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Shree Narayan Kavacham With Meaning

Shree Narayan Kavacham With Meaning, What are the benefits of Shree Narayan Kavach recitation?, Narayan Kavach for safety and prosperity.

Shree Narayan Kavach: Mention of this powerful Kavach is found in the eighth chapter of the sixth Skand of Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran. In any adverse situation, if a person wears Shree Narayan Kavach, then Lord Shri Hari Vishnu himself protects him from all kinds of enemies and troubles.

In Dwapar Yuga, King Parikshit was asked by his Guru Rishi Shuk to wear Narayan Kavach to protect him from enemies. Devraj Indra also used it after learning from Rishi Vishwaroop.

Shree Narayan Kavacham With Meaning, What are the benefits of Shree Narayan Kavach recitation?, Narayan Kavach for safety and prosperity.
Shree Narayan Kavacham With Meaning

What are the benefits of reciting Narayan Kavach?

  1. This Kavach is imbued with the power of Lord Narayana and hence is capable of protecting from every kind of trouble.
  2. By reciting it, one is protected from physical and hidden enemies.
  3. Invisible obstacles are also destroyed.
  4. Whoever wears it, all kinds of fears are destroyed from within him.
  5. By reciting Narayan Kavach, the person can face all kinds of troubles with ease. 

Lyrics Of Narayan Kawacham:

Atah Shree Narayan Kavacham

॥ राजोवाच ॥

यया गुप्तः सहस्त्राक्षः सवाहान्‌ रिपुसैनिकान्‌।

क्रीडन्निव विनिर्जित्य त्रिलोक्या बुभुजे श्रियम्‌॥ १ ॥

भगवंस्तन्ममाख्याहि वर्म नारायणात्मकम् ।

यथाऽऽततायिनः शत्रून् येन गुप्तोऽजयन्मृधे ॥ २॥

श्रीशुक उवाच ।

वृतः पुरोहितस्त्वाष्ट्रो महेन्द्रायानुपृच्छते।

नारायणाख्यं वर्माह तदिहैकमनाः श्रूणु॥ ३॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

॥ विश्वरूप उवाच ॥

धौताङ्घ्रिपाणिराचम्य सपवित्र उदङ्मुखः।

कृतस्वाङ्गकरन्यासो मन्त्राभ्यां वाग्यतः शुचिः॥ ४॥

नारायणमयं वर्म संनह्येद भय आगते।

पादयोर्जानुनोरूर्वोरूदरे हृद्यथोरसि ॥ ५॥

मुखे शिरस्यानुपूर्व्यादोंकारादीनि विन्यसेत्।

ॐ नमो नारायणायेति विपर्ययमथापि वा॥ ६॥Shree Narayan Kavach 

करन्यासं ततः कुर्याद्‌ द्वादशाक्षरविद्यया।

प्रणवादियकारान्तमङ्गुल्यङ्गुष्ठपर्वसु ॥७॥

न्यसेद्धृदय ओङ्कारं विकारमनु मूर्धनि।

षकारं तु भ्रुवोर्मध्ये णकारं शिखया दिशेत्‌॥ ८ ॥

वेकारं नेत्रयोर्युञ्ज्यान्नकारं सर्वसन्धिषु।

मकारमस्त्रमुहिश्यि मन्त्रमूर्तिर्भवेद्‌ बुधः॥ ९॥Shree Narayan Kavach 

सविसर्गं फडन्तं तत् सर्वदिक्षु विनिर्दिशेत्।

ॐ विष्णवे नम इति ॥ १०॥

आत्मानं परमं ध्यायेद्‌ ध्येयं षट्शक्तिभिर्युतम्‌।

विद्यातेजस्तपोमूर्तिमिमं मन्त्रमुदाहरेत्‌ ॥ ११ ॥

ॐ हरिर्विदध्यान्मम सर्वरक्षां न्यस्ताङ्घ्रिपद्मः पतगेन्द्रपृष्ठे।

दरारिचर्मासिगदेषुचापाशान्ददधानोऽष्टगुणोऽष्टबाहुः॥ १२॥

जलेषु मां रक्षतु मत्स्यमूर्ति-र्यादोगणेभ्यो वरूणस्य पाशात्‌।

स्थलेषु मायावटुवामनोऽव्यात्‌ त्रिविक्रमः खेञ्वतु विश्वरूपः ॥ १३॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

