When is shani amavasya in 2025, what to do on shani amavasya, Importance or significance of no moon night on saturday, shani amavas remedies. In 2025, the first Shani Amavasya of the year will be on 29 March, Saturday. The Amavasya Tithi will start on the 28th at around 7:57 pm and will last till around 4:28 pm on the 29th. Another special thing is that There will be Uttarabhadrapad Constellation remain on this day whose master is saturn and also Saturn will change its zodiac sign, so the day is very important this year. Shani amavasya is very important from the point of view of Hindu tradition. On this day fair held on the bank of rivers, people like to take bath on holy rivers and do rituals for the upliftment of ancestors. This day is also very important to get rid of the black magic problems, pitra dosha problems, evil eye effect problems. Shani pooja on this day has great importance. So amavasya on Saturday is very auspicious day to get rid of problems. what to do on shani a...