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Seeking Forgiveness : Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram

Seeking Forgiveness : Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram, meaning of lyrics in english, Shiv Pooja Mantra.

Shiv Apradh Kshamapan Stotra was composed by Adi Shankaracharya. This composition is a proof of his unwavering devotion towards Lord Shiva. In this composition, he has asked forgiveness from the Lord for all those things due to which he was not able to meditate on Shiva.

If we recite this after understanding its meaning, then we can definitely receive Shiva's blessings.

The journey from being a creature to becoming Shiva is not easy, but by reciting Shiv Apradh Kshamapan Stotra, we can easily receive Shiva's blessings. 

Seeking Forgiveness : Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram, meaning of lyrics in english, Shiv Pooja Mantra.
Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram

शिव अपराध क्षमापन स्तोत्र संस्कृत में पढ़िए  हिंदी अर्थ सहित

Shivaparadhakshamapana Stotra Lyrics

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1. *Aadau karmaprasangaat kalayati kalusham matrikukshau sthitam maam,  

Vinmootraamedhyamadhye kwathayati nitaram jaatharo jaatavedah,  

Yadyadvai tatra dukham vyathayati nitaram shakyaate ken vaktum,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

2. *Baalyem dukhati reko malalulitvapuh stanyapaane pipasa,  

No shaktashcendriye bhyo bhavagunjanitah jantavo maam tudanti,  

Nana rogaadiduhkhaad rudanapavashah Shankarenn smarami,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

3. *Prouddho'ham yauvanastho vishayavishadharaih panchabhirmarmasandhau,  

Dashto nashto vivekah sutadhanyuvatisswadu saukhye nishannaha,  

Shaivee chintaaviheenam mama hridayamaho maangarvaadhiroodham,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

4. *Vardhakyendriyanam vigatagatimatikchaadhidaivadatapa,  

Papaih rogair vyohaistvanavsitavapuh proudhihinamcha deenam,  

Mithyamohaabhilashaibharmati mama manoh dhuurjater dhyaanashunyam,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

5. *No shakyam smartakarma pratipadagahanaprityavaayakulaakhyam,  

Shraute vaarta kathame dvijakula vihite brahmamarganusare,  

Jnaato dharmo vicharaih shravanamananayoh kim nididhyasyitavyam,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

6. *Snaatva pratyushakaale snapanavidhividhau naahrutam gangatoayam,  

Poojaartham va kadachid bahutaragahnaat khandabilviedalani,  

Naneeta padmamala sarasi vikshita gandhadhupaih tvadartham,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

7. *Dugdhair madhwajyukthair dadhisitasahithaih snaapitam naiva lingam,  

No liptam chandanaadhyaih kanakavirachitaih poojitam na prasoonaih,  

Dhoopaih karpura deepair vidhidharasayutairnaiva bhakshyopahaaraih,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

