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Showing posts with the label Amavasya atrology


Shani Amavsya What To Do

When is shani amavasya in 2025, what to do on shani amavasya, Importance or significance of no moon night on saturday, shani amavas remedies. In 2025, the first Shani Amavasya of the year will be on 29 March, Saturday. The Amavasya Tithi will start on the 28th at around 7:57 pm and will last till around 4:28 pm on the 29th. Another special thing is that There will be Uttarabhadrapad Constellation remain on this day whose master is saturn and also Saturn will change its zodiac sign, so the day is very important this year. Shani amavasya is very important from the point of view of Hindu tradition. On this day fair held on the bank of rivers, people like to take bath on holy rivers and do rituals for the upliftment of ancestors. This day is also very important to get rid of the black magic problems, pitra dosha problems, evil eye effect problems. Shani pooja on this day has great importance. So amavasya on Saturday is very auspicious day to get rid of problems. what to do on shani a...

Mauni Amavasya Importance

Mauni Amavasya importance, Date of Maghi amavasya in 2025, what to do on this day for success, tips for successful life from astrologer,  when is mauni/maaghi amavasya. Silence is the best way to generate and to store the energy for growth in life. In hindi silence means "Maun". Normally we think that silence means not to talk but it is not so, the main meaning to be in silence is to be silence from within. No wandering of mind, no thinking, no movement, only to be in the state of stability. This will be achieved by intense practice. The date of Mauni Amavasya in 2025 is 29 January, Wednesday, Amavasya Tithi will start at around 7:38 pm on 28th and will last till around 6:06 pm on 29th. significance of mauni amavasya Watch Video Here Let us know why Mauni Amavasya 2025 is special? This is the first Amavasya of Uttarayan and New year. On this day, Maha Kumbh bath will also take place. Puja, river bath and charity done on this day bring Inexhaustible virtue. At thi...

Somwati Amvasya ! What To Do For Success?

When is somwati amavasya 2024, What is Somvati Amavasya?, What is the importance of Somvati Amavasya?, Which God to pray on Somvati Amavasya?, How to worship Somvati Amavasya?, Mantra to chant on this auspicious day. Somvati Amavasya is a Hindu festival that is celebrated on the Amavasya that falls on a Monday. Somvati Amavasya literally means complete moonless night. This festival is considered to be very auspicious and is celebrated by Hindus all over India. Somwati Amvasya is on 30th Of December 2024 and this will be the Las Amavasya of this year. Amavasya Tithi will start at approx 4:03 AM on 30th of December and will remain till 3:57 AM of 31st of December 2024. There are many different traditions and rituals associated with Somvati Amavasya, but some of the most common include Worshipping Lord Shiva and Parvati, Giving donations, Fasting, etc.  Somwati Amvasya   Somvati Amavasya is a time to enhance spiritual practices. It is a day to connect with one's inner self...

When is Aghan Amavasya

When is aghan amavasya, date and auspicious time of अगहन अमावस्या 2024, what to do to remove problems of life, astrological remedies for successful life, how will be the position of planets. November 2024 Amvasya : Aghan Amavasya is also very important in Hinduism, this is the day when we can perform special pujas to get the blessings of ancestors. 2024 Aghan Amavasya Date and Timings: The Amavasya of the month of Aghan will start on 30th November at around 10:31 am and will continue till 11:51 am on 1st December. As per the rising date, the Amavasya fast will be observed on 1st December but the night of Amavasya will be on the 30th. Now let us know when to do Dhoop, meditation, bath and donation? According to the Shastras, the best time to do Dhoop and meditation for ancestors is considered to be afternoon, hence on 30th i.e. Saturday, Dhoop, meditation, Tarpan etc. should be done in the afternoon for ancestors. On 1st December i.e. Sunday, one should take bath in the holy river ...

Bhadrapad amavasya date significance astrology tips

When is Bhadrapad Amavasya in 2024, भाद्रपद अमावस्या कब है, Astrological Remedies for Kush Grahani Amavasya, position of planets in the transit horoscope. This year Kushgrahani Amavasya will be available for 2 days on 2nd and 3rd september as well as the coincidence of Somwati Amavasya will also be available. According to the Hindu calendar, the amavasya of Bhadrapada month is also known as Kush Grahani/ Kushotpatini Amavasya. As per vedic astrology this day is very important and on this day different types of rituals/prayers are performed to remove obstacles from life. Bhadrapad amavasya date significance astrology tips हिंदी में पढ़िए भाद्रपद अमावस्या कब है 2024 The name of this amavasya suggests that on this day a sacred grass is collected and used throughout the year, the name of this grass is KUSHA. It is used in every worship, it is used in every ritual. On the occasion of worship, we must have worn the ring of Kush in the ring finger, which is called Pavitri. Let us know t...

