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Showing posts with the label Health Astrology


Natural Ways for Fat Loss

How to reduce obesity, astrological reasons for increasing obesity, how to overcome fat by natural methods, some home remedies to overcome fat, know some astrological remedies for fat loss. Obesity is becoming a very common problem in this digital era and in the whole world. Not only elders but children are also becoming very easily obese and the main reason for this is the irregularity in the people, lack of exercise, stress, eating more and more fast food etc. Natural Ways for Fat Loss  High calorie diet has contributed immensely in increasing the fat because today we try to eat more and more fast food due to lack of time but people are not familiar with the serious consequences of fast foods.  In all the worlds, serious diseases are seen, most of them are also due to obesity like sugar, BP problem, heart problem, knee pain problem, back problem, paralysis etc.  Due to obesity, the burden of work increases on the entire organs of the body, due to this reason, organs...

Color Blindness Reasons in Astrology

What is colour blindness?, know about Symptoms, astrology reasons, Treatment of colour blindness, Treatment through astrology and Occult science, Astrologer for horoscope reading to get rid of chronic diseases. The victim of colour blindness faces problem in identifying some specific colors. Because of this the patient is unable to differentiate among some specific colours. It happens due to non availability of sensitive pigments in eyes. These pigments are present in eyes cones which is present just behind the eyeball. Symptoms of Colour Blindness: In this disease person is unable to detect some specific colours. It may be possible that person may not identify red color or green color or yellow colour etc. Some patient are unable to identify some specific shades of colors. In some particular case patient recognize only black and white color. Types of Colour Blindness: Red colour blindness, Green color blindness, Blue color blindness are the common color blindn...

Navel Imbalance Means, Reasons and Remedies

What is navel imbalance, Problems due to navel displacement, nabhi Moves means, Gola/Dharan means, how to cure navel imbalance, Easy remedies to cure navel imbalance, Toe Ring to save from Dharan, Astrology reasons. navel imbalance remedies What is Navel Imbalance In General Term? When we talk about the centre part of the body then navel comes in our mind, in yogic terms when we talk about manipurak chakra then also navel comes in our mind, whenever pain in stomach comes in our mind then also first of all we think about the navel. So it is very important part in our body. In hindi Navel is called "Nabhi/Gola/Dharan". It is actually the junction of nerves from where most of the nerves pass. Here there is a great web of nerves and muscles are supporting them, whenever due to any reasons these muscles shifted or moved from the main place then Navel displacement takes place and this is called "gola khisakna, dharan, nabhi khisakna" in local language. Som...

Some Facts Related To Reduce Fat

Some facts related to reduce fat, reasons of fat, FREE tips to reduce fat, motapa ke karan aur motapa hatane ke asaan upaay, habits responsible for fat. It is usually seen that unwanted fat seen in our body in different parts and generally near waist. Unknowingly our some habits are responsible for increasing fat in body so if we focus on our own behavior, habits then it is a fact that we can easily control the fat and also we will be able to reduce fat. Some Facts Related To Reduce Fat Fat is a rapidly growing problem in whole the world and so in various countries, important steps are taken to control fat or motapa. Fat is the basic reason of heart problems, blood pressure problems, constipation, low energy etc. So fat is not only dangerous for the person but also harmful for the family, nation, country. As per the news published in a famous national news paper in many countries strong rules has been made to control fat. In Japan Males who has more than 33.5 inch waist and...

Fat Burning Foods For Healthy Life

Which foods kill fat, Fat burning foods, Fat burning fruits, spices, Vegetables which helps to over come from obesity, helpful tea, obesity treatment naturally. Fat is now a days becoming a global problem and thus depriving people to live a comfortable life. Fat is the root cause of many other diseases related to heart, blood, mind etc. In Foods are good friends if taken properly but in case if it is taken in disturbed way then they are good enemy also for us. Foods are source of energy but in case when taken in excess then generate fats in body which in turn give rise to different types of diseases. fat burning foods Here in this article I am providing details about which food burn fats and thus is helpful for every one who want to burn fat naturally. Read carefully so that you may take the maximum benefits of this article. You don't have to pay to read this article. This is free so use it without any hesitation. Some Fruits Which Helps to Burn Fat: Bananas are natu...

