who is situated in a mountain (Kailaasa), who is always a support to the depressed, who is the superhuman, who One who is worshipable (or who is worthy of reverence) who is Lord of Brahma and all others

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to you Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, who bears a skull and trident in hands, who is humble to his lotus-feet, who uses a bull as a vehicle, who is supreme and above . There are various gods and goddesses, and the Lord of all.

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, who has a face like the winter-moon, who is the subject of the joy of all the ganas, who has three eyes, who is always pure, who is the friend of Kubera (the giver of wealth) controller), who has Aparna (Parvati) as his wife, who has eternal attributes, and who is Lord of all.

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

I pray to you, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, who is known as Hara, who has a garland of snakes, who goes around the cremation ground, who is the universe, who is the essence of the Vedas, who is always despised Lives, who is living in the crematorium, who is burning the desires born in the mind, and who is the Lord of all.

Meaning of shivashtakam In English 

One who chants this prayer every morning with devotion to Shiva holding the trident, attains a dutiful son, wealth, friend, life partner and salvation after completing a fruitful life. May Shiva Shambho Gauri Shankar bless you all with His love and protect you under His care.

Shivashtakam | By reciting Shivashtakam man gets the grace of Mahadev and get freedom from all kinds of sufferings, the one who chants this mantra is very dear to Mahadev.

Whoever chants this Shivashtakam stotra with devotion gets the company of Mahadev Shiva after his death. He resides in Shiva Lok, Mahadev Shiva fulfills all the wishes of his devotees.

Freedom from all diseases is attained by the grace of Mahadev Shiva.

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Lyrics of Shivashtakam With Meaning and significance, शिवाष्टक स्तोत्रं, how to please Mahadev, Meaning of Shivahtak shloks.


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