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Showing posts from September, 2023

Pitra Dosha Analysis Through Symptoms

sign and symptoms for pitra dosha analysis, how to check this dosha without kundli?, Curses of forefathers and the solutions. Pitra dosha is one of the major cause of problems in life. Struggle in life never ends if ancestors or forefathers curses are there in life. So pitra dosha analysis is necessary and the most important thing is to take some important action to minimize the pitra dosha. In this article I am going to focus on how to detect pitra dosha without kundli. Which incidents shows that there is an impact of pitra dosha in life. Pitra Dosha Analysis Through Symptoms If any elder person or aged person left the body then he or she remains in the form of soul. This soul is the forefather, pitra or ancestor of some one's family. If the soul is satisfied or get salvation or take next birth then there is no problem but in case if the soul is dissatisfied and not taking any new birth then these types of souls creates problems to the related family persons and

How To Perform Tarpanam ?

How To Perform Tarpanam, mantras related to tarpan, easy way to perform tarpan process at home to please ancestors. In my early articles “ ancestors upliftment process ” I have cleared many things about what is tarpan, importance of tarpan, types of tarpan etc. Now in this article I am going to disclose the mantra related to tarpan so that we all can perform the tarpan easily at home and attract the blessings of ancestors. How To Perform Tarpanam ? STEP IST: First of all it is good to offer a Deepak on raw rice in the name of “GOD YAMA” because he is the god of death, use South direction.  Note: Before using any awahan mantra do take some rice in hand and after reciting the mantra do sprinkle on Deepak. While offering Deepak in the name of YAMA recite the following Awahan mantra- “Om Yamaay namah | Awahyami, Sthapyami, Dhyayami| Tato Namaskar Karomi.” After that recite yam mantra for some time “Om yamaay namah”. STEP 2: Now put some black sesame a

What Is Pret Yoni | Impacts of Pret And Easy Solutions

What is Pret Yoni, How a soul enter in pret yoni, How pret are dangerous for people, how to get rid of pret dosha, horoscope and pret dosha, Best tips to over come from pret dosha. No matter a person is a theist or atheist, no matter a person believe in ghosts or souls, there are different types of world for the souls in which souls enters after leaving the body. Pret yoni is a different world of souls who have left the bodies with lots and lots of desires in early age. What Is Pret Yoni  It is not a superstitions to believe on souls. There are many people in my contacts who has seen ghosts even they have talked to them many times. You might have heard many times that a person is suffering from ghost somewhere and now they are searching for good tantrik or ojha etc. You might have seen during special occasions that some ladies start dancing in some horrifying manners. On talking to them we found that some one else is present in that body. Now the main question

Totkay To Minimize Pitru Dosha In Horoscope

Totkay To Minimize Pitru Dosha In Horoscope, easy remedies of ancestors curse, how to save our selves. Totkay means some small process by using some particular things in auspicious time to fulfil any specific wishes. Totkays are very famous in all over the world, Totkay are very useful when anyone want fast results in life. Totkay To Minimize Pitru Dosha In Horoscope Here some special free totkayas are given in simple english language for removing the pitru dosha in kundli, If anyone is suffering from pitru dosha then these totkays will help, if anyone is suffering from ancestors curse then also these totkays will help. Thorugh analysis of kundli, astrologer can reveal about whether there is pitru dosha in kundli or not so if any one is confirmed that there is pitru dosha then these free totkay here can be helpful. These totkay don't give permanent relief from the problems of life but will definitely help to minimize the problems. To get specific remedies of

Pitra Dosha Reasons And Remedies

Pitra Dosh Reasons and Remedies, Problems Due to pitra Dosha, What is Pitra Dosha?,How Pitra Dosha Forms in Horoscope or Kundli?, Remedies of Pitra Dosha, Calculation of pitra dosha, Analysis of horoscope. Pitr Dosha is a very common problem found in the horoscope or kundli. Commonly it is taken as the problems arises in the life of persons by their ancestors. Due to pitra dosha many types of problems comes in life like as- Debt problem Unexpected Diseases Failure in different areas Accidents Unusual Deaths in family Delay in Marriage. Pitra Dosha Reasons And Remedies What is Pitra Dosha? Pitra Dosha is actually not a problem created by the ancestors but it is a dosha which a person face because of his own karmas in his last birth. So there is no need to worry but the fact is that if right process is done to get away from the effects of pitra dosha then easily the problems can be minimized.  Pitra Dosh Reasons and Remedies How Pitra Dosha Forms in Horo