Hariyali Amavasya Significance

When is Hariyali amavasya in 2024, what rituals are important on this day for hurdle-free life, Shravan Amavasya for bright life as per vedic jyotish, planetary positions. In the year 2024, Hariyali Amavasya is on 4th of August, Sunday. Ravi Pushya Yoga will also present on this day. Amavasya tithi will start at approx 3:50 PM on 3rd of august and will end at approx 4:42 PM on 4th of August. Shravan month is very auspicious as per hindus and the no moon day which comes in savan month is said to be the "HARIYALI AMAVASAYA". This day is related with the importance of monsoon and so is dedicated to greenery everywhere. On this day specially in hindu community, many important rituals are done. Devotees of lord shiva celebrate this day with great joy and devotion. hariyali amavasya 2024 Let's know the Different Names Of This Hariyali Amavasya In Different Region: In Andrapradesh people call this "Chukkala Amavasya" In Maharashtra people call it ...

when is ashadh amavasya

Ashadh amavasya date 2024 as per hindu panchang, what is the significance of Ashadha Amavasya?, Astrological remedies to remove obstacles in life. Ashadha Amavasya 2024: The month of Ashadha is very important according to astrology and the no moon night of this month is very important. According to the Hindu calendar, this is the fourth month and after that the month of Shravan will start. Ashadh amaavasya is also known as Halaharini Amavasya or Ashadhi Amavasya. In 2024 we will have Ashadhi Amavasya on Friday, July 5th. The Amavasya of the month of Ashadha will start on Friday, July 5th at around 5 am and will last till around 4:28 am on the 6th . when is ashadh amavasya हिंदी में पदिये  अषाढ़ महीने की अमावस्या कब है ? Let us know the importance of Amavasya of the month of Ashadha: Halaharini Amavas is one of the best day to perform rituals  for ancestral peace. If there is Kaal Sarp Yog or Pitra Dosh in someone's horoscope, then in such a situation, benefits can be ta...

When Is Jyestha Amavasya

When is Jyestha Amavasya in 2024, what to do on Jyestha Amavasya, Amavasya date and remedies in June 2024. Jyestha Amavasya 2024: Amavasya Tithi is on Thursday, 6th June 2024. This day has special significance in Hinduism. It is a time when we perform rituals in honor of our ancestors and departed souls. Amavasya Tithi will start on Wednesday, 5th June at around 7:57 pm and Amavasya Tithi will last till around 6:08 pm on 6th. When Is Jyestha Amavasya  हिंदी में पढ़िए ज्येष्ठ अमावस्या 2024 के लिए उपाय    Special things about Jyeshtha Amavasya in 2024: On this day, we will get the combination of Shani Jayanti , Vat Savitri Vrat and Amavasya on the 6th, which will make this day special. On this day, the conjunction of 5 planets will be seen in Taurus.  In the transit horoscope, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn will be auspicious. Sun and Jupiter will be in enemy sign. Rohini Nakshatra will be there on this day, hence worshipping Lord Shiva w...

When is Chaitra Amavasya

Date and time of chaitra amavasya, चैत्र अमावस्या कब है 2022 में, what to do to overcome from bad luck on this day. According to the Hindu calendar, the amavasya of Chaitra month is very special because on this day,  prayers are done to get rid of many problems of life and also CHAITRA NAVRATRI also start just after it which are the best days to worship goddess shakti. In the year 2022 there is doubt regarding dates of Chaitra Amavasya, so in this article we will know the exact date and time. We will also see what we can do to remove the troubles of life. When is Chaitra Amavasya हिंदी में पढ़िए चैत्र अमावस्या कब है  Let us first know that when will chaitra amavasya start and for how long? Amavasya will start on 31st of march, thursday at 12:24 pm. Amavasya will end on 01st April at 11:55 am. So if seen, those who want to do any worship in the night of Amavasya, then the night of 31 March is fine and for those who want to do Shraddha Karma, charity, worship etc. then Ist...

Significance of Amavasya With Shani Jayanti

Significance of shani jayanti with amavasya as per vedic astrology, what to do to attract health, wealth and prosperity on this auspicious day, astrologer guidance and predictions. In India shani jaynti is celebrated with great joy and devotees of lord saturn offer special prayers in the temple of shani dev. In this article we will see that why the day becomes most important when shani jayanti falls on amamasya. On 30th of may 2022, shani jayanti is falling and with this amavasya will also enhance the importance of this day. Significance of Amavasya With Shani Jayanti Shanidev is the lord of justice and so everyone have a fear of lord saturn because as per vedic astrology during the transit of saturn native get the results of his or her deeds in past. And so the prayers related to shani dev keeps special importance for everyone. Shani jayanti when falls on amavsya then enhance the power of day and make this day important to perform rituals to remove hurdles of life. Tho...