दुर्गष्वटव्याजिमुखादिषु प्रभुः पायान्नृसिंहोऽसुरयुथपारिः।

विमुञ्चतो यस्य महाट्टहासं दिशो विनेदुर्न्यपतंश्च गर्भाः ॥ १४॥

रक्षत्वसौ माध्वनि यज्ञकल्पः स्वदंष्ट्रयोन्नीतधरो वराहः।

रामोऽद्रिकूटेष्वथ विप्रवासे सलक्ष्मणोऽव्या भरताग्रजोऽस्मान्‌॥ १५॥

मामुग्रधर्मादखिलात् प्रमादान्नारायणः पातु नरश्च हासात्।

दत्तस्त्वयोगादथ योगनाथः पायाद् गुणेशः कपिलः कर्मबन्धात् ॥ १६॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

सनत्कुमारो वतु कामदेवाद्धयशीर्षा मां पथि देवहेलनात्।

देवर्षिवर्यः पुरूषार्चनान्तरात् कूर्मो हरिर्मां निरयादशेषात् ॥ १७॥

धन्वन्तरिर्भगवान् पात्वपथ्याद् द्वन्द्वाद् भयादृषभो निर्जितात्मा।

यज्ञश्च लोकादवताज्जनान्ताद् बलो गणात् क्रोधवशादहीन्द्रः ॥ १८॥

द्वैपायनो भगवानप्रबोधाद् बुद्धस्तु पाखण्डगणात् प्रमादात्।

कल्किः कले कालमलात् प्रपातु धर्मावनायोरूकृतावतारः ॥ १९॥Shree Narayan Kavach 

मां केशवो गदया प्रातरव्याद् गोविन्द आसङ्गवमात्तवेणुः।

नारायण प्राह्ण उदात्तशक्ति र्मध्यन्दिने विष्णुररीन्द्रपाणिः ॥ २०॥

देवोऽपराह्ने मधुहोग्रधन्वा सायं त्रिधामावतु माधवो माम्।

दोषे हृषीकेश उतार्धरात्रे निशीथ एकोऽवतु पद्मनाभः ॥ २१॥

श्रीवत्सधामापररात्र ईशः प्रत्यूष ईशोऽसिधरो जनार्दनः।

दामोदरोऽव्यादनुसन्ध्यं प्रभाते विश्वेश्वरो भगवान् कालमूर्तिः ॥ २२॥

चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनेमि भ्रमत् समन्ताद् भगवत्प्रयुक्तम्।

दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमासु कक्षं यथा वातसखो हुताशः ॥ २३॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

गदेऽशनिस्पर्शनविस्फुलिङ्गे निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि।

कूष्माण्डवैनायकयक्षरक्षो भूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन् ॥ २४॥

त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रेतमातृ पिशाचविप्रग्रहघोरदृष्टीन्।

दरेन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितो भीमस्वनोऽरेर्हृदयानि कम्पयन् ॥ २५॥

त्वं तिग्मधारासिवरारिसैन्य मीशप्रयुक्तो मम छिन्धि छिन्धि।

चर्मञ्छतचन्द्र छादय द्विषामघोनां हर पापचक्षुषाम् ॥ २६॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

यन्नो भयं ग्रहेभ्यो भूत् केतुभ्यो नृभ्य एव च।

सरीसृपेभ्यो दंष्ट्रिभ्यो भूतेभ्योंऽहोभ्य एव वा ॥ २७॥

सर्वाण्येतानि भगन्नामरूपास्त्रकीर्तनात्।

प्रयान्तु संक्षयं सद्यो ये नः श्रेयः प्रतीपकाः ॥ २८॥

गरूड़ो भगवान् स्तोत्रस्तोभश्छन्दोमयः प्रभुः।

रक्षत्वशेषकृच्छ्रेभ्यो विष्वक्सेनः स्वनामभिः ॥ २९॥

सर्वापद्भ्यो हरेर्नामरूपयानायुधानि नः।

बुद्धिन्द्रियमनः प्राणान् पान्तु पार्षदभूषणाः ॥ ३०॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

