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Personality Predictions Through Thumb

Personality Predictions Through Thumb, How to read thumb in astrology?, What does the thumb say about person?, Meaning of Yav or fish symbol on the thumb.

Study of thumb is also very important in palmistry because it reveals very important things about the personality of the person.

If we pay attention to the thumbs of the people around us, family members and friends, we will find that everyone's thumbs are somewhat different from each other and this is what differentiates everyone from each other.

By studying the thumb of any person, we can know his merits and demerits and then we can talk to that person accordingly.

The thumb is also related to the planet VenusPersonality Predictions Through Thumb

Personality Predictions Through Thumb, How to read thumb in astrology?, What does the thumb say about person?, Meaning of Yav or fish symbol on thumb
Personality Predictions Through Thumb

हिंदी में पढ़िए अंगूठे का परीक्षण कैसे करें?

Let us first know how many types of thumbs we commonly see:

  1. Long thumb
  2. Little thumb
  3. Flexible thumb
  4. Thin thumb,
  5. Long and thin thumb
  6. Hard thumb unbendable
  7. Square and round thumb etc.

If a person's thumb is studied properly, it tells a lot like self-confidence, courage, willpower, venereal disease, fear, way of behaving etc. The thumb easily tells about the merits and demerits of a person. Personality Predictions Through Thumb

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The thumb is directly related to the BRAIN:

When we study acupressure points, we will find that if someone has a headache, then by applying pressure on the tip of the thumb for some time, the headache starts getting relief, this shows that the thumb has a connection with the brain. 

The more powerful and shiny the thumb is, the more intelligent, tactful and successful the person will be.

By studying it, it can be known whether the person will be successful in job or business. Personality Predictions Through Thumb

How does the thumb sense death?

It is often seen that some time before death the thumb becomes loose and falls on the palm. That is why those who are knowledgeable can find out the death time by looking at thumb.

How to know about a person by thumb?

Every person's thumb has a different shape, thickness, length, shape, knuckles, nodes, lines and by studying these we can know a lot about a person.
  • If the thumb is smooth, straight, round and both its knuckles are fleshy, then such a person is wealthy.
  • Those whose fish symbol is clearly visible at the base of their thumb are very learned and wealthy. Personality Predictions Through Thumb
  • Before looking at the thumb, it should also be found out whether the person is born in Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha because if he is born in Shukla Paksha then his right thumb will be studied mainly and if he is born in Krishna Paksha then his left thumb will be studied first. 
  • If the thumb is loose or crooked, then such people remain very troubled due to wrong decisions and deviations in life.

Let us first understand how the length of the thumb is measured?

Bring your five fingers together, now compare the length of the thumb with the tips of the index finger  -
  1. If the thumb reaches the third knuckle of the index finger i.e. the third horizontal line, then it is considered to be of equal length.
  2. If the thumb appears below the origin of the index finger then it is considered short.
  3. If the thumb reaches the second knuckle of the index finger i.e. the second horizontal line, then it is considered long. Personality Predictions Through Thumb

Now let us know what is revealed by both the knuckles of the thumb?

  1. The first knuckle of the thumb i.e. the nail part represents soul power i.e. confidence, courage and the part below it i.e. the second knuckle gives information about logical power.
  2. If the first knuckle of the thumb is long, then such a person is determined, does whatever he has decided to do, makes every effort to fulfill his desires.
  3. If the first knuckle of the thumb looks very long, then the person does not understand anyone in front of him and becomes proud of his strength, sycophants take advantage of such people.
  4. If the first knuckle of the thumb is smaller than the second knuckle, then the person may be timid or deaf-eared, whom anyone can coax and take towards their side, the decisions of such people do not remain stable. Personality Predictions Through Thumb
  5. If the first knuckle is small and wide, then the person remains distant and sometimes gets into a lot of trouble due to stupidity.
  6.   If the second knuckle of the thumb is longer than the first, then the person is more thoughtful, i.e. he will think more before doing any work and often loses many opportunities in thinking.
  7. If the second knuckle of someone's thumb is small, the thumb is loose and the Mount of Venus is very high, then such a person gets trapped in adultery and loses everything.
  8. If the first knuckle looks thick and heavy then such a person will be short tempered.
  9. If both the knuckles of the thumb are equal, fleshy, shiny and beautiful, then the person has courage, reasoning power and the person is intelligent.
  10. If the thumb is small and weak then such people live a life of struggle.
  11. Those who have flexibility in their thumbs, i.e. they bend backwards, such people have very good interpersonal skills, that is why their contacts are very good.
  12. If the thumb goes too far back then such people are prone to unnecessary expenditure. Personality Predictions Through Thumb

Now let us know what is known by looking at the distance between the thumb and fingers?

Try to straighten the palm and move thumb away from the fingers and then according to its distance we can know about the person like –
  • If the distance between fingers and thumb is not much, like 20 degrees to 30 degrees, then such people remain dependent on others, i.e. they earn income from jobs only. Such people hesitate in taking very tough decisions.
  • If the gap between the thumb and fingers is very large i.e. up to 90 degrees, then such people are independent minded, it is difficult to keep such people under control. These people like to live life as per their wish. Personality Predictions Through Thumb
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Conclusion :

So by looking at the thumb we can know a lot about a person like how his love life will be, what his character will be like, whether he will be successful in job or business, whether he will be spendthrift or not, whether he will be a scholar or a fool etc.

So in future, before giving thumbs up to anyone, think that he might know a lot about you.

A good thumb brings honor, respect, love and success to the person, whereas a bad thumb indicates struggle in life.

Personality Predictions Through Thumb, How to read thumb in astrology?, What does the thumb say about person?, Meaning of Yav or fish symbol on the thumb.


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