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What is Vidhvansak Yoga In Horoscope

What is Vidvansak yog in astrology, how destructive yoga is formed, what measures can be taken to avoid troubles, how long will Vidvansak yog remain in the transit horoscope.

Vidhvansaka Yoga is an astrological yoga which is considered very inauspicious. It is formed when Mars and Saturn come together in a house or form Samsaptak yoga i.e. they are in the seventh house from each other.

The planet Mars is associated with aggression and violence and in Vedic astrology Mars has the title of commander while Shani Dev is associated with justice and is the provider of the fruits of  DEEDS, Shani is also known as cruel planet. When these two planets make any kind of relation with each other, then there are very disastrous results.

What is Vidvansak yog in astrology, how destructive yoga is formed, what measures can be taken to avoid troubles, how long will Vidvansak yog remain
What is Vidhvansak Yoga In Horoscope

हिदी में पढ़िए विधवंसकयोग क्या होता है ?

What is the result of Vidhvansak Yog?

Where ever this yoga form i.e. in transit horoscope or in personal Birth chart cause destruction and so is very dangerous.  This Yoga is RESPONSIBLE for accidents, calamities, flood situations, fire accidents etc. When a person has this yoga in horoscope then may face many types of problems like health problems, relationship problems, accidents, family disputes, loss in business etc.

If Vidwansak yoga is formed in someone's horoscope, then they should be very careful, what will be its effect in life, it will depend upon how this yoga is forming in Horoscope. 

Here also keep this point in mind that if there is a destructive yoga in the birth chart and it is also formed in transit, then the effect can be seen completely in life. In such a situation, there is a need to be extremely careful.

The transit of Mars on July 1, 2023 has created a Vidhwansak yoga in the Transit Horoscope, its effect will remain till August 18, 2023.

Let us know what can be the effect on 12 zodiac signs.

  1. Due to Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the anger of Aries people may increase, relations with elder brother or sister may deteriorate, students may face more pressure, people who work in entertainment or sports world can face more struggle.
  2. Due to Vidhvansak yoga in transit horoscope, people of Taurus may have to face more pressure in the field of work, more money may be spent in the maintenance of vehicle and assets, may have to face family disputes,  There may be concern about the health of mother.
  3. Due to the Vidhvansakyoga in the transit horoscope, the struggle of the people of Gemini will increase, you will have to work harder than before to fulfill your desires. May have to go on unnecessary journeys.
  4. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the debate of Cancerians can increase, there can be loss of health, you can be a victim of accidents.
  5. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the anger of the people of Leo may increase, disputes with the life partner may increase, you can be get cheated by someone close and the relationship may deteriorate.
  6. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the expenses of the people of Virgo can increase in health or in unnecessary travels, you may get entangled in legal matters.
  7. Due to Vidhvansak yoga in transit horoscope, there can be a big loss to the people of Libra zodiac, related to money, if you are associated with the stock market or speculative market, then you should work carefully.
  8. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, unnecessary responsibilities may increase on the people of Scorpio zodiac sign, relations with higher officials may deteriorate, there may be concern about the health of the life partner.
  9. Due to Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the people of Sagittarius may have to face family troubles, money may be wasted due to superstition, relations with father may deteriorate.
  10. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the people of Capricorn may have problems due to debate, health may be damaged, problems may arise due to some old incident.
  11. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the anger of the people of Aquarius can increase, the relationship with the life partner can get spoiled, the relationship with the close ones can get spoiled.
  12. Due to the Vidhvansak yoga in the transit horoscope, the expenses of the people of Pisces may increase due to illness and travel. Worry about any subject can increase, you can also get trapped in some legal trouble.

So in this way Vidwansak yog can do a lot of harm. If Saturn and Mars are sitting together in your horoscope or are making Samsaptak Yoga, then you need to be more careful.

Let us know what things should be kept in mind if there is Vidhwansak Yog in the horoscope?

To avoid the problems of destructive yoga, the following things should be kept in mind like -

  • Keep yourself away from fights and debates.
  • Be careful while driving.
  • Meditate regularly and keep your mind calm.
  • Stay away from unethical activities.
  • Be with positive people.
  • Donate sweets according to your status on Saturday and Tuesday.
  • Worship Hanuman ji regularly.
  • If Shani and Mars are inauspicious in the horoscope, then Shanti Puja of Shani and Mars will also be very beneficial.

If you also feel that problems are going on in your life and you do not understand the reason for it, then do CONSULT ASTROLOGER.

What is Vidvansak yog in astrology, how destructive yoga is formed, what measures can be taken to avoid troubles, how long will Vidvansak yog remain in the transit horoscope.


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