यथा हि भगवानेव वस्तुतः सद्सच्च यत्।

सत्यनानेन नः सर्वे यान्तु नाशमुपाद्रवाः ॥ ३१॥

यथैकात्म्यानुभावानां विकल्परहितः स्वयम्।

भूषणायुद्धलिङ्गाख्या धत्ते शक्तीः स्वमायया ॥ ३२॥

तेनैव सत्यमानेन सर्वज्ञो भगवान् हरिः।

पातु सर्वैः स्वरूपैर्नः सदा सर्वत्र सर्वगः ॥ ३३॥

विदिक्षु दिक्षूर्ध्वमधः समन्तादन्तर्बहिर्भगवान् नारसिंहः।

प्रहापयँल्लोकभयं स्वनेन ग्रस्तसमस्ततेजाः ॥ ३४॥Shree Narayan Kavach 

मघवन्निदमाख्यातं वर्म नारयणात्मकम्।

विजेष्यस्यञ्जसा येन दंशितोऽसुरयूथपान् ॥ ३५॥

एतद् धारयमाणस्तु यं यं पश्यति चक्षुषा।

पदा वा संस्पृशेत् सद्यः साध्वसात् स विमुच्यते ॥ ३६॥

न कुतश्चित भयं तस्य विद्यां धारयतो भवेत्।

राजदस्युग्रहादिभ्यो व्याघ्रादिभ्यश्च कर्हिचित् ॥ ३७॥

इमां विद्यां पुरा कश्चित् कौशिको धारयन् द्विजः।

योगधारणया स्वाङ्गं जहौ स मरूधन्वनि ॥ ३८॥ Shree Narayan Kavach 

तस्योपरि विमानेन गन्धर्वपतिरेकदा।

ययौ चित्ररथः स्त्रीर्भिवृतो यत्र द्विजक्षयः ॥ ३९॥

गगनान्न्यपतत् सद्यः सविमानो ह्यवाक् शिराः।

स वालखिल्यवचनादस्थीन्यादाय विस्मितः।

प्रास्य प्राचीसरस्वत्यां स्नात्वा धाम स्वमन्वगात् ॥ ४०॥

॥ श्रीशुक उवाच ॥

य इदं शृणुयात् काले यो धारयति चादृतः।

तं नमस्यन्ति भूतानि मुच्यते सर्वतो भयात् ॥ ४१॥

एतां विद्यामधिगतो विश्वरूपाच्छतक्रतुः।

त्रैलोक्यलक्ष्मीं बुभुजे विनिर्जित्यऽमृधेसुरान् ॥ ४२॥

॥ इति श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां षष्ठस्कन्धे नारायणवर्मकथनं नामाष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥

Read about Benefits of Shiv Amogh Kavacham

The meaning of the shlokas of Narayan Kavach are as follows:

  • King Parikshit asked, O Lord, please recite the Narayan Kavach with which Devraj Indra, being safe, easily won over the four-fold army of enemies in a game and enjoyed the royal wealth of Triloki. Also tell me how he won over the attacking enemies in the battlefield being safe. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • Shri Shukdev Ji said, Parikshit, when the Gods made Vishwaroop their priest, then on Devraj Indra's question, Vishwaroop preached Narayan Kavach to him. You should listen to it by concentrating your mind.
  • Viswaroop said, Devraj Indra, when there is a fear, one should wear Narayan Kavach and protect his body. Its method is that first of all wash hands and feet and rinse your mouth, then wear a kusha sac in your hand and sit facing north. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • After this, after wearing the Kavach, decide not to speak anything else and with purity do Hridaya Aadi Anganyas and Angushtha Aadi Karnyas with the mantras “Om Namo Narayanaya” and “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay”.
  • First do Nyasa of the eight letters starting from Om etc. of this Ashtakshar Mantra Om Namo Narayanaya in the feet, knees, thighs, stomach, heart, chest, mouth and head respectively. Or do Nyasa of the eight letters starting from the head to the Om sacchar of the aforesaid mantra and then do Nyasa in the same eight body parts in reverse order. After that, do nyas of the twelve letters of the mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay, starting from the right index finger to the left index finger, in the eight fingers of both hands and in two knots of both thumbs.
  • After this, do nyas of the first letter Om of the mantra Om Vishnuve Namah in the heart, Vi in the Brahmarandhra, Sha in between the eyebrows, Na in the crest, Ve in both the eyes and Na in all the joints of the body. After that, do Digbandh by saying Om Ma Astraay Phat. A person who knows the method of doing nyas in this way, becomes the embodiment of the mantra.

