When is aghan amavasya, date and auspicious time of अगहन अमावस्या 2024, what to do to remove problems of life, astrological remedies for successful life, how will be the position of planets. November 2024 Amvasya : Aghan Amavasya is also very important in Hinduism, this is the day when we can perform special pujas to get the blessings of ancestors. 2024 Aghan Amavasya Date and Timings: The Amavasya of the month of Aghan will start on 30th November at around 10:31 am and will continue till 11:51 am on 1st December. As per the rising date, the Amavasya fast will be observed on 1st December but the night of Amavasya will be on the 30th. Now let us know when to do Dhoop, meditation, bath and donation? According to the Shastras, the best time to do Dhoop and meditation for ancestors is considered to be afternoon, hence on 30th i.e. Saturday, Dhoop, meditation, Tarpan etc. should be done in the afternoon for ancestors. On 1st December i.e. Sunday, one should take bath in the holy river ...