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Shree Gayatri Kavach Lyrics With Meaning in English

Shree Gayatri Kavach Lyrics With Meaning in English, Benefits of gayatri kavach, Protection mantra, success mantra.

Shri Gayatri Kavacham protects us from every evil power and enemy, destroys problems, provides sixty-four arts and prosperity.

Shri Gayatri Kavacham is mentioned in the Prakritikhand of Shri Agastya Samhita. By reciting this divine and powerful Kavacham, all the sins of the devotees are destroyed, all kinds of sorrows end and salvation is attained by the grace of the Mother Goddess.

Shree Gayatri Kavach Lyrics With Meaning in English, Benefits of gayatri kavach, Protection mantra, success mantra.
Shree Gayatri Kavach Lyrics With Meaning in English

Gayatri Kavacham Lyrics In Sanskrit:

|| श्री गायत्री कवचम् ||

अथः विनियोग:

अस्य श्री गायत्रीकवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य ब्रह्म-विष्णु-महेश्वरा ऋषय:, ऋग,-यजुः-सामा-ऽथर्वाणि छन्दांसि, परब्रह्मस्व-रूपिणी गायत्री देवता तद्बीजम्‌, भर्गः शक्तिः, धियः कीलकम्‌, गायत्री प्रीत्यर्थे, मोक्षार्थे जपे विनियोगः ।

अथः  न्यास:

ॐ तत्सवितुर्ब्रह्मात्मने हृदयाय नमः, ॐ वरेण्यं विष्णवात्मने शिरसे स्वाहा, ॐ भर्गोदेवस्य रुद्रात्मने शिखायै वषट्, ॐ धीमहि ईश्वरात्मने कवचाय हुम्‌ ॐ धियो यो नः सदाशिवात्मने नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्, ॐ प्रचोदयात्‌ परब्रह्मतत्त्वात्मने अस्त्राय फट् ।

अथः ध्यानम

वर्णास्त्रां कुण्डिकाहस्तां शुद्ध निर्मल ज्योतिषीम् ।

सर्वतत्त्वमयीं वन्दे गायत्रीं वेदमातरम् ॥

मुक्ता विद्रुम हेम नील धवलच्छायैर्मुखैस्त्रीक्षणै।

र्युक्तामिन्दु निबद्ध रत्नमुकुटां तत्वार्थ वर्णात्मिकाम्।

गायत्रीं वरदाऽभयाऽङ्कुश कशां शूलं कपालं गुणं।

शङ्ख चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्तीं भजे ॥

अथः श्री गायत्री कवचम | Shree Gayatri Kavach

ॐ गायत्री पूर्वतः पातु सावित्री पातु दक्षिणे।

ब्रह्मविद्या च मे पश्चादुत्तरे मां सरस्वती ॥1॥

पावकीं मे दिशं रक्षेत् पावकोज्वलशालिनी।

यातुधानीं दिशं रक्षेद्यातुधान गणार्दिनी ॥2॥

पावमानीं दिशं रक्षेत् पवमान विलासिनी।

दिशं रौद्रीमवतु मे रुद्राणी रुद्ररूपिणी ॥3॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

ऊर्ध्वं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेदधस्ताद् वैष्णवी तथा।

एवं दश दिशो रक्षेत् सर्वतो भुवनेश्वरी ॥4॥

ब्रह्मास्त्र स्मरणादेव वाचां सिद्धिः प्रजायते।

ब्रह्मदण्डश्च मे पातु सर्वशस्वाऽस्त्र भक्षकः ॥5॥

ब्रह्मशीर्षस्तथा पातु शत्रूणां वधकारकः ।

सप्तव्याहृतयः पान्तु सर्वदा बिन्दुसंयुताः ॥6॥

वेदमाता च मां पातु सरहस्या सदेवता।

देवीसूक्तां सदा पातु सहस्त्राक्षरदेवता ॥7॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

चतुष्षष्टिकलाविद्या दिव्याद्या पातु देवता।

बीजशक्तिश्च मे पातु पातु विक्रमदेवता ॥8॥

तत्पदं पातु मे पादौ जड्डे मे सवितुः पदम् ।

वरेण्यं कटिदेशं तु नाभिं भर्गस्तथैव च ॥9॥

देवस्य मे तु हृदयं धीमहीति गलं तथा ।

धियो मे पातु जिह्वायां यः पदं पातु लोचने ॥10॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

ललाटे नः पदं पातु मूर्द्धानं मे प्रचोदयात्।

तद्वर्णः पातु मूर्द्धानं सकारः पातु भालकम् ॥11॥

चक्षुषी मे विकारस्तु श्रोत्रं रक्षेत्तु कारकः ।

नासापुटे वकारो मे रेकारस्तु कपोलयोः ॥12॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

णिकारस्त्वधरोष्ठे च यकारस्तूर्ध्व ओष्ठके।

आस्यामध्ये भकारस्तु गोंकारस्तु कपोलयोः ॥13॥

देकारः कण्ठदेशे च वकारः स्कन्धदेशयोः ।

स्यकारो दक्षिणं हस्तं धीकारो वामहस्तकम् ॥14॥

मकारो हृदयं रक्षेद् हिकारो जठरं तथा ।

धिकारो नाभिदेशं तु योकारस्तु कटिद्वयम् ॥15॥

गुह्यं रक्षतु योकार ऊरू में नः पदाक्षरम्।

प्रकारो जानुनी रक्षेच्चोकारो जङ्घदेशयोः ॥16॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

