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Lyrics and Benefits of Narayan Astra Mantra

Lyrics and Benefits of Narayan Astra Mantra, why to recite narayan mantra, lyrics of nayarayn astra mantra.

Narayan Astra protects devotees by the grace of Lord Vishnu. Whoever recites Narayan Astra Mantra is protected by Narayan himself. This mantra is a shield which no one in this universe can penetrate.

In this mantra, Lord Hari is prayed to protect from all kinds of evil forces like diseases, all kinds of defects, all kinds of obstacles etc. In this mantra, prayers are also offered for the destruction of enemies. There is no such sufferings in life which cannot be removed by reciting Narayan Astra Mantra.

The person who chants Narayan Astra daily in all three times, gets long life, health, wealth, knowledge, valor and all kinds of happiness.

Lyrics and Benefits of Narayan Astra Mantra, why to recite narayan mantra, lyrics of nayarayn astra mantra.
Lyrics and Benefits of Narayan Astra Mantra 

हिन्दी में पढ़िए नारायण अस्त्र मंत्र के फायदे और बोल

It is stated in its rules that -

Whoever recites this mantra with devotion and restraint, he is protected by the grace of Lord Vishnu, no poison can harm him, no infection can harm him, the native is victorious in war.

This mantra should be written on Bhojpatra with Gorchan and water and tied like an amulet, it protects from all obstacles. Any man or woman can tie it.

Ghosts, witches, shakiniyas etc. cannot harm in the presence of this shield.

The person who chants Narayan Astra daily in all three times, gets long life, health, wealth, knowledge, valor and all kinds of happiness.

Let us know what are the benefits of reciting Narayan Astra Mantra?

  1. All kinds of negative powers are destroyed from the person who recites it.
  2. The native gets health and prosperity. The person can get rid of any kind of disease.
  3. This mantra protects in any kind of adverse situation.
  4. Enemies are defeated by reciting Narayan Astra Mantra.
  5. If someone is suffering from any kind of Tantra obstacle, then he can be saved by reciting Narayan Astra Mantra.
  6. Any kind of defect in life, they all get destroyed.
  7. The person is saved from any kind of misfortune.
  8. If an unknown fear is troubling, then it goes away by reciting Narayan Astra Mantra.

Lyrics of Narayan Astra Mantra:

"Om Namo Bhagwate Shri Narayana Namo Narayanaya Vishwamurtyaye Namah Shri Purushottamay Pushpdrishtam Pratyaksham Va Paroksham Va Aajirnam Panchavishuchikam Han Han Eikahikam Dvayahikam Triyahika Chaturthik Jvaram Nashaya Nashaya Chaturshitivatanashtadashakushthan Ashtadash Kshay Rogan, Han Han Sarv Doshan Bhanjaya-Bhanjay Tatsarvam Naashaya Shoshaya-Shoshaya Aakarshaya Aakarshaya Shatrun Marya Marya Uchtaychaty  Uchtaychaty Vidveshya-Vidveshya Stambhaya-Sthambhaya Nivaray Nivarya Vignairhan- Vighnairhan Daha Daha, Math Math Vindvansya Vindvansaya Chakram, Grihatva Sheegram Aagach Aagach Chakren Hatva Parvidyam Chchedya Chchedya Bhedya Bhedya Chatu: Sheetani Visfotya Visfotya Arshvaat Shool Drishti Sarp Simh Vyagr Dwipad Chatushpad Bahyaandivi Bhuvyantrikshe Anyeapi Kechit Taandweshkan Sarvaan Han Han Vidyunmeghnadi Parvatatavi Sarv Sthan Ratridin Path Chauran Vasham Kuru Kuru Hari: Om Namo Bhagwate Hreem Hum Phat Swaha Tha: Tham Tham Tha: Namah".

Lyrics of Narayan Astra Mantra in Sanskrit:

ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीनारायणाय नमो नारायणाय विश्वमूर्तये नमः श्री पुरुषोत्तमाय पुष्पदृष्टिं प्रत्यक्षं वा परोक्षं वा अजीर्णं पंचविषूचिकां हन हन ऐकाहिकं द्वयाहिकं त्र्याहिकं चातुर्थिक ज्वरं नाशय नाशय चतुरशीतिवातानष्टादशकुष्ठान् अष्टादशक्षय रोगान् हन हन सर्वदोषान् भंजय-भंजय तत्सर्वं नाशय नाशय शोषय-शोषय आकर्षय आकर्षय शत्रून मारय मारय उच्चाटयोच्चाटय विद्वेषय-विद्वेषय स्तम्भय-स्तम्भय निवारय - निवारय विघ्नैर्हन - विघ्नैर्हन दह दह मथ-मथ विध्वंसय-विध्वंसय चक्रं गृहीत्वा शीघ्रमागच्छागच्छ चक्रेण हत्वा परविद्यां छेदय-छेदय भेदय-भेदय चतुःशीतानि विस्फोटय-विस्फोटय अर्शवातशूलदृष्टि सर्पसिंहव्याघ्र द्विपदचतुष्पद-पद- बाह्यान्दिवि भुव्यन्तरिक्षे अन्येऽपि केचित् तान्द्वेषकान्सर्वान् हन हन विद्युन्मेघनदी - पर्वताटवी - सर्वस्थान रात्रिदिनपथचौरान् वशं कुरु कुरु हरिः ॐ नमो भगवते ह्रीं हुं फट् स्वाहा ठः ठं ठं ठः नमः ।

Lyrics and Benefits of Narayan Astra Mantra, why to recite narayan mantra, lyrics of nayarayn astra mantra.


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