Pitra dosha Shanti Pooja

What is Pitra dosha?, How to Check Pitra Dosha in horoscope or Kundli?,Effects of Pitra Dosha, Remedies of Pitra Dosha, Benefits of Pitra Dosha Nivaran Pooja. Pitra dosha Shanti Pooja is necessary for those who are suffering from the ancestors problems. If any bad karma is done by the forefathers then its impact will be seen on the coming generation.Pitra dosha is not a hypothetical but this is really a yoga which makes a person to struggle more for his or her uplifment. This is just because the ancestors also want their upliftment and they don't want their generation to do the same mistakes which they did. So they want the salvation for which they expect from their coming generation. Pitra dosha Shanti Pooja How to Check Pitra Dosha in horoscope or Kundli? Pitra dosha happens when - sun or surya generates malefic effects. sun comes in contact with negative planets. Effects of Pitra Dosha: It makes a person physically and mentally weak. It cause di

Sun And Mars Conjunction Predictions in astrology

What happens if Sun and Mars sit together in the horoscope, the effect of the conjunction of Sun and Mars on the life of the person, predictions. According to astrology, the influence of 9 planets remains on everyone from birth till death. As per the position of planets in different houses it affects life.  In the birth chart, planets sometimes sit alone or with someone. In today's article we will learn in detail about the conjunction of Sun and Mars. According to Vedic astrology, while Mars is the planet responsible for courage, bravery and power, the Sun is the symbol of father, respect, fame, strength, pride and authority. Both these planets are related with fire element. When Sun and Mars sit together in any house of the horoscope, it is called Surya-Mangal conjunction and due to this some people become violent and angry and some are very successful. This combination can have both auspicious and inauspicious results. The result depends on the position  and state of the tw

om kreem kalikaaye namah mantra benefits

om kreem kalikaaye namah mantra benefits, How can I please Mahakali/Mata Kali?, Benefits of chanting mahakali mantra. Goddess kali is the incarnation of durga and she is capable to eradicate the negative energies, evil eye effects, kala jadu, black magic etc.  Kali mata is very aggressive and so people fear of her but there is not need to think negative of her because mother don’t harm anyone, she just protect devotees from evil energies.  benefits of om kreem kalikaaye namah mantra हिंदी में पढ़िए  ॐ क्रीं कालिकाये नमः मंत्र के लाभ Let’s see the benefits  of chanting Om kreem kalikaaye namah mantra : Meaning of kreem mantra: Kreem is a beeja mantra of goddess Kali, yogis and saints practice this beej-mantra to seek blessings of goddess. This divine beeja-mantra invokes the blessings of goddess kali and bless the devotee with health, wealth and salvation.  Benefits of chanting ऊँ क्रीं कालिकायै नमः – This mantra is very powerful and is capable to to transform the life of ch

How to awaken Dormant Powers within

How to awaken the unlimited powers within us, what are the benefits of awakening the dormant powers, super energy generator in our body, know the ways by which we can get amazing and incredible powers. Our body is made in a wonderful way in which five elements are accepted by all which include earth, water, sky, air and fire and because of this we cannot survive without them. According to Yoga texts, when the five elements gets disturbed in the body, diseases arise and the person who balances them leads a healthy and successful life. And the person who takes possession of these five elements becomes SIDDHA and becomes capable of doing anything with his will. According to Yoga scriptures, there are unlimited powers in our body which we can also awaken and enter into a different world where there is divinity, ultimate peace, ultimate powers, ultimate bliss. How to awaken Dormant Powers within It is our misfortune that in the absence of information, we find friends for happiness and

How Can We Improve Luck In Competitive Exam Through Astrology ?

How Can We Improve Luck In Competitive Exam Through Astrology ?, Tips as per days to get success in exam. Preparation of competitive exam is not an easy task, lot's of efforts are put to appear in any exam and so it is necessary to enhance luck as per our horoscope. So in this article we will explore the fascinating world of astrology and how it can help us boost luck in competitive exams. Discover effective astrological remedies and strategies that can positively impact our luck in competitive exams.  Do you feel uncomfortable at the time of appearing in any competitive exam, do you forget your answer at the time of writing answers, Are you not getting the desired result as per your hard work, then don't worry here in this article you will get the tips to clear your exam through astrology ways.  Astrology for luck in competitive exam Competitive exams are very important for the struggler because career is dependent on it. And because of this some candidates tak