How to reduce obesity, astrological reasons for increasing obesity, how to overcome fat by natural methods, some home remedies to overcome fat, know some astrological remedies for fat loss. Obesity is becoming a very common problem in this digital era and in the whole world. Not only elders but children are also becoming very easily obese and the main reason for this is the irregularity in the people, lack of exercise, stress, eating more and more fast food etc. Natural Ways for Fat Loss High calorie diet has contributed immensely in increasing the fat because today we try to eat more and more fast food due to lack of time but people are not familiar with the serious consequences of fast foods. In all the worlds, serious diseases are seen, most of them are also due to obesity like sugar, BP problem, heart problem, knee pain problem, back problem, paralysis etc. Due to obesity, the burden of work increases on the entire organs of the body, due to this reason, organs...