8. *Dhyaatvachitte Shivaakhyam prachurataradhanam naiva dattam dvijebhyo,  

Havyam te lakshasangkhaihutavahvadhane naarpitam beejamantraih,  

No taptaam gangateere vratajapaniyamh rudrajapyairna vedaaih,  

Kshantavyo me'paradhah, Shiv Shiv Shiv Bho, Shree Mahadev Shambho.*

9. **"Sthitva sthāne saroje pranavamayam arut kumbhake (kundale) sukṣhmarāge  

Shānte swānte pralīne prakāṭitavibhave jyotirūpe'parākhye  

Liṅgajñe brahmavākye sakalatanugataṁ Śaṅkaram na smarāmi  

Kṣantavyo me'parādhah, Śiva Śiva Śiva Bho, Śrī Mahādev Śambho."**

10. **"Nagno niḥsaṅgaśuddhastriguṇavirahito dhvastamohāndhakāro  

Nāsāgre nyastadṛṣṭir viditabhavaguno naiva dṛṣṭo kadācit  

Unmanyā'avasthayā tvāṁ vigatakalimalam Śaṅkaram na smarāmi  

Kṣantavyo me'parādhah, Śiva Śiva Śiva Bho, Śrī Mahādev Śambho."**

11. **"Hṛdyaṁ vedāntavedyaṁ hṛdayasarasije dīptamudyatprakāśam  

Satyaṁ śāntasvarūpaṁ sakalamunimanas-padmaṣaṇḍaikavedyam  

Jāgratsvapne suṣuptau triguṇavirahitaṁ Śaṅkaram na smarāmi  

Kṣantavyo me'parādhah, Śiva Śiva Śiva Bho, Śrī Mahādev Śambho."**

12. **"Candrodbhāsitaśekhare smarahare gaṅgādhare Śaṅkare  

Sarpairbhūṣitakaṇṭhakaṇṇavivare netrotthavaishvānanare  

Yugale dantitvakkṛtasuṁdarambaradhare trailokyasāre hare  

Mokṣārthaṁ kuru citta-vṛttimacalāmanyais tu kiṁ karmabhiḥ"**

13. **"Kiṁ vā'nena dhanena vājīkaribhīḥ prāptena rājyeṇa kiṁ  

Kiṁ vā putrakalatramitrapashubhirdhehena geheṇa kim  

Jñātvaitatkṣaṇabhaṅguruṁ sapadi re tyājyaṁ mano dūrataḥ  

Swātmārthaṁ guruvākhyato bhaja mana Śrī Pārvatīvallabham."**

14. **"Paurōhityaṁ rajanīcaritaṁ grāmaṇītvaṁ niyogo  

Māṭhāpatyaṁ hyanṛtavacanaṁ sākṣivādaḥ parānnam  

Brahmadveṣaḥ khalajanatirāḥ prāṇināṁ nirdayatvaṁ  

Mā bhūdevaṁ mama paśupate janmajanmāntareṣu."**

15. **"Āyurnāśyati paśyantāṁ pratidiṁ yāti kṣayaṁ yauvanaṁ  

Pratyāyānti gatāḥ punar na divasāḥ kālo jagadbhakṣhakaḥ  

Lakṣmīstoyatarangabhaṅgacapalā vidyucchalaṁ jīvitam  

Tasmāt tvāṁ śaraṇāgataṁ śaraṇad tvaṁ rakṣa rakṣādhunā."**

16. **"Vande devamumāpatiṁ suraguruṁ vande jagatkāraṇaṁ  

Vande pannagabhūṣaṇam mṛgadharaṁ vande paśūnāṁ patim  

Vande sūryaśaśāṅkavahni-nayanaṁ vande mukundapriyaṁ  

Vande bhaktajana-āśrayaṁ ca varadaṁ vande śivaṁ śaṅkaram."**

17. **"Gātraṁ bhasmasitaṁ sitaṁ ca hasitaṁ haste kapālaṁ sitaṁ  

Khaṭvāṅgaṁ ca sitaṁ sitaśca vṛṣabhaḥ karṇe site kuṇḍale  

Gaṅgā phenasitā jaṭā paśupateścaṁdraḥ sito mūrdhani  

So'yaṁ sarvasito dadātu vibhavaṁ pāpakṣayaṁ sarvadā."**

18. **"Kara-caraṇakṛtaṁ vākkāyajaṁ karmajaṁ vā  

Śravaṇanayanajaṁ vā mānasaṁ vā'parādhām  

Vihitamavihitaṁ vā sarvameṯatkṣmasv  

Śiva Śiva karuṇābdhe Śrī Mahādev Śambho."**

Shivaparadhakshamapana Stotra Meaning In English:

  1. In the beginning, due to past actions, I have accumulated impurity within me. The difficulties of my life are unbearable, and it is impossible to describe the extent of my sins. Lord Shiva, I humbly request your forgiveness for my offenses.
  2. In my childhood, I experienced intense suffering. I have been tormented by various difficulties, yet I could not even remember Lord Shankar. I pray for your mercy to forgive me, O Lord!
  3. As I entered adulthood, I got attached to worldly pleasures, losing my discernment. I neglected the contemplation of Lord Shiva and allowed ego to take root in my heart. Please forgive me, O Lord!
  4. As I grew older, my senses became weak, and my mind was overwhelmed with desires. I was unable to meditate on you and remained lost in my attachment to worldly things. I seek your forgiveness, O Lord!
  5. I have failed to perform the necessary religious rituals and duties. I couldn’t follow the spiritual path, nor did I understand the teachings. I beg for your forgiveness, Lord Shiva!
  6. I did not perform proper rituals, even when I had the chance to do so, nor did I offer the appropriate items in my prayers. Please forgive my neglectful behavior, Lord Shiva!
  7. I failed to offer the proper items, like milk, honey, and other offerings, while performing the rituals. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness for not fulfilling my duties towards you, O Lord Shiva.
  8. I did not meditate on you, nor did I offer my rituals with full devotion. I beg you, Lord, for forgiveness for neglecting these duties.
  9. When I was at the place of devotion, I failed to meditate properly and remember your divine form. I failed to experience your eternal light. Forgive me, O Lord Shiva, for not meditating on you as I should have.
  10. I wandered in the world, detached from true spiritual knowledge, and failed to see you with my mind's eye. In the state of delusion, I could not remember you, O Lord Shiva. Please forgive my ignorance and failures.
  11. I failed to meditate upon the eternal truth, the supreme being, who is beyond the three gunas (qualities). I could not recall you during my waking, sleeping, or dream state. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, O Lord.
  12. You, who are adorned with the moon, the remover of desires, the bearer of the Ganga, the wearer of serpents, and the master of all worlds, please bless me with the strength to remain focused on you, Lord Shiva. What is the need for worldly achievements when you are the source of all liberation?
  13. What is the use of wealth, power, or family when all are temporary? Knowing that everything in this world is fleeting, I must focus on the true purpose of life—serving and worshipping you, Lord Shiva, with a heart full of devotion, as instructed by my Guru.
  14. I have failed in my duties as a priest, neglected honesty in my dealings, and harbored hatred and cruelty toward others. Lord Shiva, forgive me for these sins, which I have carried across many lifetimes.
  15. Life and youth diminish with time, and the days pass quickly. Wealth and happiness, too, are fleeting. But you, O Lord Shiva, are the eternal refuge. I seek your protection and mercy now, as I surrender to you.
  16. I bow down to Lord Shiva, the consort of Parvati, the Guru of the Gods, the cause of the universe. I worship him who is adorned with serpents, who holds the mountain, the Lord of all creatures. I bow to the one who is dear to the sun, moon, and fire, the beloved of Mukunda. I offer my prayers to the one who is the refuge of all devotees.
  17. With your body smeared in ash, with a smile on your face, holding the skull and the trident, and adorned with a bull’s head and sacred symbols, I bow before you, O Lord Shiva. May you grant me wealth and the destruction of my sins, now and forever.
  18. Whatever sins I have committed, whether by my actions, speech, thoughts, or through rituals, I surrender them all to you, Lord Shiva. Please forgive me for everything, and may your divine mercy always protect me.

Thus ends the *Shivaparadhakshamapana Stotra*, composed by Shankaracharya.

Seeking Forgiveness : Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram, meaning of lyrics in english, Shiv Pooja Mantra.


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