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Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

How many visions do planets have? How to see vision in horoscope? Planetary vision chart, ग्रहों की दृष्टि का फल.

Whenever a horoscope is studied, the aspect of the planets is also studied, this tells us that when and how much the planets will give results for which house.

"Aspects of Planets/Vision of planets" means which houses can the planet see from the house in which it is placed and can influence them.

While making predictions, we have to take care of many things related to the aspect of the planets like -

  • Where are the planets placed and with which houses are they making relations from there.
  • On which houses is the aspect of the planets falling.
  • What is the position of the planet in the transit horoscope. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

How many visions do planets have? How to see vision in horoscope? Planetary vision chart, ग्रहों की दृष्टि का फल.
Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Let us know some special things related to the aspect of planets -

  1. According to Vedic astrology, every planet has a special power that it can see the seventh house with full aspect i.e. it can have a complete effect on the seventh house, auspicious or inauspicious.
  2. Technically, all the planets of the birth chart have a full aspect of 180 degrees from the house in which they are placed, which is the seventh house.
  3. Some planets have more than one aspect i.e. they can have a special effect on different houses sitting in their place, like Mars can affect the fourth, seventh and eighth houses while sitting in its house.
  4. The aspect of auspicious planets increases the auspiciousness of the subject related to the house and the evil aspect increases the inauspicious results.
  5. The house in which the planet is placed is its first house and the aspect should be calculated from here. For example, if Mars is sitting in the fourth house in the birth chart, then its fourth aspect will be on the seventh house, the seventh aspect will fall on the tenth house and the eighth aspect will fall on the eleventh house.
  6. Planets situated in the same zodiac sign do not see each other.
  7. According to some scholars Rahu and Ketu are shadows planet and so the effects of there aspects are negligible. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Let's see the vision chart of the planets:

Planet Vision/Aspects
Sun 7
Mars 4,7,8
Mercury 7
Jupiter 5,7,9
Venus 7
Saturn 3,7,10
Rahu and Ketu 5,7,9
चन्द्रमा 7

Let us know how much the aspect of planets affects?

  1. The seventh aspect of planets affects completely.
  2. When a planet casts a full aspect on its house from any other house of the birth chart, then Raj Yoga is formed in the birth chart. For example, if Mars sits in the seventh house and looks at the first house which is its own house, then it will form Raj Yoga. Similarly, if the Moon sits in the tenth house, then it will look at the fourth house with full aspect, due to which Raj Yoga will be formed. If the Sun sits in the eleventh house, then it will look at the fifth house with full aspect, due to which Raj Yoga will be formed. If Mercury sits in the ninth house and looks at the third house with full aspect, then Raj Yoga will be formed. If Jupiter sits in the third house, then it will look at the ninth house with full aspect, due to which Raj Yoga will be formed. If Venus sits in the eighth house, then it will look at the second house with full aspect, due to which Raj Yoga will be formed. If Saturn sits in the fifth house, then it will look at the eleventh house with full aspect, due to which Raj Yoga will be formed. 
  3. The fourth and eighth aspects of the planets have a 75% effect.
  4. The fifth and ninth aspects of the planets have a 50% effect.
  5. The third and tenth aspects of the planets have a 25% effect. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Let us now know what is the result of planets' aspect on 12 houses?

Before proceeding further, keep this thing in mind that the impacts on native depends upon the power, position and state(aupicious or inauspicious) of planets in different houses in horoscope.