Ring To Reduce Fat

Fat loss Ring of Kathir, Reduce fat with Kathir ring, magical ring to reduce fat, easy way to reduce fat, astrology ring to reduce fat, ways to reduce cholesterol. Many times questions related to loose weight is asked from me like as how to reduce fat through astrology ways, is there any easy method to loose weight. Fat or obesity is very dangerous for health, it is the root cause of many chronic diseases. So it is better to do something soon to reduce fat. There are many types of program run by different experts to reduce fat. But here in this article i am going to share the easiest astrology way to reduce fat. There is a special ring which is made by ranga and if it is worn on auspicious day then it shows a magical effects in fat reducing. But it should be made very carefully. Purity must be taken while making this ring. fat loss ring of rangha Benefit of ranga ring also known as Kathir ki angoothi: It reduces fat. It helps to make digestion ok.  It help...

EBOLA Free Encyclopaedia

What is ebola, History of ebola Virus, symptoms of EBOLA disease, where ebola virus came from, tips to save ourselves from dangerous diseases, how to live a healthy life.  Now a days we are listening about Ebola virus which is one of the dangerous and life taking disease. Now it become necessary to understand this disease to save our self and to live a healthy life. Here in this article of you are going to know about this epidemic diseases. Do read and also tell other to read about this deadly power. EBOLA Free Encyclopaedia History of Ebola: It is actually diagnosed in the year 1976 in the West Africa first, near the Ebola river and so it is named EBOLA. The virus of this disease seems like a moulded thread. Fruits eating bats are taken as the root cause of this disease i.e. it is actually the disease happens in bats and gradually it has captured the human-beings.  How This Virus Spreads? It must be remembered that ebola virus disease spreads...

Obesity Reasons and Remedies

Obesity Reasons and Remedies, Disadvantages of Obesity ?, How Astrology Help to get rid of it, How To Reduce Weight?, Astrologer for Health problems remedies. O besity is the mother of many diseases, and it is the rapidly growing problem of this fast food world. Not only elders but children are also suffering from obesity now a days. Now the question is why obesity takes place? what are the reason of obesity? and how to reduce weight? Obesity Reasons and Remedies Live a Healthy Life | Enjoy It completely Excess Weight of body and continuously increasing of weight is called obesity. Fat increases in the body very much which leads to obesity and many diseases. Reasons Of obesity : Irregularity of Meal : High calorie food are the main reason of obesity, Fast food is another important factor. Normal person needs 1500 to 2100 calorie but due to taste we take 3000 to 4000 calorie food. due to this the excess calorie get deposited in the body in the form of fats and...

Constipation Reasons and Remedies

What is Constipation ?, Reasons of Constipation, Effects of constipation, How To free from constipation?, Free tips to over come from constipation, How Astrology Help in constipation, houses of kundli responsible for constipation Astrologer for health problems analysis and remedies. Constipation Reasons and Remedies Constipation is the most rapidly growing problem of this world.In every family we can find the patient of constipation. Constipation problem includes the problem related to indigestion of food. Constipation | Reasons | Remedies Stomach is a miraculous store room gifted by god to us. Most of the chemical reaction to keep the body healthy takes place here. Stomach is also the root cause of many complicated diseases too. If we take food when we are hungry then digestive system the food is digested and the required elements are absorbed from the food and keep the body fit, but when excess food is taken or improper food is taken then it leads to constipation...

Headache Reasons and Remedies

Headache reasons and Remedies, types of headache, astrology reasons of headache, solutions through astrology and alternative medicines, tips to over come from headache,  Astrologer for perfect solutions of health problems. Generally everyone has headache some times in life. Many has the problem of headache daily but don't know the reasons. Headache Reasons and Remedies Important Points About Headache: 75% have headache for a moment. 50% struggles with serious headache. 25% face the serious headache again and again. 12% has migraine problem. 4% are suffering from daily headache problem. Types of Headache: Headache Due to Tension:  This is the most common type of headache and is due to tension and due to keep the neck in a single position for long time. The Remedy of this headache is easy and don't need to go to doctor always. Migraine: This is also a type of headache which harasses a person regularly after a certain interval. This may be d...