दकारो गुल्फदेशं तु यात्कारः पादयुग्मकम् ।

जातवेदेति गायत्री त्र्यम्बकेति दशाक्षरा ॥17॥

सर्वतः सर्वदा पातु आपो ज्योतीति षोडशी।

इदं तु कवचं दिव्यं बाधा शत विनाशकम् ॥18॥

चतुष्षष्टिकलाविद्या सकलैश्वर्य सिद्धिदम् ।

जपारम्भे च हृदयं जपान्ते कवचं पठेत् ॥19॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

स्त्री गो ब्राह्मण मित्रादि द्रोहाद्यखिल पातकैः।

मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यः परं ब्रह्माधि गच्छति ॥20॥

पुष्पाञ्जलिं च गायत्र्या मूलेनैव पठेत् सकृत्।

शतसाहस्त्र वर्षाणां पूजायाः फलमाप्नुयात् ॥21॥

भूर्जपत्रे लिखित्वैतत् स्वकण्ठे धारयेद् यदि।

शिखायां दक्षिणे बाहौ कण्ठे वा धारयेद् बुधः ॥22॥

त्रैलोक्यं क्षोभयेत् सर्व त्रैलोक्यं दहति क्षणात् ।

पुत्रवान् धनवाञ्छ्रीमान् नानाविद्यानिधिर्भवेत् ॥23॥Shree Gayatri Kavach

न देयं परशिष्येभ्यो ह्यभक्तेभ्यो विशेषतः ।

शिष्येभ्यो भक्तियुक्तेभ्यो ह्यन्यथा मृत्युमाप्नुयात् ॥24॥

ब्रह्मास्त्रादीनि सर्वाणि तदङ्गस्पर्शनात्ततः ।

भवन्ति तस्य तुच्छानि किमन्यत् कथयामि ते ॥25॥

॥ इति श्रीअगस्त्यसंहितायां ब्रह्मनारायणसंवादे प्रकृतिखण्डे गायत्रीकवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

हिंदी में पढ़िए गायत्री कवच अर्थ सहित 

Meaning of Gayatri Kavacham in English:

I worship Veda Mata Gayatri, who has the form of all the castes, who holds the Kundika, who is of the form of pure light, who is seated with all the elements. Who is adorned with the face of gold, pearl, coral, indigo and clear shade and who is filled with all the auspiciousness of a woman, who is adorned with the jeweled moon-like phase, who is of the form of castes. Whose hands are adorned with Abhaya, Kasha, Var, Ankush, Kapal, bow, spear, lotus and chakra. I meditate on that Gayatri Devi.

May Gayatri protect us in the east, Savitri in the south, Mahavidya in the west and Mother Saraswati in the north.

May the goddess who is full of light like fire protect us in the Agnikona, may the destroyer of Yatudhaans protect us in the South-West.

May the goddess who plays like air protect us in the Vayavyakona, may Bhagvati Rudrani in the form of Rudra protect us in the North-East direction. May Brahmani protect us from above and Vaishnavi from below. May all goddesses protect us in the same way in the ten directions.

May the Brahmadanda that destroys all weapons protect us. May Brahmashirsha that destroys enemies protect us. May the Sapranav Vyahrtiyas with Visarg protect us always.

May the Devi Sukta that has Sahasraakshar as its deity protect us.

May the divine knowledge with Chatur Shasti Kala protect us. May Beej-Shakti protect us. May Vikram Devta protect us.

May the word ‘Tat’ protect the feet, the word ‘Savituh’ protect the thighs, the word ‘Varenyam’ protect the waist region and the word ‘Bharg’ protect the navel. ‘Devasya’ should protect the heart, ‘dhimahi’ should protect the throat, ‘dhiyo’ should protect the tongue, ‘ya:’ should protect the foot and eyes.

‘nah’ should protect the forehead, ‘prachodayat’ should protect the head. ‘tatah’ should protect the head and ‘sa’ should protect the forehead.

‘vi’ should protect both the eyes, ‘tu’ should protect the ears, ‘va’ should protect the nostrils, ‘re’ should protect the cheeks. ‘na’ should protect the lower lips, ‘ya’ should protect the upper lip, ‘bha’ should protect the middle of the mouth, ‘rgo’ should protect both the cheeks.

‘de’ should protect the throat, ‘va’ should protect the shoulder, ‘sya’ should protect the right hand, ‘dhi’ should protect the left hand. ‘man’ should protect the heart, ‘hi’ should protect the stomach, ‘dhi’ should protect the navel, ‘yo’ should protect both the waist parts.

‘Yo’ should protect the genitals, ‘Nah’ the word and letter both the thighs, ‘Pra’ both knees, ‘Cho’ both thighs. ‘Da’ should protect the Gulf, ‘Yat’ should protect both our feet.

This shield of Mata Gayatri Devi is capable of destroying many problems, it provides sixty four arts and prosperity. Gayatri-Hridaya should be recited at the beginning of Gayatri Japa and Gayatri Kavach should be recited at the end of the Japa.

It destroys sins like killing a woman, killing a Brahmin, cheating a friend and killing a cow. A person who recites Gayatri Kavach attains the Supreme God.

By always reciting this Gayatri Kavach and offering a flower to Gayatri Devi once with the Mool Mantra, one gets the fruits of worship done for thousands of years.

The person who writes this shield on Bhojpatra and wears it on Shikha, throat and right hand or wrist, can destroy the three worlds in a moment. They become rich, have sons and become experts in many subjects.

What is the need to say much about the benefits of Gayatri Kavach Paath? Even Brahmastras become insignificant by the touch of its body.

It is said that the method of chanting Gayatri Kavach should not be given to other disciples. And it should not be given to a person who is not a devotee. One should tell about this method only to his disciple and devotee, otherwise he will die.

Shree Gayatri Kavach Lyrics With Meaning in English, Dwadash Jyotirling Strotram, Benefits of gayatri kavach, Protection mantra, success mantra.


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