  • After that, meditate on your Ishtadev, who is full of all his six powers, wealth, Lakshmi, religion, fame, knowledge and detachment, and think of yourself as such. Only after this, recite this armor which is a form of knowledge, brilliance and austerity.
  • Lord Shri Hari has placed his lotus feet on the back of Garur Ji. Whose eight siddhis Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitva and Vashitva are serving and who is holding conch, chakra, shield, sword, mace, arrow, bow and noose in his eight hands. May that Omkar form Lord protect me from all kinds of dangers. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • May the fish-like Lord protect me from the water creature in the form of Varun noose inside the water. May Vamana, who assumes the form of a brahmachari due to Maya, protect me on land and may the world-form Shri Trivikram Lord protect me in the sky. May Lord Narasimha, the enemy of the demons, whose terrifying laughter had made all directions resound and whose pregnant wives had miscarriages, protect me in forts, forests, battlefields and other difficult places.
  • May Lord Varah, the sacrificial idol, who holds the earth on his tusks, protect me on the path, may Lord Parashurama protect me on the mountain peaks, and Lord Shri Ramchandra, the elder brother of Shri Lakshman and Bharat, protect me during my travels.
  • May Lord Narayana protect me from the dreadful witchcrafts like killing and bewitching, and from all kinds of negligence. May the best of sages protect me from pride, Lord Dattatreya, the lord of yoga, protect me from the obstacles in yoga, and Lord Kapil, the lord of the three gunas, protect me from the bondages of karma. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • May the supreme sage Sanatkumar protect me from Kamadeva, may Lord Hayagriva protect me from the crime of not saluting the idols of gods while passing through the road, may sage Narad protect me from possible sevaparadise during worship and may Lord Kachhapa protect me from all kinds of hells.
  • May Lord Dhanvantari protect me from bad food i.e. food that harms health, may Lord Rishabh, who has controlled his senses, protect me from the dreadful conflicts of happiness and sorrow, may Lord Yajna protect me from public slander, may Lord Balram protect me from the troubles given by humans and may Lord Shesha protect me from the group of snakes named Krodhavash.
  • May Maharishi Vedvyas protect me from ignorance and may Lord Buddha protect me from the negligence spread by hypocrites. For the protection of Dharma, may Lord Kalki, who has taken a great incarnation, protect me from the sins of Kaliyug.
  • In the morning, may Lord Keshav protect me with his mace, when the second half of the day has passed, may Lord Govind protect me with his flute, in the third part of the day before noon, may Lord Narayana protect me with his sharp power and in the fourth part of the day, may Lord Vishnu protect me with his Chakraraj Sudarshan. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • In the fifth part of the day, in the afternoon, may Lord Madhusudan protect me with his powerful bow. In the sixth part, in the evening, may Brahma and other Trimurtidhaari Madhava, in the first part of the six parts of the night, during Pradosh Kaal, may Hrishikesha, in the second part of the night before midnight and at midnight, may Lord Padmanabh alone protect me. May Shri Hari, the one who has been branded as Shrivatsalan, protect me in the fourth part of the night, Lord Janardan holding a sword in the fifth part of the night during dawn, Shri Damodar before sunrise in the sixth part of the night and Lord Vishweshwar, the idol of Kala, protect me in all the evenings.
  • O Sudarshan! Your shape is like a chakra. The edge of your wheel is as intense as the fire at the time of doomsday. You keep moving in all directions with the inspiration of the Lord. Just as fire burns dry grass with the help of air, similarly you should burn our enemy army as quickly as possible, burn it.
  • O Kaumodaki mace! The touch of the sparks coming out of you is as intolerable as a thunderbolt. O Lord Ajit's favourite, I am your servant. Therefore, you crush Kushmanda, Vinayak, Yaksha, Rakshasa, ghost and spirit planets right now and destroy my enemies. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • O best of conches! You scare my enemies by making a terrifying sound just by Lord Krishna blowing it and drive away the dreadful creatures like Yaatudhan, Pramath, Pret, Matrika, Pishacha and Brahmarakshas from here quickly.
  • O Lord's best sword, Nandak! Your edge is very sharp. You destroy my enemies with the inspiration of God. God's favourite shield! You have hundreds of moon-shaped circles. Please close the eyes of my enemies who have evil eyes and make them blind forever.
  • Whatever fears we have from planets, comets, evil men, reptiles, ferocious animals with teeth, ghosts and evil spirits and sinful beings and whatever is against our well-being, may they all be destroyed instantly by chanting the name, form and weapons of the Lord. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • May the Veda-embodiment Lord Garuda and Vishvaksenaji, who are praised by the hymns of the Samveda like Brihad, Rathantar etc., protect us from all kinds of calamities by the effect of merely pronouncing their names. ॥ 29॥
  • May the name, form, vehicle, weapons and best associates of Shri Hari protect our intellect, senses, mind and life from all kinds of calamities.
  • All the world which is of cause and effect is actually God only. May all our sins be destroyed by the effect of this truth.
  • Those who have experienced the unity of Brahma and Atman, in their view God's form is devoid of all alternatives and distinctions. Still, He assumes the powers called ornaments, weapons and form through His Maya-Shakti. This is certainly true. Therefore, may the omniscient, omnipresent God Shri Hari always protect us with all His forms. Shree Narayan Kavach
  • May Lord Narasimha, who destroys the fear of all people with His terrifying laughter and devours everyone's brilliance with His brilliance, protect us from all sides, above and below, inside and outside.
  • O King of Gods Indra! I have recited this Narayan Kavach to you. Now protect yourself with this Kavach. That's it, then you will easily conquer all the demon kings.
  • Anyone who is wearing this Narayan Kavach sees with his eyes or even touches with his feet, he immediately becomes free from all fears.
  • Those who have acquired this Vaishnavi Vidya never have any fear of kings, robbers, ghosts, vampires and violent creatures like tigers.
  • Devraj! It is a story of ancient times, a Brahmin of Kaushik gotra, having acquired this Vidya, left his body in the desert by practicing Yoga.
  • One day Gandharvaraj Chitrarath along with his wives passed over the place where the dead body of that Brahmin was lying, sitting on a plane.
  • As soon as he reached this place, he fell down from the sky with his plane facing downwards. His surprise knew no bounds when this happened. When the Valakhilya sages told him that this is the effect of wearing the Narayan Kavach, he took the bones of that Brahmin and immersed them in the east-flowing Saraswati river and then after taking a bath, he went to his world.
  • Shri Shukdev Ji says - Parikshit! Whoever listens to this Narayan Kavach on time and who wears it with respect, all creatures bow their heads in respect before him and he becomes free from all kinds of fears.
  • Parikshit! In this way, Shatakratu Indra, after receiving this Vaishnava knowledge in the form of Narayan Kavach from Acharya Vishwaroopji, defeated the demons in the battlefield and he started enjoying the Trilokyalakshmi.