Impacts of Sun Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. When the Sun has a full aspect on the first house, leadership qualities are born in the native, it is not easy to suppress the native, the native is eager for spiritual knowledge, also contributes in social service, his work keeps getting done by the grace of ancestors.
  2. When the Sun has a full aspect on the second house, the native's life is full of struggle, he earns money through travelling, speaks bitter truths.
  3. When the Sun has a full aspect on the third house, the native travels, is learned and brave.
  4. If the Sun has a full aspect on the fourth house, the native gets happiness by the grace of the mother, gets a high position in work, also gets a government job but can remain worried due to the health of the mother. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  5. If the Sun has a full aspect on the fifth house, the native has to face problems related to children, can be a knower of mantra shastra, can earn income from sports and entertainment activities.
  6. If the Sun has a full aspect on the sixth house, the native defeats enemies, can suffer from diseases from time to time, remains unhappy due to his own habits, can have bad relations with maternal uncle's family.
  7. If the Sun has a full aspect on the seventh house, the marital life of the native is affected, has a lot of recognition in the society, gets success in business, has a fierce nature.
  8. If the Sun has a full aspect on the eighth house, the native can suffer from digestive diseases, can have piles, can have a secret disease, can remain worried in marital life, can be an explorer, is a wanderer.
  9. If the Sun has full sight on the ninth house, the person is religious, goes on pilgrimage, and inherits ancestral property.
  10. If the Sun has full sight on the tenth house, the person gains name and fame, is rich, and dominates the society and work place.
  11. If the Sun has full sight on the eleventh house, the person has more than one source of income, is rich, has problems with children, is intelligent, learned, noble and religious.
  12. If the Sun has full sight on the twelfth house, the person goes on long journeys, is a spendthrift, may suffer from eye diseases, and has tremendous self-confidence. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Impacts of Moon Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. If the Moon has a full aspect on the ascendant, the native will be lucky, will be easily attracted to the opposite sex, will travel and will also be emotional.
  2. If the Moon has a full aspect on the second house, the native may suffer from water, may suffer from phlegm-related problems, may travel to a faraway country, may also get cheated in love.
  3. If the Moon has a full aspect on the third house, the native is a traveller, religious and lucky. Such people make anyone close to them with their behaviour.
  4. If the Moon has a full aspect on the fourth house, the native gets family happiness, gets name and fame, gets the happiness of vehicle and land. If such people keep serving their mother, then their luck keeps increasing. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  5. If the Moon has a full aspect on the fifth house, the native is an art lover, intelligent, skilled in behaviour, such people also get a good loving partner.
  6. If the Moon has a full aspect on the sixth house, the person may suffer from insomnia, may suffer from secret diseases, may remain troubled due to enemies, may suffer from water damage.
  7. If the Moon has a full aspect on the seventh house, the person gets a beautiful life partner, gets a happy married life, such people also have good contacts and are successful in business.
  8. If the Moon has a full aspect on the eighth house, the person is a researcher, spends unnecessarily, has revolutionary thoughts, may suffer from eye-related problems.
  9. If the Moon has a full aspect on the ninth house, the person is lucky, religious, social worker.
  10. If the Moon has a full aspect on the tenth house, the person has livestock, the person adopts different types of work for income. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  11. If the Moon has a full aspect on the eleventh house, the person fulfills his desires, has many sources of income, also gets success in love life.
  12. Due to the full sight of the Moon on the twelfth house, the person is a big spender, worries unnecessarily, and travels a lot.

Impacts of Mars Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. If Mars has full aspect on the first house, the person can be short-tempered, full of energy, courageous and gets benefits from land.
  2. If Mars has full aspect on the second house, the person's relations with family members are not good. Such people are rich but suffer from stomach related problems. Such people have amazing capacity to work hard.
  3. If Mars has full aspect on the third house, the person is brave, lucky, does risky work.
  4. If Mars has full aspect on the fourth house, the person is expert in doing adventurous work, has a lot of property, works independently. Relations with parents can be bad.
  5. If Mars has full aspect on the fifth house, the person can earn name in the field of entertainment and sports. Such people may have problems with children. Such people are ahead in the field of love and sometimes maintain more than one relationship.
  6. If Mars has full aspect on the sixth house, the person is powerful, brave, and defeats enemies. Relations with maternal uncle's family can be bad, such natives may have to face blood related problems. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  7. When Mars has full aspect on the seventh house, the native's relation with the spouse is not good, the sexual desire is very high, such people also have a lot of energy and that is why if this energy is not used in the right direction, the native gets into bad company and also becomes an addict.
  8. When Mars has full aspect on the eighth house, the native may remain ill, the native keeps facing accidents. There are chances of getting benefits from land.
  9. When Mars has full aspect on the ninth house, the native is brave, does social work, helps in religious works. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  10. When Mars has full aspect on the tenth house, the native works on a very high post, the native reaches the highest peak in whatever field he works in, the native is known to high officials.
  11. If Mars has a full aspect on the eleventh house, the person is rich, he has many sources of income, but he faces problems due to his children.
  12. If Mars has a full aspect on the twelfth house, the person suffers from many types of problems but is a destroyer of enemies. Such people suffer from different types of diseases from time to time.

