Santan prapti yoga in horoscope by astrologer , how to know about children in horoscope as per vedic astrology, yogas showing happiness from children in life, what to do for santan prapti, who faces problems in having baby?, solutions of santan problems through astrology by astrologer astroshree. Having a baby/santan/child in life is a very important part of married life. It gives a new sight to the couples and make a good changes in life. Couples do lot of efforts in life to have a healthy baby or santan. There are many couples who are deprive of children and all there efforts are not giving results. In spite of taking treatment also some couples are not having progeny. Santan Prapti Yog In Horoscope in English Do you know about santanprapti Saadhna . The reasons of this can be known by astrology. Horoscope is the mirror of our life and so we can know many things about our life through horoscope, There are 12 houses in horoscope/kundli and all the houses represent d...