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Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning, Sri Baidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics, Baidyanath Ashtakam english Meaning, Disease removing spell of lord shiva, health mantra, shiv prayer for health and wealth.

Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning: Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam is written by Jagatguru Shankaracharya and by reciting it, any person can be free from serious diseases. It describes the powers of Lord Shiva and says that he can end all diseases, sorrows and grief.

In the end, it is also mentioned that whoever recites this Ashtakam 3 times a day, he is saved from the fear of birth and death and is free from all serious diseases.

Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning, Sri Baidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics, Baidyanath Ashtakam english Meaning, Disease removing spell of shiva
Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

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Lyrics of Vaidyanatha Ashtakam (श्री वैद्यनाथाष्टकम्) in English: 

Sree rama soumithri jatayu veda,

Shadanadithya kujarchithya,

Sree neelakandaya daya mayaya,

Sree vaidyanathaya namasivaya. 1

Ganga pravahendu jada dharaya,

Trilochanaya smara kala hanthre,

Samstha devairapi poojithaya,

Sree vaidyanathata namasivaya. 2. Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

Bhaktha priyaya, tripuranthakaya ,

Pinakine dushta haraya nithyam,

Prathyaksha leelaya manushya loke,

Sree vaidyanathaya namasivaya. 3.

Prabhootha vadadhi samastha roga,

Pranasa karthre muni vandhthithaya,

Prabhakarennd wagni vilochanaya,

Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya. 4.  Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

Vakchrothra nethrangiri viheena jantho,

Vakchrothra nethrangiri sukha pradaya,

Kushtadhi sarvonnatha roga hanthre,

Sri Vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.5. 

Vedantha vedhyaya jagan mayaya,

Yogiswara dhyeya Padambujaya,

Trimurthy roopaya sahasra namne,

Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya. 6. Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

Swatheertha mrudbasma brudanga bajam,

Pisacha dukha arthi bhayapahaya,

Athma swaroopaya sareera bajaam,

Sri Vaidyanaathaya namasivaya. 7.

Sree neelakandaya vrushaba dwajaya,

Sarakkanda basmadhya abhi shobithaya,

Suputhradarathi subagyathaya,

Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya. 8.

Balambikesa vaidyesa bava roga haredisa,

Japen nama thrayam nithyam maha roga nivaranam. Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

|| Iti Shri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam ||

Lyrics of Vaidyanatha Ashtakam (श्री वैद्यनाथाष्टकम्) in Sanskrit: 

 श्रीराम सौमित्रि जटायुवॆद- षडाननादित्य कुजार्चिताय ।

श्री नीलकण्ठाय दयामयाय श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ १ ॥

गंगाप्रवाहॆन्दु-जटाधराय त्रिलॊचनाय स्मरकालहन्त्रॆ ।

समस्त दॆवैरपि पूजिताय श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ २ ॥

भक्तप्रियाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय पिनाकिनॆ दुष्टहराय नित्यम् ।

प्रत्यक्षलीलाय मनुष्यलॊकॆ श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ३ ॥ Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

प्रभूतवातादि समस्त रॊग-प्रणाशकर्त्रॆ मुनिवन्दिताय ।

प्रभाकरॆन्द्वग्निविलॊचनाय श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ४ ॥

वाक्श्रॊत्रनॆत्राङ्घ्रिविहीनजन्तॊः वाक्श्रॊत्रनॆत्राङ्घ्रिमुखप्रदाय ।

कुष्ठादिसर्वॊन्नतरॊगहन्त्रॆ श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ५ ॥

वॆदान्तवॆद्याय जगन्मयाय यॊगीश्वरध्यॆयपदांबुजाय ।

त्रिमूर्तिरूपाय सहस्रनाम्नॆ श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ६ ॥Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

स्वतीर्थ मृत् भस्मभृदंगभाजां पिशाचदुःखार्तिभयापहाय ।

आत्म स्वरूपाय शरीरभाजां श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ७ ॥

श्री नीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय स्रग्गन्धभस्माद्यपिशॊभिताय ।

सुपुत्र दारादि सुभाग्यदाय श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ८ ॥

वालाम्बिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।

जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम्॥९॥Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning

|| इति श्री वैद्यनाथाष्टकम् सम्पूर्णं ||

Meaning of Shri Vaidyanath Ashtkam:

  1. I bow to Lord Shiva, who is the king of physicians, who is worshipped by Rama and Lakshmana, who is worshipped by Jatayu, who is worshipped by the Vedas, who is worshipped by the six-faced God, who is worshipped by the Sun God, who is worshipped by the Mangal Deva, who has a blue neck, and who is the embodiment of mercy.
  2. I bow to Lord Shiva, who is the king of physicians, who wears the stream of Ganga and the moon on his head, who has three eyes, who is the time of time itself, and who is worshipped by all the gods.
  3. I bow to Lord Shiva, O Lord, you are always dear to your devotees, the destroyer of the three worlds and the destroyer of the wicked. O Lord Sri Vaidyanath, you play directly in the human world.
  4. You worshipped by sages, you are the destroyer of all diseases like the abundant air. O Vaidyanatha! Your eyes are like the brightness of the moon and fire, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you.
  5. I bow to Lord Shiva, who is the king of physicians, who blesses beings who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to walk, and who cures destructive diseases like leprosy.
  6. I bow to Lord Shiva, who is the king of physicians, who can be known through Vedanta, who is spread throughout the universe, whose lotus feet are meditated upon by great sages, who is in the form of the holy trinity and who has a thousand names.
  7. I bow to Lord Shiva, who removes all sufferings caused by evil spirits, sorrows and fears with His holy water, holy ashes, holy soil, and who is the very embodiment of the soul residing in the human body.
  8. I bow to Lord Shiva, who is the king of physicians, who has a blue neck, who has a bull on his flag, who shines with flowers, holy ashes and sandalwood, who is the bestower of good sons, wives and other good fortunes.
  9. Those who recite this prayer three times a day with devotion and pray to Lord Vaidyanatha, who is accompanied by his wife Balambika, and who removes the fear of birth and death, are freed from all great diseases.

Thus the Sri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam is completed.

Sri Vaidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics With Meaning, Sri Baidyanath Ashtakam Lyrics, Baidyanath Ashtakam english Meaning, Disease removing spell of lord shiva, health mantra, श्री वैद्यनाथ अष्टकमshiv prayer for health and wealth.


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