Impacts of Mercury Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. When Mercury has full aspect on the first house, the person is intelligent and expert in making strategies. Such people are sociable and easily win over others. Such people are also expert in doing business.
  2. When Mercury has full aspect on the second house, the person is outspoken and has independent thinking. Such people have revolutionary thoughts and are good speakers.
  3. When Mercury has full aspect on the third house, the person likes to travel, with the support of luck, the work of such people does not stop and they also have good relations with their siblings.
  4. When Mercury has full aspect on the fourth house, the person gets wealth, respect and honour with his skills. He also enjoys the happiness of vehicle and land. Such people also understand and fulfill their responsibility towards the family. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  5. When Mercury has full aspect on the fifth house, the person is a scholar and an artist. Such people know the skill of getting work done from others and people also like their company.
  6. When Mercury has full aspect on the sixth house, the person suffers loss of wealth and respect by living in wrong company, the person also suffers from many types of diseases.
  7. When Mercury has full aspect on the seventh house, the person is a good businessman, such people have very good contacts. The life partner is also a scholar.
  8. When Mercury has full aspect on the eighth house, the mind of the person is unstable due to which such people like to travel. Such people are good researchers.
  9. When Mercury has full aspect on the ninth house, the person is a scholar and also goes on religious journeys and can also make others go on religious journeys. Such people can also become good advisors.
  10. When Mercury has full aspect on the tenth house, the person is a multi-talented person due to which he gets respect. Such people can become ideal for others in the society.
  11. When Mercury has full aspect on the eleventh house, the person is expert in earning money, fulfills all his wishes. Happiness is obtained from children.
  12. When Mercury has a full aspect on the twelfth house, the person spends a lot of money wastefully. If he gets into bad company, he gets ruined. If Mercury has a positive effect here, the person becomes rich by making small investments. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Impacts of Jupiter Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. If Guru has a full aspect on the first house, the person is knowledgeable, intelligent and a good guide, such people also get an intelligent life partner.
  2. If Guru has a full aspect on the second house, the person is rich and energetic, they have the quality of influencing others with their speech.
  3. If Guru has a full aspect on the third house, the person will be lucky, brave, will go on pilgrimages, gets name and fame in social service and religious works.
  4. If Guru has a full aspect on the fourth house, the person gets all the material comforts, he gets success in life with the blessings of his parents.
  5. If Guru has a full aspect on the fifth house, the person is multi-talented, is a scholar, gets the happiness of children. The person is able to fulfill all his wishes.
  6. If Guru has a full aspect on the sixth house, the person spends a lot of money wastefully, spends money to show off, on getting wrong company, he starts moving towards immoral activities.
  7. When Jupiter has a full aspect on the seventh house, the native comes in contact with learned people, their life partner is also learned and influential. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  8. When Jupiter has a full aspect on the eighth house, some change or the other keeps happening in the native's life from time to time, sometimes there is a gain of immense wealth and sometimes a big loss. Such people are good researchers and have the ability to go deep into any subject.
  9. When Jupiter has a full aspect on the ninth house, the native is lucky and has knowledge of the scriptures, such people keep learning something or the other throughout their life and become an ideal for others.
  10. When Jupiter has a full aspect on the tenth house, the native has an influential personality in the society, with time the wealth of such people keeps increasing, they are blessed with all kinds of comforts.
  11. When Jupiter has a full aspect on the eleventh house, the native is intelligent, blessed with children, rich, and fulfills his desires.
  12. If Jupiter has a full aspect on the twelfth house then the person is a big spender, is generous and is also good at making long term investments. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Impacts of Venus Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. If Venus has full aspect on the first house, the person has an attractive personality, lives a life full of comforts, gets easily attracted to the opposite sex.
  2. If Venus has full aspect on the second house, the person is rich, has the ability to charm anyone with his speech, gets family happiness.
  3. If Venus has full aspect on the third house, the person gets the happiness of siblings, the person is fond of travelling, can earn name in the world of entertainment. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  4. If Venus has full aspect on the fourth house, the person enjoys all kinds of luxuries, gets success in works related to society, makes a different identity in whatever field he works in.
  5. If Venus has full aspect on the fifth house, the person is an art lover and can get success in the world of entertainment. Such people are also successful in love life. They have very good knowledge of the material world.
  6. If Venus has full aspect on the sixth house, the native can get trapped in bad company very quickly, can become addicted to drugs, such natives can suffer from semen related diseases. They can get into trouble due to the opposite sex.
  7. If Venus has full aspect on the seventh house, the native is of independent thinking, they like to spend time with the opposite sex, they have a very good quality of attracting others, they are also very well known. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  8. If Venus has full aspect on the eighth house, the native is likely to have a secret disease, spend a lot of money on showing off.
  9. If Venus has full aspect on the ninth house, the native is successful in making a special place in his field of work, people consider such people as their guides. They like to travel.
  10. If Venus has full aspect on the tenth house, the native has relations with high officials and such people are successful in providing facilities to the officials. They earn a lot of money and respect from their service.
  11. If Venus has a full aspect on the eleventh house, the native can have many sources of income. Such people are art lovers and also earn well from the field of entertainment. They fulfill all their material desires.
  12. If Venus has a full aspect on the twelfth house, the native keeps spending money unnecessarily, spends money on immoral activities, remains troubled by hidden enemies in life. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology

Impacts of Saturn Vision on 12 houses in Horoscope:

  1. If Saturn has full aspect on the first house, the person can be tall, can have a serious personality. Marital life is not satisfactory.
  2. If Saturn has full aspect on the second house, the person can earn from research work and land related works, the money of such people is spent suddenly in illness and accidents, there is lack of family happiness.
  3. If Saturn has full aspect on the third house, the person is brave but is not able to use his bravery properly, due to which he keeps suffering from depression. Relations with siblings are not good.
  4. If Saturn has full aspect on the fourth house, the person fulfills more responsibilities than his age, such people are very hardworking and make a name for themselves. They get the happiness of vehicle and land. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  5. If Saturn has full aspect on the fifth house, the person gets trouble from children, they are successful in acquiring spiritual knowledge.
  6. If Saturn has full aspect on the sixth house, the person defeats enemies but is also troubled by hidden enemies in life. Such people can easily get trapped in immoral activities, hence they should take special care of their company.
  7. When Saturn has a full aspect on the seventh house, the native gets success in Saturn related activities, relations with the life partner are not good. Close ones also keep cheating.
  8. When Saturn has a full aspect on the eighth house, the native's life is full of struggle, he keeps falling prey to diseases or accidents. There is less happiness in family life. One has to go through big changes in life, especially in the dasha of Saturn.
  9. When Saturn has a full aspect on the ninth house, the native remains a vagabond, his fortune rises away from the birthplace, relations with siblings are not good. He earns money through immoral activities. Visions of Planets in Vedic Astrology
  10. When Saturn has a full aspect on the tenth house, the native remains busy due to excessive responsibilities and is able to give less time to the family. There is no satisfaction even after having the happiness of land and vehicle.
  11. If Saturn has a full aspect on the eleventh house, then the person is very hardworking and with time the sources of income of such people also increase.
  12. If Saturn has a full aspect on the twelfth house, then the person keeps investing for a long time, a lot of money is spent unnecessarily, there is also concern about health.
So in this way we have come to know what is the meaning of the sight of planets, how much is the sight of planets, how much does the vision of planets affect?, What is the result of the aspects of planets on 12 houses?, What is the effect of Sun's aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of Moon's aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of Mars aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of Mercury's aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of jupiter's aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of Venus aspects on 12 houses, what is the effect of Saturn's aspects on 12 houses?.

How many visions do planets have? How to see vision in horoscope? Planetary vision chart, ग्रहों की दृष्टि का फल.


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