New Year 2025 Transit Horoscope Predictions, what will be the position of the planets at the time of entry into the new year, Planetary positions at 12:01 AM on 1 January, Astrology prediction. The new year brings new dreams and fills us with new energy, we take new resolutions to move towards our goal with new enthusiasm. The position of the planets also affects everyone a lot. So let us know what will be the position of the planets at the time of entry into this year and what special is the beginning of the year bringing for the 12 zodiac signs. New Year 2025 Transit Horoscope Predictions हिंदी में पढ़िए 2025 की शुरुआत कैसी रहेगी १२ राशियों के लिए Let us know what will be the position of the planets in the first horoscope of the new year? According to the Hindu calendar, the new year 2025 will begin with the Ekam of Shukla Paksha and the day will be Wednesday, along with this, Virgo ascendant will be in the transit horoscope whose lord is Mercury, which is an indication t...