॥ Shri Narayan Kavach ends ॥

So Shri Narayan Kavach is a boon for all of us as it protects our life and also removes obstacles so that we can live a successful life. The blessings of Shri Narayan always remain on the person.

Shree Narayan Kavacham With Meaning, Shree Krishna Kavacham, What are the benefits of Shree Narayan Kavach recitation?, श्री नारायण कवच, Narayan Kavach for safety and prosperity.


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Rukmani Ashtakam Lyrics and benefits with meaning

Rukmani ashtakam lyrics with meaning in English and hindi, benefits of reciting rukmini ashtak, best time of rukmini pooja. Rukmani Ashtakam: There is a wonderful prayer in which we appeal for the blessings of Mother Rukmini. Who is always engaged in serving lord krishna? This is very good for love seekers and those who are in search of deserving life partner.  What is the solution of love problems? what is the easy remedies to get deserving life partner? How to solve problems between husband and wife? Answer is Worship and recitation of rukmani ashtkam. There are many benefits of reciting Rukmini Ashtakam: Those who are not getting married, if they recite this after worshiping Mother Rukmini, then the obstacles in marriage will be destroyed. This is also a miraculous Ashtakam for those who want to marry their desired partner. The obstacles in love marriage are destroyed by the grace of Mother Rukmini. Even if there is a financial problem, worshiping Goddess Rukmini i...