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Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Sri Krishna Kavacham Lyrics, Shri Krishna Kavacham by Gargsamhita with meaning in english, benefits of krishna kavach.

Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics: This Sri Krishna Kavacham has been given in Golokkhanda of  Gargasamhita.

This is the supreme divine ‘Shri Krishna-Kavach’ that protects everyone. This was preached by Lord Vishnu to Brahmaji present in his navel lotus.

Brahmaji preached this to Shambhu, Shambhu to Durvasa and Durvasa came to Nand temple and preached this to Shri yashoda ji.

It was recited by the Gopis. This the most divine Shri Krishna-Kavach is the protector of all, especially for children.
Sri Krishna Kavacham Lyrics, Shri Krishna Kavacham by Gargsamhita with meaning in english, benefits of krishna kavach.
Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

हिंदी में पढ़िए श्री कृष्ण कवच के फायदे 

|| श्री कृष्ण कवचम् ||

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गोप्य ऊचुः 

श्रीकृष्णस्ते शिरः पातु वैकुण्ठः कण्ठमेव हि ।

श्वेतद्वीपपतिः कर्णौ नासिकां यज्ञरूपधृक् ॥ १॥

नृसिंहो नेत्रयुग्मं च जिह्वां दशरथात्मजः ।

अधराववतां ते तु नरनाराणावृषी ॥ २॥

कपोलौ पातु ते साक्षात्सनकाद्याः कला हरेः ।

भालं ते श्वेतवाराहो नारदो भ्रूलतेऽवतु ॥ ३॥Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

चिबुकं कपिलः पातु दत्तात्रेय उरोऽवतु ।

स्कन्धौ द्वावृषभः पातु करौ मत्स्यः प्रपातु ते ॥ ४॥

दोर्दण्डं सततं रक्षेत्पृथुः पृथुलविक्रमः ।

उदरं कमठः पातु नाभिं धन्वन्तरिश्च ते ॥ ५॥

मोहिनी गुह्यदेशं च कटिं ते वामनोऽवतु ।

पृष्ठं परशुरामश्च तवोरू बादरायणः ॥ ६॥

बलो जानुद्वयं पातु जङ्घे बुद्धः प्रपातु ते ।

पादौ पातु सगुल्फौ च कल्किर्धर्मपतिः प्रभुः ॥ ७॥ Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

|| फलस्त्रुतिः||

सर्वरक्षाकरं दिव्यं श्रीकृष्णकवचं परम् ।

इदं भगवता दत्तं ब्रह्मणे नाभिपङ्कजे ॥ ८॥

ब्रह्मणा शम्भवे दत्तं शम्भुर्दुर्वाससे ददौ ।

दुर्वासाः श्रीयशोमत्यै प्रादाच्छ्रीनन्दमन्दिरे ॥ ९॥Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

|| इति गर्गसंहितायां गोलोकखण्डे त्रयोदशाध्यान्तर्गतं गोपीभिः कृतं श्रीकृष्णरक्षाकवचम् ||

Lyrics of Shri Krishna kavacham In English:

Sri Krishnasthe sirah patu, Vaikuntha kanthamev hi,

Swethdweepapathi karnou, nasikaam yajna roopadruk||1||

Nrusimho nethrayugmam, cha Jihwaam Dasarathathmajah,

Adharavavathaam te tu narnaranavrishi||2||

Kapolou patu te sakshaatsanakadyah kala hareh,

Bhalam te swethvaraho narado bhrullatevatu ||3|| Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Chibukam Kapilah patu, dattatrey urovatu,

Skandhou dwavrushabha patu karou mathsyah prapatu te||4||

Dordandam satatam rakshetprithuh pruthulVikramah,

Udaram kamathah pathu nabhim dhanvantrischa te||5||

Mohini guhyadesham cha Katim te vamanovatu,

Prushtam parashuramascha thavoru Badrayanah||6||

Balo Janudwayam patu janghem buddhah prapatu te|

Padau patu sagulfau ch kalkirdharmpatih prabhuh||7|| Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Sarvarakshakaram divyam Sri Krishna kavacham param|

Idham bhagwata dattam Brahmane nabhipankaje||8||

Brahmana shambhave dattam Shambhurdurvasase dadou|

Durvasah SriYashomatyai pradachChrinandmandire||9||

Meaning of Shri Krishna Kawacham In English :

Let Krishna protect the head, and let Vaikunta protect the neck,

Let the lord of the white island protect the ears and he who has a form of Yajna protect the nose.

Let Nrusimha protect the pair of your eyes,

Let the son of Dasaratha protect the tongue, Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Let both your lips be protected by sages Nara and Narayana

Let the real sages Sanaka and others protect your cheeks,

Let the white boar protect your hair and let sage Narada protect the eyebrows.

Let Kapila protect the chins and Dattatreya protect the chest,

Let both shoulders be protected by the bull and let the hands be protected by the fish.

Let my arms be always be protected by the hero of big battles, Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Let the stomach be protected by tortoise and let the navel be protected by Dhanvanthri.

Let Mohini protect the private parts and waist be protected by Vamana,

Let the back be protected by Parasurama and thighs by Badanarayana

Let both knees be protected by Balarama, and thighs be protected by Budha,

Let the feel and calves be protected by Kalki, the lord of Dharma.

This divine armour of Krishna which protects everything, Shree Krishn Kavacham With Meaning and Lyrics

Was given by Lord Vishnu to Brahma sitting on the lotus of the belly.

Lord Brahma gave it to Shiva, and Shiva gave it to sage Durvasa,

Sage Durvasa gave it to Yasodha in the house of Nandagopa.

Sri Krishna Kavacham Lyrics, Shri Krishna Kavacham by Gargsamhita with meaning in english, benefits of krishna kavach.


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